Part 34: Snowdown at High Noon... – mk2

February 12, 2016



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Hello, and welcome back to the /r/civ Battle Royale! I hope you are all having a nice day. Today‘s host, is moi, /u/tonystone2001, your friendly neighborhood mod of /r/civbattleroyale. Now that the psuedo-pleasantries are out of the way let‘s dive right in. I‘m damn excited for this one.
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Big shout out to both /u/SylonL and /u/LacsiraxAriscal, for both creating and continuing to improve this lovely map. Be sure to admire it, or perhaps maybe cry tears of joy and happiness.
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This slide details the relevant wars, so keep this graphic handy if you‘re ever in need of a reference. Credits to /u/ kingPhilip4 for this one
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And with special thanks to our very own Power Rankings squad and /u/AlbinosRideDinos, our final preamble slide shows us the civs that are thriving and the civs that are the closest to kicking that extremely entertaining proverbial bucket. On with the show!
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Here we can see that the Champa and Burma have made peace. The map shows that the Champanese city of Simhapura is besieged by the elite Nirvana Navy. This purple paradise may soon change its shade.
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The Vietnamese blockade of the freedom tile continues to hold,. while Australia sends a cannon and rifleman towards Kyoto, while a caravel circles around ready for a quick recapture if needed. Meanwhile Kimberly has a Trireme circling around the wounded city, it smells the blood.
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As we can see a large yellow stream of water borne invaders from both the South and North are making headways into the Snorwegian coastal waters, with Oslo already blockaded. The main Swedish troops are pouring in from the North and West, with Stavanger already damaged. Unless if this Northern war ends soon, Snorway‘s lack of land units will prove to be its downfall.
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Portugal, ever lazy, has lost a lot of land near Cologne for it to nap in. The Swedes must be feeling ornery to dare provoke the great sleeping giant of Europe. Sweden better be careful, Portugal has two galleass and Lancer at ready to defend the city. Although one of those Naus may be useful to recapture it.
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As you can see, the Bucs are attacking Leiria quite adeptly, although Portugal has sent a great musician out to combat the fleet, perhaps by sinking it with its power chords. Meanwhile, Lizzy and her trebuchet wander Carthaginian wastes.
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The Sibir continue to capture Soviet cities with the fall of Morelia. As you can see from Leningrad‘s 0 HP, Siberian Airways is both very effective and fast.
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On a mysterious continent called South America, an endless war continue. However, with the Inca lagging behind in tech, those mountains may no longer be impenetrable.
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The battle for Washington, and the battle of New York continues. However, Canada has more troops, and Lincoln doesn‘t understand you can‘t capture a city without a melee unit. Reports from the World Congress show that Historical Landmarks has passed. May the Canadians can designate the ruins of Washington as one.
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The defenders of Xigaze are dug in, and will fight to the end, but the Trung sisters cannons may prove too much, even for the mountain stronghold of Tibet.
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Bam, Simpahura is the newest addition to Sri Lanka’s empire.With Champa only having a badly wounded privateer near by, I don‘t see this city flipping back anytime soon. Will this city help if Wobobobobbogogogong Armada comes knocking at their door? The answer is no.
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Mexico appears to be the fourth nation in North America to get Artillery, ahead of only Texas and the Blackfoot. Texas tries to funnel troops from Unkpatina towards Mdewakantonwan, but it‘s a rather narrow funnel.
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The Snorwegian Navy at Tromso is being decimated by Swedish Regal Ship, being a frigate replacement that has +20 Combat Strength in coastal tiles, and that heals nearby land units +10 Hp per turn, things aren‘t looking good for Snoreway. If any of you live in Tromso, be sure to tell us how life is under your new Swedish overlords.
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Leningrad, a city that in real life survived a siege of 872 days, falls to a Siberian Lancer. The combat bonus that Lancers have against cities rely just adds insult to injury. I feel that Stalin may be getting sent to the gulag soon.
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Out of nowhere Morocco declares war on the sleeping giant of Iberia. Portugal has the tech and navy advantage however, and Morocco just embarked a large amount of their units. Ahmad al-Mansur must be smoking Hashish.
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As some of you may have seen on the previous slide, Ethiopia has declared war on Arabia! Kufah looks like it may fall, although the Arabian core cities are likely safe, protected by both the Red Sea and more Caravels than I can count.
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The Texan navy is still standing strong against the Bucs, with the Texans even stealing the Buccaneer unique unit. The Bucs aren‘t going to crack this nut anytime soon, and if the Texans go on the offensive, things may go badly for both parties.
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The Siege of Stavanger continues, Snorway may be holding strong for now, but Sweden has far more men, and far more ships. The great naval battle for Oslo continues, with casualties on both sides.
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Blitzkrieged by stronk Soviet troops, both Leningrad and Morelia are back in Stalin’s hands. The real question here however, is for how long? Also, the artillery support for the Last Roman Legion seems to be lost in the desert.
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Stavanger continues to lose health, while Swedish troops seem to be bypass it to attack the capital, this is a risky maneuver, and could ultimately lead to their defeat.
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What remains of Stalin’s Arctic colonies are desperately holding on against two incredible forces of nature, the cold of the Arctic wind, and the Siberians.
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Against my expectation, Arabia has not only successfully defended against Ethiopia, but is on the offensive, and the walls of Kufah are still standing strong.
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Blackbeard himself is leading the attack on Leiria. With the scourge of the Caribbean leading the attack, the city is soon to fall. Lazy Portugal is getting pressured on both sides, and may have to trade another city to get a peace deal out of this.
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Iceland better watch out, Maori must be looking to expand its power in the Atlantic. Plus this look at Oceania shows that if Australia wanted to, New Zealand could be crushed like a stinkbug. And it won‘t smell nice.
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Simhapura is at zero health, but with only one Champanese melee naval unit in the area, and with the Nirvana Navy surrounding it, it‘s unlikely to flip.
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Sparta continues to attack Rome, and with reinforcements on the way, it‘s likely to fall. With the capture of Rome, Sparta will be in the lead for capitals.
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Hawaii decided to adopt the Autocracy Ideology, while an Inuit submarine looks on. No big surprise here due to the massive ideology pressure that Australia has created. Plus, you can see the tip of the Wobobobobgogogong Armada jutting out in the South.
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I feel this will be the last slide in which Leiria is controlled by Portugal.With only one Portuguese naval melee unit in the area, it seems likely to stay that way.
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Morelia has been recaptured, and it appears to stay that way. In bigger news however, the Soviet-Armenia war has finally ended, with them getting Yervantashnat in the peace deal.
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Napoleon has just entered the Industrial Era, if they want a piece of the sweet Portuguese pie, now would be a good time to strike. Cologne, the thorn in France’s neck could finally be removed.
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Braga is at nearly half health, and the Portuguese are still pushing towards. Was giving Braga to Morocco Portugal‘s plan all along? Perhaps for the glory of being able to capture and liberate it.
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The Maori and Kimberly continue to fight in the Coral Sea, with Australian Diggers blocking naval moments. Kimberly though, appears to have the upper hand. Meanwhile, Arabia and The Abuyyyyyyids have made peace, turning the Middle East into a happy conflict free zone.
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Washington has almost fallen, and with a Canadian Privater nearby, things aren‘t looking good for Lincoln. New York isn‘t likely to fall back into American hands, and the great red flow from the North continues to slowly advance into the heartlands of America.
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(Listen to Sabaton -Hearts of Iron while reading this)The Texan forces are too far spread to do any real damage, and the Blackfoot are encircling and crushing the Texans, who are fleeing across the lake back to Unkpatina, many units are dying in the funnel deathtrap.
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The frozen Inuit holdings in Northern Canada are standing strong. With Infantry, Planes, and Battleships, without a doubt, the Inuit are ready to win it. The most technologically advanced civ in North America won‘t go down without a fight.
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Leiria has been taken by The Bucs, up next is Lisbon. Chilean naval forces are in the area , for nefarious unknown purposes. Braga continues to lose health with Morocco trying to reinforce it.
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Washington has flipped back into Canadian hands, and I feel it might be time to play “Taps” for Lincoln and The Union. Albany looks relatively well protected however, and it may take a few more turns.
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Kimberly and Maori make peace, and the Coral sea is no longer running red with blood. Kimberly might have had a superior amount of units, but Pukekura would have been very hard to take, and the Maori have submarines.
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The Blackfoot have made peace with Canada, getting the sweet 1 population city of Itazipcho out of it. I find it odd that Canada would make peace due to their tech advantage, but perhaps they did not wish to fight a two front war.
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Stavanger doesn‘t look like it will hold out much longer, and troops are pushing towards Oslo. I don‘t think Snorway is going to last much longer.
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Alongside with a nice shot of the Icelandic Core, we can see that the Inuit has declared war on the the mighty Icelandic empire. Although. the Inuit have far more technologically advanced units, navigating their way around Icy chokepoints may seems somewhat difficult. No matter! The prospect of a war over Greenland makes me warm at night, and not just because I wet the bed on occasion.
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Out of nowhere, Simhapura has been taken back by the Champa. With only one Sri Lankan naval melee unit in the area, I don‘t think the Nirvana Navy is going to take this city back.
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The Australian Antarctic colonies are longer strong and well defended. Tamworth looks lovely this time of year.
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The brave captains of the two Moroccan Caravels are fighting against a horde of ships. Their sacrifice will be taught to all Moroccan schoolchildren.
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Stavanger is taking, Bergen is blockaded, and Oslo is taking damage. Snorway won‘t be around much longer, at least I don‘t believe so.
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The Buccaneers are pushing towards Dallas, and the Black Flags are destroying the Texan Navy. The Bucs are doing far better than I would think.
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Stalin may be down, but he isn‘t out yet. With the recapture of Morelia he shows that the Soviets would far rather be ashes than dust. The Sibir are still pushing into the motherland however. Meanwhile, a Hunnic worker is taking a swim.
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The Champa and Sri Lanka have made peace, with the only thing lost being thousands of lives.
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Carthage has finally arrived into the industrial age, while still incredibly obsolete, they are far more advanced than the sofas to the South.
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After long years of Moroccan occupation, Braga is finally back in Portuguese hands. Meanwhile, Morocco seems to have gotten their UU, the Berber Cavalry. This will be useful for defending their homeland from the Boers.
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The second civ to get planes in the Americas is Brazil. They are rapidly gaining a tech lead, and will without a doubt be the most technologically advanced civ in South America.
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Hiroshima is at 0 HP, with the Yakutian melee units moving in. Also, Yakutia has Great War Infantry, compared to the Inuits regular Infantry. If another winter war happens, the Inuit may have an advantage.
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The Blackfoot have entered the Modern Era, good for The Blackfoot. Meanwhile, they have also made peace with Texas, also good for The Blackfoot.
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Lincoln retakes Washington, a city that I expect will flip multiple times, until complete Canadian competition is at hand, or America makes peace.
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The Sibir have opened up a new front on the northern part of Stalin’s empire, with a Kharkov. Once again however, the burnt out ruins of Morelia have flipped back to the Sibir.
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Sparta constructs the largest middle finger the world has seen, with a beautifully placed citadel outside of Mantinea. This will really put the squeeze on Rome, and on Portugal as a whole.
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I‘ll take that back about the Spartan middle finger, Yakutia has constructed one far bigger. This is really going to make the Yakutian-Korean Border far uglier looking.
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Xigaze has been taken by Vietnam, cutting of the Tibetan northern cities from Lhasa. Tibet needs to to take Xigaze back, or it‘s going to be hard to defend the northern cities, or for them to defend Lhasa.#FreeTibet2016.
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Rest in peace Hawaii, a soon as Yakutia crosses the vast Pacific ocean, Hawaii is going to get destroyed.
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Hawaii, likely unnerved by Yakutia’s declaration of war, receives another declaration of War with Sri Lanka. This could be a relevant war, if it wasn‘t for the 2.97 square million freedom miles that is Australia blocking them.
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Canada is sending some rifleman down south, perhaps the Canadian backdoor squad was sent to take Boston.
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The epic battle of Green versus Red has finally begun, with Australia declaring war on Canada. If only Canada had some coastal cities on the Pacific coast, this could be a problem.
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Oslo doesn‘t seem likely to hold out much longer, and Europe’s favorite turtle, Snorway, may soon be losing their capital city. However, the Swedes don‘t have a lot of melee units nearby, so they might last a few more turns.
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Texas has appeared to lower its horns and successfully fend of the Buccaneer invasion. Dallas appears safe for the moment, and the Bucs are being pushed back out of the gulf, and towards the Caribbean.
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Morelia is about to be retaken, and Kharkov has been taken. In other news however, Mexico has declared war on Hawaii. Hawaiian Baja will likely soon be in Mexican hands.
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Waipahu is blockaded, although the many Hawaiian ships nearby may prevent Mexico from taking it for some time.
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The beautiful Em is being sent to Helsinki, and dank Semiramis is being sent to the elephant capital of the world, Carthage.
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The spy slides shows that Napoleon may want to gain some North African colonies, and i‘m sure with a spy in Finland, lots of information from the great white snake of the north will revealed.
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The Inuit has sent the Ice Fleet Sheet down south and decide to attack Canada! With a tech advantage, specifically planes, this could go very badly for Canada.
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Yakutian Great War Infantry is knocking on the gates of Hiroshima. This city could fall shortly, thus shrinking Japan even further.
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We end this exciting part with the infoaddict information. The Boers are leading in population quite substantially compared to second or third place.
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The Nazis are obviously last, due to lack of cities, and also Nazis.
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Australlia, due to the Wobobgwobogogobogfong Armada, are in first in Military ranking, but surprisingly Mongolia is fourth.
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Unsurprisingly, England and the Zulu are tied for last.
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In a shocking turn of events, the Inuit edge out both Australia and the Boers in number of cities.
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Siberia, well known for its large diamond and metal mines, is leading in production.
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The Boers lead in tech, with Korea and the Inuit being only two techs behind.
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Obviously the Romans are last, due to being dead.
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The religious map shows that unsurprisingly Judaism is still strong throughout Europe and the Middle East.
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p>I have been /u/tonystone2001, and I hoped you all enjoyed this part of /r/civ battle royale! Credits for the loser club go to /u/Jru247