Part 100: Sentimental Centennial – mk2

January 9, 2018

Lunar, Lime, Reon



The Big Celebration

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Hello! I’m /u/ReonMonterus, with me are /u/Limerickarcher and /u/LunarNeedle, and we are here to bring you Part 100 of the CBR! We’re so excited that you have stuck with us this far and hope that you continue to enjoy the CBR. There is still plenty of exciting events to come, many of which are in this expanded part, which has come in at a grand total of 125 slides and a full 30 turns! In this, the centennial part of the CBR MkII, we should take a moment to look back at days long gone. This civball map of the world from part 6 shows how many fallen civs we have lost, and how far some of our current contenders have come. With nations like Korea and Sweden coming up from behind to live as long and be as powerful as they are shows that in a game like this, anything can happen!
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Hello, this is /u/Limerickarcher or Lime as I’m more commonly known. I’ll be narrating this first batch of slides, before passing the baton to another comrade. Let’s get started with the Power Rankings! The Boers stay at the top for another week, will they ever be deposed from their throne?
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Another beautiful map from /u/Spherical_Melon, be sure to pore over all the finer details and familiarize yourself before we get started!
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Bordergore heaven!
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Alright enough introduction, let’s get this party started! What better way than with the capture of Yerevan, the Armenian capital. Content with their capital in hand, Sibir leaves Armenia to rot in the poor 4 tile city of Gaza which doesn’t even appear to have a Courthouse, so much for justice. I suspect this is the last we’ll see of Tiridates until a nearby civ decides to absorb the warmonger penalty. Perhaps the Boers could add it to their new collection of cities in the Middle East, I count 3 new ones in this shot already. Also, as a disclaimer. When I make predictions they are purely how I would view this part as a first time reader, there are no hidden spoilers so I wouldn’t bother over analyzing my outlandish claims. Coiot‘s Note: Armenia #1
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Not much has changed here in the Sweden-Iceland war, both sides seem to have a large crop of new recruits so I suspect the flippy-floppy will go on for a while. In other news, why in the world do the Boers have so many units in the Black Sea? Further, at least 8 of those air units are missiles!? Are they nuking Vietnam from all the way up there?
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Rejykavík flips twice and Sweden keeps Cologne. I would wager Cologne is permanently theirs now based on the wide expanse of neon green in the way (although there is a singular line of workers that could act as an avenue).
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Brazilian units seem to be preventing any land attack on Keflavik, and the Iceland navy appears large and intimidating enough to scare off any Inuit attacks. Speaking of that navy, St. Louis appears like it might flip, I see some nearby melee units. 7: number of Inuit settlers on this slide. 1: number of potential settling spots (southern tip of Nova Scotia, currently occupied by a Brazilian paratrooper).
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Mongolian, Korean, Kimberley, Blackfoot and Brazilian units all watch as Australia and Vietnam continue to beat their heads against each other in futility. Rugby anyone?
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We return to South India where Vietnam reclaims Trincomalee from the Boers, although it may be short-lived considering there are a couple Boer units sitting on the doorstep. There may also be the potential for a Sri Lankan snipe, a couple eagle-eyed observers noticed Sri Lanka denounced Vietnam last part.
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The Boers continue to repopulate the Middle East, as a couple more cities are shown off here. Kruger appears to be getting friendly with every civ on the cylinder, as I spot open borders or trading with Sri Lanka, Hawaii, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and the Boers. Don’t worry, a couple tweaks are made in the future to correct this friendly behavior. Also of interest is the conga line of 10 boats floating in a row on the Red Sea, all oriented in exactly the same direction. Coincidence? I think not.
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Sweden retakes Constantinople in their last gasp attempt to secure as many cities as possible before the encroaching wave of Brazilian troops overtakes their troops.
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Well so much for my claims about Cologne being unequivocally Swedish. It’s also curious to note how many Swedish cities have been nuked to oblivion: Hamburg, Oslo and Berlin are all obvious examples but I’m sure others have also tasted the nuclear rain.
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A look at the Swedish core reveals some of Gustavus’ idiocy: 10 settlers and not hardly any land military to fight their ongoing wars. At least they settled a new city? (Jönköping)
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Part 100 is surely the cause for the sub’s golden age, but eh who cares let’s get to the new WAR!!!
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Or not. Yet. Which idiot culled these slides? Oh wait, it was me. :D But actually, I think this slide is quite interesting because it shows that not only are the Inuit willing to send their massive navy far and away (whereas the Boers are more homebodies), but also the Inuit have much better naval biases, their fleet consists predominantly of Arsenal Ships, which are significantly stronger than the Boer alternative of Cybersubs. Coiot‘s Note: Glaciers sometimes do go adrift.
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Onto the war! At first glance Sibir appears to outnumber Sweden but then you realize it’s mostly workers and the weaker Robot Infantry. As if to accentuate that detail, Sweden quickly spins around and captures Gothenburg while they deal massive damage to Moscow, Antioch, Jyvaskyla and Vaasa.
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The trend continues up north where Tampere, Linköping and Long Xuyen all fall into the red from an aerial barrage while every single Swedish city in this slide remains untouched. What are you doing Kuchum?
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Gustavus’ fleet starts pouring out of the northern seas, descending on Jyväskylä and Akrofuom without any Siberian resistance. This is the perfect chance for an AI naval showcase! C’mon Gustavus, you’ve already proved you can perfectly pull off the land blitzkrieg!
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Bye bye Messene. Never fear, Ingólfur has already prepared by wisely building a settler in Sparta. Genius move, better hope it doesn’t get nuked to oblivion again.
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Flip. Flop. The best city (find it in eastern Britain) takes some scattered damage from stray Swedish aircraft.
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A Brazilian cybersub bravely enters the DMZ, hoping to slip unnoticed below the constant firing above them as the Lion of the North and his brother, the Aristocratic Wolf, blast missiles at each other at a high velocity. Note: Ingólfur translates to Aristocratic Wolf, if you were wondering.
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Australia regains a foothold on the mainland again with the capturing of Panduranga. As we’ve seen in other parts of the world, peacekeepers are causing Vietnamese generals extreme consternation as they carpet South East Asia.
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Come in? We’ve briefly gotten ahold of a communications arrkrsssttzzz Get us out of this frozen hellhofiiisssszzzzz... POP (a small explosion can be heard) Mao shall live foreverrrrrr.
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Vietnam takes Panduranga back, but Australia’s still the pestilence that won’t go away, capturing Thi Li Bi Nai. Kimberley peacekeepers stand by and watch the war go on.
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The Boers’ expansive front of biotroopers stares at the Himalayas; most of them appear fortified as they contemplate how to scale the mountains. While they’re thinking, a Robot Infantry captures Balkh for the Kruger War Machine and Vietnam retakes Peshawar. It appears Peshawar flipped offscreen a couple times, as they’re down quite a bit of population since we saw them last.
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Gustavus captures Vaasa but judging by the Mechanized Artillery and Biotroopers I wouldn’t hold out a whole lot of hope.
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Awwww how cute! It’s Gaza! They have 5 tiles now! 12 Citizens! And not only are they so developed, they’re obviously quite willing to spread their culture of cuteness with the rest of the world judging by the 4 specialists in the Guilds! Awww, Armenia. :)
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Yeah you read the notification right: apparently the Boers aren’t so chummy with everyone on the cylinder. In all seriousness, a Boer-Sibir war would cause tons of damage, the two share a wide border and could potentially lead to a Boer escapade into Asia proper? Intriguing...
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A Siberian convoy stumbles into the Middle East, quietly sneaking behind the Swedish guard to hop the river into Hebron. Befuddled, Swedish units stand and stare and produce more settlers. The same tactics also appear to work in Tigranocerta, as the city falls to Sibir. Also in the northern corner, Iceland retakes Constantinople from Sweden. Hah, I bet you forgot that war is still being fought.
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Gothenburg turns grey again while Vaasa flips twice and joins the 1 pop city club. Sweden has a whole bunch of units down south, I think Sibir might’ve bitten off more than they can chew. Sure they’re winning in city counts, but I’m not sure how long that’s going to last. In the bottom left corner of this slide, the new city of Sundsvall makes an appearance. It was actually founded a couple turns ago, but we get our first real shot of its terrible positioning between two mountains.
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In the north, Gustavus makes a strong push through a bunch of weak cities, claiming Stalingrad and Kuopio, seemingly permanently based on the paucity of nearby military units.
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Goodbye Tegea. You will be immediately forgotten and replaced by another Swedish settler. The only debate now is which settler will make it to the prime spot first. Coiot‘s Note: Sparta‘s lasting legacy will soon only be Dvin at this rate.
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Constantinople and Gothenburg switch back to Sweden.
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Perhaps in retribution for the brutal citadelling of Kazan and Almarikh Genghis Khan denounces Kuchum Khan. I’m pretty sure all of Sibir’s neighbors have either denounced them or are at war, yet somehow the old grey menace holds on.
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The Boers found Kupartiya only for it to be immediately flattened by the Vietnamese Air Force. Boer Biotroopers are still wondering how to climb mountains. Here’s a hint: start. Or go around.
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4 cities flip in this war. All of them are now at 1 population. Will someone just throw a nuke and get them out of here! They’re ruined shells! Surely no one lives there anymore?
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Thank goodness, finally the cylinder understands the plight of seals. They’ve been carted around like some luxury, forced to perform beachball tricks and act as the dumb animal in many an American movie. It’s good to see the world begin to care about the nature they live in and thrive off of. Wait? What was that? Record high levels of radiation around the nation? Impending doom? But. Seals?
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In other news, the Boers and Vietnam come to terms, as Vietnam decides to forfeit a pile of cities for peace, including the useless one tile island named Ambon. Funny enough it happens to control a singular tile on the coast of South-East Asia, causing many a mapmaker to tear their hair out at the continued border gore.
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We pan north where Vietnam has finally struck back against the Australian menace, retaking Hai Phong and Bien Hoa. Perhaps they’ll have the chance to completely expel Parkes now that the Trung Sisters are finished being stomped all over by Kruger.
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Speaking of getting stomped on, Kruger somehow receives the massive city of Lahor while Vietnam keeps the useless Peshawar. But wait, there’s more.
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Yup, the Boers also received Lahore... Coiot‘s Note: Lovely way to bookend your conquests.
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Trincomalee, Polonnaruwa, Vavunya, Kalumnai, Galle, Colombo, Pathen and Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte in the peace deal. That’s 10 cities, in which a grand total of 105,023,000 citizens are living. For reference, in that peace deal Kruger received an entire Sweden, 2 Finlands and 2 Armenias in the form of citizens.
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The Brazilian carpet continues to expand at an alarming rate, overtaking France and most of Germany now. Speaking of Germany, Iceland sneaks around and takes the city of Hamburg.
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The Iceland-Inuit showdown ends with about as much flair as it was fought, not a whole lot. The Inuit come away with 4 more cities to add to their snowy collection, but there wasn’t any massive collapse of Iceland as was predicted.
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Ah, the terms of peace become more clear: Iceland is sending ridiculous amounts of gold to Inuit for the Inuit to do approximately nothing with.
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As a final parting shot we get a view of the other Inuit-Iceland front that’s been closed off for now. With that, my time with you has come to a close, it’s been a pleasure to narrate, please keep on reading though, it only gets better! Make sure to watch out for the ridiculously large DC coming out on Friday, and visit the Info Sheet! It’s almost completely up to date, and if you’re interested in making sure it stays there please PM me, I’m open to more help! Au revoir!
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Hello! I’m /u/ReonMonterus and I will be your guide for these next few slides of the part. As the war between the Inuit and Iceland closes, the other front with the perennial underdog Sweden slowly becomes more and more clogged up with Brazilian vacationers. It seems like it will be difficult for either party to make any more headway here.
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From one peacekeeper clogged front to another, we shift to Aus v Nam where it looks like Blackfoot and Kimberley peacekeepers are making it difficult for Australia to advance.
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We shift back to Europe for the next turn where we can see the brutal methods of the Swedish Air Force at work. Interestingly, they choose to reduce cities to zero HP before moving to the next. A lone Australian Robot Infantry stands near Malmo (and real world Denmark) watching the effects on the Brazilian vacationers on the front and transmitting it directly back to Henry Parkes supercomputer center for analysis.
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Looking at a clearer front now, between Sweden and Sibir, we can see Sweden has finally achieved tech parity with it’s snowbound counterpart, at least when it comes to biotroopers. It seems Sweden is favoring an attack on Stalingrad while Sibir is looking to take Akrofuom.
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The party on the sub slows down for a bit as our most recent golden age ends. Babylonians are passed out in the hallways, sleeping by the light of monitors displaying the constant destruction going on around them. They will not sleep long however as there is still much more to come.
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Vietnam pushes forward in the north, isolating Rach Gia and potentially cutting it off from Aussie reinforcements. The vast Korean navy looks on from near Seoul. Whether they are sleeping or plotting, no one is really sure. Coiot‘s Note: No one indeed.
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Northern Anatolia sits in Sibir hands while Iceland holds Constantinople, the ever flipped former capital of the Byzantines. A Sibirian expeditionary force pushes in towards Gothenburg and Antioch, and you can see the Brazilian vacationers start to spill in from the left.
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Moving north, the Swedes are making a move on Moscow, hoping to take back the former USSR capital and destroy whatever air unit is currently stored there. A significant Sibir worker army stands at the ready to repair improvements as the front moves forward, restoring services and amenities to the few remaining citizens in the area.
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One of our spies gives us a look into the Mongolian city of Dalandzadgad where Mongolia seems to be building an implant clinic. It is of debatable usefulness considering it adds 1 Gold and 1 Hammer for each 4 Citizens, meaning it will add 2 Gold and 2 Hammers to this, a 9 citizen city. It is still growing however, which is good for Mongolia as it, in its entirety, contains a similar number of citizens as the Hawaiian city state.
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Panning back south, we can see the no man‘s land between Vietnam and Australia in southeast Asia. Some units are attempting to make the crossing but it is unlikely that any shall live. You can, of course, see the notification on screen…
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That’s right, someone finally decided to put the hurt on the Kimberley. Here we can see the forward operating bases that will be used to station air units to fight the war. Recently gained from Vietnam in a peace deal, these cities are still not even out of resistance yet.
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While the large number of Kimberley troops stocked up in Vietnam will most likely prove useful in fighting Kruger, the Kimberley navy is also quite large and spread out, although seemingly lacking in any melee units.
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Panning back to Eastern Europe, we can see that the Swedish push on Moscow has been defeated, but the push for Stalingrad continues, with a carrier stationed offshore providing air cover for the advancing troops.
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Looking over Greece, we can see that the bordergore is strong here, with Sibir and Boer exclaves bordering strange one tile wide claims by Sweden and Iceland. Hopefully someone can come along and clean this up, although with Brazilian vacationers streaming in from the west, it may be some time before this front will see any action again.
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On to the next turn as we can see that Sweden’s push for Stalingrad was successful, although the city is surrounded by Sibir units looking to take it back. In a surprise move it looks like Sweden was able to pick up Moscow as well, at least for the moment. Sibir units have advanced into the Swedish interior, almost reaching Minsk. A Boer carrier sits in a lake near Tampere, it’s captain wondering how he got stuck with this assignment. How could he have angered Kruger so bad that he would strand a carrier on a lake far from home just to punish him?
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This area’s return to peace was short lived as Kimberley paratroopers drop in looking to cause as much damage to Kruger as possible and prevent him from moving troops via this route to take Kimberley cities. The paratroopers find it difficult to fight against the highly advanced biotroopers of the Boers however.
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Weak, recently taken cities are another matter entirely. Surrounding both Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte and Pathien, Kimberley forces move to take the cities and free them from Skynet’s control. The Trung Sisters look on from afar, wishing their southern neighbor the best in capturing these former cities of theirs, but most likely secretly plotting to grab them back in some future conflict with the Kimberley.
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A Boer invasion force moves towards the Kimberley capital of Wulungarra. At 49 pop, a city flip of Wulungarra would be one of the most devastating single population losses of the cylinder to date. On the flip side, the Kimberley have bombed Middleburg down to almost zero health. If they can move a melee unit up, they could reasonably flip the city and put some hurt on Kruger, at least in this small part of his vast empire.
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Moving back to Asia, we can see the push to cut off Rach Gia is holding, although the city has taken no damage as of yet. In the south, robot infantry and mobile SAMs face off against each other, trying to grind the front in their favor.
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Looking further south, Pandragura is held by Australia. At low health and with a Vietnamese mobile SAM moving in, it may soon be green and red once again. We can also see at the bottom of the picture the city of Ambon. Given to the Boers in the peace deal with Vietnam, the Kimberley have capitalized on its exclave status and picked it up.
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Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte falls! (Hello Dawkinzz!) The Kimberley well outnumber the Boers on this front at the moment so it would not be surprising to see Pathien fall as well. Kimberley cybersubs also move in to sink the Boer navy around Colombo, the former capital of Sri Lanka. Coiot‘s Note: The red tide is a thing of beauty.
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Constantinople and Ohrid fall back into Swedish hands, and a small force of biotroopers push towards Tigranocerta, which is currently undefended and at zero health. More north, we can see several Sibir troops making a sea crossing to take Antioch.
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A brief look at the recently Boer city of Trincomalee shows that almost all of the buildings were destroyed by Vietnam before retreating. With only 1 pop at the moment, the city is currently working hard to rebuild it’s harbor and re-establish its connection to the sea.
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A look back and the Australia Vietnam front shows that Australia has managed to push in and take Thi Li Bi Nai. Unless the unit hiding behind the nearby carrier is a melee unit, Vietnam will have a tough time recovering it due to all the Kimberley units in the way.
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The Aussies also break through at Bien Hoa and re-establish a path to Rach Gia. With Brazilian and Blackfoot units in the area, it will be hard for Vietnam to push through to recapture these cities as well.
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Moving west, it seems the inevitable has happened and Pathien has fallen to the Kimberley as well. So bold they are in their strategy that they have landed troops outside Galle, even though the city has not yet been damaged.
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Moscow falls back to Sibir, and they pick up Tampere as well. This front is insanely back and forth with each civ pushing the other back almost every other turn, but looking at the number of Swedish units near the front on this slide compared to the number of Sibirian ones, it may be that Gustavus’ time has come to an end.
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The turns keep coming this part as we pan back to SE Asia where Vietnam has managed to navigate a path through all the peacekeepers to take both Thi Li Bi Nai and Pandragura. Somehow in the process however an Aussie biotrooper managed to slip through and take Amaravati. With no reinforcements however it seems the city will quickly fall back to Vietnam.
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Back on the Sweden Sibir front we can see that either Tigranocerta flipped twice or the Swedish attack was bombed out by air units. They have managed to flip Jyvaskyla however, although with a robot infantry right outside, it may not be for long.
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In the north, Vaasa and Akrofuom also fall, pushing the line even farther west than before. It does look like Sweden has materialized another army out of nowhere however and seems to be primed to push the line back again.
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We arrive at my last slide for the part, a lovely look at the current attitudes each civ has towards each other. The toggles are set to focus on Hostile and Guarded to avoid the giant green mess that Friendly brings. We can see double red lines between most of the active wars, as expected, but more interestingly is the red/orange combo between the Blackfoot and Hawaii. Could this lead to us pressing F for Hawaii soon? And what does the orange line between Vietnam and Sri Lanka foretell? You’ll just have to read more to find out!
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At the very least it represent potentially fun for Sibir and Korea… oh wait, yeah. Mongolia’s in the way… At least we’ll trade the super strategic valuable cities in the arctic, yeah! Amga, your time is up! And Reon’s time was up; so that just leaves me, LunarNeedle, alone to narrate the rest. Now I would grovel over being alone, but I do believe I have the best portion available, so let’s continue! After all, isn’t the most impactful punch is the punch that knocks someone down.
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After the Shock and Awe campaign, it seems like the front has relatively stabilized. Swedish weaker units in greater numbers square off against Sibirian better units of smaller numbers in the relatively flat land of eastern Europe. In the European theater, we can very easily see flips; and with nuclear devastation no doubt emitting from the nuke happy Sibir, we could be seeing many cities from this slide alone disappearing from the continued chaos. Expect Vaasa to ignite with the flames of war.
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While it seems like Sweden is choked here, don’t fret. For the same problem that allowed Australia and Brazil to cloak the world is in effect here, and considering their neighbours aren’t likely to have Open Borders, it will likely flood to the Eastern front. However, it seems pretty unlikely as the requirement for that to happen is a garrison in each city and almost every city here is lacking a garrison. Come on Gustavus, I switched my flair for you. Either clear open borders and abuse the relocation bug Firaxis oh so generously provided you. Side Note: What in the world Brazil? Drone UAVs? Come on Brazil, if you’re going to carpet. Carpet right… Yep, that’s the only alarming thing here… The only thing...
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An Australian paratrooper sits in the demilitarized husk of the two major powers, staring down each others with planes and dreams, allowing the coast of Sweden to be slowly but surely occupied by… the Brazillian navy? Like come on game, upon the reboot you had absolutely no navy and now you have a navy so large it’s capable of looking like a defensive force on the exact opposite side of the cylinder. What are you planning Pedro? What will happen when the Green Curtain falls?
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Everyone’s favorite vacation home gets visited by the Boers who still seem determined to take every single city they can reach. It doesn’t seem likely this city will flip more than once but due to the wonders in the Boer’s possession and the palty forces accumulating in the vacation home, I expect millions if not billions of people to erupt once the city flip and not much more. Bunker down vacationers, we promise the Boer Ryk will be swift, sudden and far more stable than in the hands of the Kimberley. And hey, according to the brochere they dropped on you, you’ll be getting free iPads, so that’s cool! For real though, can anyone here actually estimate how many people would be lost if the city lost a third of its population? I guess we’ll have to wait for the inevitable won’t we?
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Brazil, you done it! Being controlled by Kamehameha, Brazil’s peacekeepers succeeded at another mission forcing a warfront that could’ve been exciting to a boring standstill. Sweden ends up holding Constantinople and maintaining many of it’s fronts while it seems that Iceland is losing ground on all fronts; and this isn’t factoring in the amount of citadels flooding the hollowed out city of Cologne. It’s unlikely with the Brazilian menace nearby that this front will amount to anything but disappointment, so use this time to bolster your cities and bolster your airforce to acceptable numbers and see me after class.
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And yet Sweden thought that it was worth giving 347GPT for the victory. I understand the carriers are really really scary, but is it worth giving gold to your enemy when you could use that gold to summon another army eastward. If Mk3 ends up using the Community Patch AI, then we’ll be seeing less of this, which both makes me saddened and excited for whatever the future of the Battle Royale entails. Mostly saddened, because just look at the background of this slide. Seriously. Look!
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A Brazillian and a Blackfoot Paratrooper walk into a bar. They stay there for thousands of years. The end. In other less humiliating news, it appears Iceland gots friends from high places, namely the Boers, Australia, Brazil, Inuit and… pretty much everyone. It seems like the AI changes make them more aggressive yes, but it seems they also make them aggressively friendly, as I’ve never seen this many nations actively reject a Civilization embargo. Ingolfur, you diplomatic master, teach me your secrets.
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And Wullungarra falls costing the city only 2 citizens in the flip. Considering how heavily populated that city was; it was saved. Wulungarra might still be the world largest city and now thanks to Boer’s heavenly protection, it might grow to be healthier and stronger than it ever was. Pictured is a small navy fighting the encroaching Boer army. Remember, this army has SkyNet on it’s side, so even an evenly matched army wouldn’t fair. Also, whatever happened to the AI between the reboot really helped out carriers, as more planes than ever are filling carriers. I can see at least two in the top left alone. Go get ‘em Kruger, show ‘em how it’s done.
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After briefly cleaning my mouth out with a combination of soap and bleach from hearing myself congratulating the Boers, we look elsewhere to see Lahore owned and in firm grip as Kimberley amusing stage a attack on the Indian city. Vietnam, please issue an immediate emergency, as Lahore is mere cities away from your capital and is probably in nuke range. I’d be very careful indeed. When the Boer hammer falls again, it might be too late. That is, unless Brazil does it first.
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Huh. Hebron was traded in the peace deal, that’s pretty neat and serves as an amazing nestegg for planes to come bearing down on Tigranocerta and potentially Constantinople. It’s also protected by Boer territory which has ballooned out of control, even owning tiles in the Black Sea which hosts an empty… carrier… okay, how did that get there? Are we seeing unit teleportation on a naval scale. In fact, yes, we are as there is no way a unit got lodged in the lake just north of Varna. And the planes just off Adrianople. This teleporting has gone out of hand. Has Big Carrier gone too far? Coiot‘s Note: Hebron sure looks Sibir Grey to me.
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Without the Boer machine, Vietnam can move it’s vastly superior units through the Blackfoot and Kimberley unit maze and capture the zero health city of Vigan. With how this war is looking and the units visible in the screenshot, I might draw the new battleline off Vigan and at Cebu. If Parkes wants to hold his South Eastern holdings for long, he should jettison from this war pronto and maintain the ever valuable beachhead he sacrificed millions of Diggers for.
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Oh Kimberley. You could’ve done something great but the Boer moved next door. I don’t see the life for Sri Lanka being that good either, as Boer’s are infamous in the reboot for devouring all smaller weaker Civilizations. Buccaneers, you better tech up before the Boer gets you.
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Oh lord, the Boer’s got a navy!? Yakanarra and Djarndjin better be spooked, because Boer is coming for their really useless and strategically devoid cities. Oh noooooo...
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This might look like a clever act of war, but judging from the types and health of the units, it’s actually an act of friendship. This disgusting act of friendship also coincides with… The Buccaneer sponsored Big Carrier World Tour™ crossing the nation, making it’s stop in all the famous locations such as the inaugural Port Royal, our lovely voice narrators favorite Jyvaskyla and now another classic such as Goolarabooloo Millibinyari. To attend just navigate through the local totally friendly Brazilian carpet. Attend now and you won’t miss the lecture from Ghandi on the New Type of Warfare™ being introduced in his latest variant of How to Fight Wars Good! Attend now!
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This might look like a clever act of war, but judging from the types and health of the units, it’s actually an act of friendship. This disgusting act of friendship also coincides with... The Buccaneer sponsored Big Carrier World Tour™ crossing the nation, making it’s stop in all the famous locations such as the inaugural Port Royal, our lovely voice narrators favorite Jyvaskyla and now another classic such as Goolarabooloo Millibinyari. To attend just navigate through the local totally friendly Brazilian carpet. Attend now and you won’t miss the lecture from Ghandi on the New Type of Warfare™ being introduced in his latest variant of How to Fight Wars Good! Attend now!

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Speaking of ‘that’ city, the front in Northern Sweden seems to be pushing deeper. People kept on counting Sweden out but it seems that their tendency to fight when down has netted them the ability to stay alive. But at what cost? Europe is in shambles and now the Boer is done with Vietnam; a sweep of grey over this area better happen else a sweep of green or orange will come in its place. Gustavus, your life might already be over, so enjoy the small victories while they exist. Right now it seems evenly matched, so anything from randomly selected promotions to who went down Honor farther will determine the victor. It’s anyone’s game and I don’t think we’ll stop seeing damaged Sweden cities for many parts to come.
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Brazil is like long hair. Impossible to maintain, just grows everywhere it can and clumps every drain it can find. In this case it’s blocking every unit from being produced. I wouldn’t be surprised if Korea couldn’t do much of anything due to the amount of units. For now build an Opera House and wait Korea and then fill your land else irrelevance is in your future.
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I think even the Boer’s knew it as right on their front is a huge amount of Brazilian army seemingly waiting. A Brazilian paratrooper confirms that there is open borders, so then why isn’t he clumping up in here as well. Why wait on the border with a huge military and not attack? Maybe he’s heading to visit his bro’s in central Africa. How ironic would it be for Boer’s to kill Kimberley, a nation without it’s original capital while it loses its capital and main continent in ten turns? I would be laughing, that’s for sure.
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Something troubling this war for all parties is the fact that every land tile is occupied by Brazilian units, almost forcing Iceland to actually build navy or infrastructure. Could we see a carpet of actually useful units fill these waters for the inevitable war? Judging from the armies of subs and few melee units, that’s quite unlikely.
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How…? Just how?! Wait. The Barbarian carrier went rogue from Buccaneers passive and is actually threatening an assault on Keflavik? Was this the same carrier? Why didn’t anyone attack? Maybe it’s because they are all carriers and embarked units. Nevertheless, while a war with the Inuit has ended, Iceland shall never see the end of war. Coiot‘s Note: That carrier is just a loan avoiding delinquent to Big Carrier.
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Blackfoot is kind of insane with their military. They might be outdated, but their mountainous terrain and flood of units and airforce is amazing. It might lack the stopping power, but it’s flooding everywhere and eventually they’ll tech up. In regards to the famous Biotrooper sightings confirmed to have not been placed by us and tech they don’t have, I’m almost certain Inuit has given up and is gifting their military to Blackfoot. In actuality, their player didn’t want to play so before DCing gifted all their units to their best bud Blackfoot. Honestly, for the sake of a relevant America, I hope that’s the case. A Blackfoot nation would be far far superior to an Inuit one is all but food in the snow cities; but as we can prove with Sibir, even a nation without biases for those tiles can still thrive. #WayOfTheBuffalo
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Nestorian is founded in the gap that is Catholicism. For the sake of this religion, I hope an Inquisitor is bought pronto else we‘ll see this flame burn bright. It’s also a terrible move as now they possess a religion that no one else has. I think you guys should glance down to your keyboard and think of F, because now with this modifier I think it’s coming. Kekkonen, you bold man you!
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Unrelated focus of what’s inside, I think Vietnam better escape and now or else they’ll be trapped in a wall of boerders. Thankfully, there’s no melee unit visible in the slightest, so the duration that this will be surrounded from all sides should be plenty long. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it took so long that by the time that cities flipped, Brazil or Vietnam would gobble them up in front of them.
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Holy. There’s so much information here. Namely the fact that they want a lot of oil and pretty bad. From sending a lot of stuff to the former rival Finland to giving a truckload of nanomaterials to the Boer army, there’s so much individual stuff there. What amuses me if that they sent Coal to the Boers, who probably needs them to build factories like mad in the new Middle Eastern holdings.
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This amuses me to no degree but my favorite is that there giving majority of their uranium supply to the Boer’s and the Inuit. Memory serves they have roughly 16 Uranium in those lands that I personally placed, so dang. I guess they really don’t need their supplies yet, as they think nothing bad will happen to them… right?
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Mongolian tea is sailing world wide as it goes to local micro powers such as Kimberley and Hawaii. They’re importing every luxury possible as well as Uranium from the Australians and the Kimberley. What are you planning Genghis? Also amusing is the fact they’re asking for specifically one oil from Vietnam for which they bought it with gold it seems like. I imagine they’re the kind of people who would ask for one Skittle at a party. Humble little man Genghis is.
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“There’s nothing in the world you can’t buy with enough oil!” quoth a man screaming off his rocker in a Boer suburb as he witnesses the fact that the Kimberley is delivering 27 oil world wide, including 10 alone to Sweden as well as giving off 10 Uranium. Just how are they getting all of those resources and wouldn’t they be useful in clearing incoming armies.
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Compared to others, the trade history of Henry Parkes is rather Spartan, only receiving for a bit of oil from Exclavia and giving the same amount from the Boer core. They seem definitely spartan, but the Furs he got from Mongolia were worth their weight in Uranium.
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Boer apparently dislike Vietnam still and Sibir meanwhile Korea and Sibir aren’t best buds at the moment. Vietnam is looking to rip the Sri Lankan stain off the map to either pretty their lands or to grant relevance to them before the non-relevance paradox opens a hole in space and time killing us all. Smart move. Blackfoot wants to probably kill Hawaii for the same reason, I’m certain. However, unfortunate to my original prediction, it seems like Brazil doesn’t care about any empires and only cares about it’s square miles of Paratroopers it will no doubt create.
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And right when I make that joke, Brazil just has to go and make me shove my foot in my mouth. Thanks Brazil. Australia and Brazil seem to now hate each other, which makes sense. They’re both Green and with the eventual destruction of Vietnam they need to prove who is best. A war here would be… well, laughable. They’ll be exiled to Townsville faster than the opening of Fairly Odd Parents.
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Uhm… guys? This is… good right? I mean, two of the world powers are denouncing each other is good right? War is good right? Will this game be ended by the New Type of Warfare™… Nope, this is actually hype. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the hammer dropped although this declaration means little for the open borders agreement the empires have. Once it expires though, it seems increasingly unlikely that a war will not happen between these two empires. I think Brazil is ready but are we ready for the outcome? Coiot‘s Note: Forgie‘s Law.
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I repeat, are you ready for the outcome? Sibir is the farthest away from Brazil but even then the entirety of Boer core is now stuffed. A war would see the most amount of units and population death pretty much in the entire game history combined. It would be glorious, so there’s that. This overflow has effectively halted the taking of Hebron by the ever brave Sibir worker and maintains the iron grip that Sibir has on Yerevan. My only thought right now is what’s going on through Krugers mind as his continent becomes overrun.
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Meanwhile in a sane spot of the world not dominated by Brazil’s obsurd navy, we see the front pushing every so farther back as the battle goes to Leningrad and Kharkov. We’ve seen so much chaos since this part started but how much farther will it go? How much is enough? Meanwhile Leningrad, taking after it’s original owner has become a city of the workers staging celebrations on the East side of the town.
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Gaza strong! For real, it’s actually pretty up there. Producing over 184 science in this city is no joke and containing all the National Wonders (and soon to be Ironworks) means a lot for this cities growth. The random tile of border gore also provides a hefty ten gold. It amazes me how strong this city can be. For instance, a game in modern era had my 46 population capital produce a whopping 222 science, This was with a lot of science buildings and great people improvements. To be fair that had 292 production, but that’s incredibly impressive nonetheless!
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Blackfoot declare war on… Kimberley? I mean yeah, sure, but all you’re doing is hurting each other’s chances at victory. Still could see some units trading blows and freeing up spots for Vietnam to regrow, so it’s useful for someone I guess. Still a very puzzling choice.
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With the convention over, the Kimberley carrier fleet retreat for more pressing concerns. Perhaps their former capital that was taken or maybe their cities in the red, burning alive awaiting a sweet death. It seems everyone hates on the Kimberley right now.
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Here we see our competitors. While they’re both compressed by major empires, it’s obvious who is on top. If this was a land battle, it would be over and Blackfoot would easily be the superior empire. But from this distance, it’s hard to see a single city flipping, especially with peacekeepers in the way.
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Kimberley Aboriginals still have things going for them, namely the 81000 gold in their treasury which actually as we found out is good for rebuilding military, they could defend off all combatants here, especially with the paltry melee force being tossed their way by the Boers. It’ll be interesting to see who will or will not own Kimberley’s holdings. Something tells me neither combatant will have a chance.
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Such as Vietnam, who if they declare war would have far more damage. I could see them flipping the empire to their satellite states in less than one part of turns.
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Let’s not forget Brazil! From the rafters comes Dom “The Judge” Pedro, slamming down hard on Pathen in front of the Boer’s like a display of grandeur. Oh Kimberley, I don’t know what you did to make the world hate you, but I imagine it’s the same forces at play that is keeping the Sri Lankan Non-Relevance Paradox in full effect. Pedro, you could’ve doomed the sub with your actions. Let’s just hope your judgement is soon and quick, for the sake of our sub.
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Really Gustavus? All the units available to you and you bring out your artillery to Kouvola. For shame. Oh wait, it’s a peace deal between them both? It seems like Gustavus isn’t happy enough with most of Europe being in shambles but is dedicated on bringing the chaos further east. I really am not surprised. Both of these empires are barren and need the sheer amount of workers between them just to keep working. With Future World improvements becoming the norm, it appears that right now focusing on upgrading might be for the best, as well as repairing the no doubt dozen of pillaged luxuries in the area. I see four sources of dyes smoking alone in this screenshot.
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While we look upon in horror at the sheer amount of units in Sweden’s german holdings, we can see the true heavyweight attacking Jandamarra. It’s not even close in almost all regards, and the 800k treasury means that while Jandamarra can buy a small fleet, Brazil can raise the ocean. This will be an uphill battle that’s only reliant on the stream of units flooding in from all directions quantity, and direction. Godspeed Jandamarra.
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...Godspeed… If you can live versus the Boer and Brazil, then you’re immortal and has ascended past the mortal realm and into the realm of god. Do go ahead and ascend soon, Reon is bored of being the only god in the building.
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Boer’s population once more is ridiculous and as the peace deal is exchanged, it seems that Vietnam is just getting worse and worse. Also, please note how much Mongolia has seemed to improve despite the absolutely terrible conditions inside his empire, actually managing a doubling of his population throughout this part. He needs to get internal trade routes going and bad. Speaking of bad, Buccaneers despite being a coastal empire is growing slower than expected. He does know that internal trade routes with Cargo Ships can keep a flatland Desert city afloat right? Oh wait, it’s the AI. I don’t think he knows anything. Keep on drinking Morgan.
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Ha. Sri Lanka has less population than Hawaii and almost as much as the Kimberly. Holy. Good job, island man!
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Boer’s really have benefited from this war, gaining a lot more hammers over the course of it than any empire really should. From Egypt to India, they’ve come far and will be rewarded. Sibir is spent and Sweden is as well, their only two potential competition that isn’t Brazil. As much as I hate to say it, but only Brazil has a chance of stopping them, and I don’t rest my laurels on anything Australian being positive.
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Buccaneers, like holy. Please remember Buccaneers are all coastal. Possessing that amount of hammers is actually pretty insane. Ocean tiles can, at best contain 2 hammers per one worked and cannot gain any other improvements, so to see this much hammers is insane. I wonder if maybe the AI was favoured to building Workshops and other improvements on land and that’s why they are suffering. Imagine if they could use this and actually declare war on Inui-... actually no, maybe they could declare war on… actually no… not Brazil. Well then, keep on keeping on Buccaneers, maybe you’ll make your eventual death a little bit harder for Brazil, Inuit or the almighty warmonger Armenia.
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Alas, our wondrous calculations of the wonderful wonders in possession makes me wonder how long other wonders are considered wonders. I mean, once you create an Oracle, it doesn’t mean that much after the social policy, right? Still doesn’t stop me from building it every single game, that’s for sure.
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Nothing much to note here other than the Swedish and Brazil containing a pathetically low amount of wonders. People are thinking Brazil could crush this game and they have the least amount of wonders at all. They don’t even have a religion. This is just proof that those who just wonder rush all day long don’t often come out on top. Especially when someone else can take it from you with absolute ease like the Boer Ryk can manage. Also, Babylon doesn’t have a single wonder? Nonsense, we have 10000+ wonders! Our audience. Damn that sounded cheesy, I do apologize.
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Nothing much to note here other than the Swedish and Brazil containing a pathetically low amount of wonders. People are thinking Brazil could crush this game and they have the least amount of wonders at all. They don’t even have a religion. This is just proof that those who just wonder rush all day long don’t often come out on top. Especially when someone else can take it from you with absolute ease like the Boer Ryk can manage. Also, Babylon doesn’t have a single wonder? Nonsense, we have 10000+ wonders! Our audience. Damn that sounded cheesy, I do apologize.
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In this slide, we a tough divide with three powerful religions. Arianism in Ciudad Juarez. Catholicism in Tokyo and Lutheranism in Addis Ababa. So many dead Civilization capitals with beautiful strong religions...
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Everyone: You know, we were originally going to all narrate every slide at the same time, and as a joke in every slide my narration would be “Lunar is typing” and that’s it, but we scrapped the idea, mainly because it was a joke. However, looking up at the near 4000 words I dumped, I think I need to stay away from the keyboard not only for my sake, but yours. Oh yeah, and Dawkinzz… Jyvaskyla. For real though, thanks for keeping around with us and thanks dearly for being who you are. You’ve been exactly what has fueled us to work through sleepless nights and what has fueled us to pull money out of our pocket to keep this show running. The future of the CBR will nevertheless be exciting and we hope everyone enjoys the ride! Till next album and next Tuesday, keep sane sub-goers. /u/Limerickarcher, /r/ReonMonterus and /u/LunarNeedle out!