Part 46: The Land of Opportunity – mk2

March 27, 2016



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Welcome to Part 46 of the /r/civ Battle Royale! I am /u/IamaScaleneTriangle, your narrator for this installment. When we left-off last time, Norway had finally been obliterated by Sweden, the Maori had paid dearly for their nuclear attack on Australia, and Lincoln had been resurrected by Henry Morgan, of all characters!
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As always, we have our beautiful city map, by u/Malssistra and u/LasciraxAriscal; thanks as always for making this!
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The highest ranking from Part 45 went to the Inuit, unmatched in military prowess, who are currently in a two-front war (of their own declaration) with their biggest adversaries yet: the Buccaneers, themselves in a war with Brazil, and Yakutia, who are also at war with the Sibir. Read the full list from America to the Inuit here:
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A tattered American flag is lowered outside of the Albany state house, while a silent crowd watches the crew of the Buccaneer corsair “The Liberator” marched at pistol-point into the town square. They are swiftly and forcibly “perished from this Earth”. Too many tears have been shed on Lincoln‘s behalf, but for a brief moment, the world was shown an example of liberation and hope; a way out of this endless war. But alas, “a house divided against itself cannot stand”. He walks away “slowly, but never [looks] backward”. While the Inuit have “put their feet in the right place and stood firm”, Dallas is in the red after bombardment from a Buccaneer battleship and corsairs.
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Spartan forces barely hold Rome while bombarded by Carthaginian frigates and super-annoying 'great' music, while Carthage retakes Bilbais after its Spartan capture last part. However, this may be their downfall, as it opens-up a massive front through which Ethiopian forces can press their advantage.
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Te Rauparaha of the Maori has staged a massive evacuation effort, moving the fleet out of range of Australian bombers. An infantryman tries his best to hold back the Australian advance long enough to embark the last workers, hesitant to leave their home isles.
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As Spartan ships sail down the Egyptian coast, and Ethiopian artillery batteries surround Cairo, the Great Prophet takes a moment of solitude in a pasture by the mouth of the Nile. He thinks about what might have been. Was this not once a place of peace and prosperity? Did he not once wander through the citrus plantations at Saladin‘s side, advising him against his Science Advisor‘s incessant calls for efficiency? Was the Ayyubid dynasty not once a power that was feared and respected? 'Not really', he remembers. Fun parties though.
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The UN assembles, unanimously deciding that Kuchum Khan of the Sibir is too goddamn enormous and multicultural to have open trade with. At Sintra, the Roman ballista measures himself up to his hero, a Sibirian artillery battery. How cool would it be to be able to besiege a city three tiles away? Man, if only the legion were here to see this. So cool.
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Finland uses all of its votes to make sure Arabia is embargoed. Isn‘t it nice that all of these votes are unanimous? It must mean that everybody is getting along swimmingly, right?... Right? Arabia refuses to let Batticaloa flourish, but Finland reinforces it nonetheless.
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The Maori have declared war on the Mughals, as if they don‘t have enough on their hands right now. My guess is that just seeing yellow on green sends Te Rauparaha (Maori) into a mindless rage. More to the point, we‘re finally seeing the fruits of centuries of effort, as Sri Lankan troops break through the line at Fatehpur Sikri. They can finally fall on the Mughal strongholds at Gaur and Agra without being constantly halted by the hilly terrain. And with Lahore firmly in hand they can begin to move their columns through the eastern jungles towards Gyantse. Finnish troops are beginning to outnumber Afghani ones, and their technological superiority is stark. Something rings a bell about troops flooding into Afghanistan a few years after a war in the Arab Gulf. Now what am I thinking of? Talk about a head-scratcher.
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Taking a deep view into Inuit territory, we capture Inuit innovation in one image. Major props to the Inuit for their ability to flourish in an icy, mountainous archipelago. On the left we see their truly unique improvement, the Inuksuk, while on the right we see their currently unique technological advantage, the Communications Array, which generates extra gold. That alongside the futuristic Industrial Complex improvement, also spotted in the Boer heartlands.
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The rainforest is no longer dominated by the sounds of life, but the grinding machinery of death. Artillery batteries pound Buccaneer-held cities all along the Northern front, bringing them down to zero health. Great war infantry trudging through the jungle cheer as they glimpse gunship squadrons shooting by above the canopy, en route to engage the pirate scourge from the air. The technologically-superior pirates are content to wait for reinforcements in the shelled-out husks of cities such as Machu and Fortaleza. But they really wish some workers would get around to constructing a rum distillery.
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While the evacuation continues, with caravels heading northeast towards the new capital, one Maori worker refuses to leave the uranium deposits undefended. His nation could be trusted with the responsibility of nuclear weapons: but what of these brutal Aussies? Absolutely not. He cannot leave. In the background, Sparta recaptures its North African colony of Olympia, and makes progress in the Mediterranean, capturing the Carthaginian city of Arretium in Sicily.
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Here we can see Australia‘s new polynesian holdings, including the enormous city of Hingikaka. The main concentration of troops is around the highly-radioactive airbase of Whanganui, which has fighters and bombers on the runway along with their Great War predecessors. A hop away is the Fuck-You named, formerly Maori city of 'NukeYouHow?'.
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Australia appears to be keeping quite a grudge, systematically dismantling the few ships the Maori still have in the Mid-Pacific theatre. In the east, we can see Mexican machine guns and artillery have dropped the Blackfoot city of A‘Aninin to zero health. As privateers hone in on the city, a great artist embarks to get a better angle for what will surely be his greatest work.
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In Kamchatka, two giants fight for control of the Peninsula. Yakutia recaptures its coastal city of Isit and the Inuit Taloyoak, while battleships hammer Ikaliktutiak; Inuit ground troops try to navigate the mountain pass from Pangnirtung. In the (relative) south, a Yakutian helicopter gunship leads a large regiment across the strait towards Wotjulum. Sendai, as ever, looks ripe for the taking. The terrified crew of a Finnish frigate just try and blend-in with the ice up north. I guess it‘s fish soup again tonight...
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With Ekeuhnick of the Inuit largely distracted by the Yakutian front, a small contingent of Buccaneer ships can make a big difference, cutting the Inuit off from the Gulf of Mexico. With a single Inuit melee unit and no air forces in sight, there may not be an immediate threat of these cities flipping. It is evident that the Inuit have opened their borders to Mexico and trade routes are passing back-and-forth, suggesting that Mexico is not acutely threatened by the warmongering White Walkers. Yet.
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An industrial complex outside Nhang Hong proves that Korea has researched Robotics. Sejong (of Korea)‘s border with the Vietnamese could be overrun in moments after their current peace treaty expires. Given the battalions of bazookas on the Vietnamese side of the demilitarized zone, that appears to be exactly the plan. Where is the Korean defence?
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Henry Morgan (of the Buccaneers) completes the Manhattan Project, with plenty of uranium lying around the Caribbean.* But will he be able to tech-up fast enough to use it before the Inuit regroup? Already, Dallas has fallen back to the Inuit, putting my prediction skills into disrepute... *This should be the plot of the next Jack Sparrow movie
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Carthaginian troops sally-forth from Gades and Hippo Regius to reclaim Olympia, with an impressive front of cannon, but lose Bilbais to Ethiopia in the process. Meanwhile, Sparta has taken the city of Antium from Carthage, and has continued to hold on to Rome, further cementing their position as masters of the Mediterranean.
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The Mexicans are unable to claim A‘aninin, despite furious sketching and presumably aggressive Jackson Pollock imitations from their artists along the front lines. They have been able to take the Ahahpitape and Mdewakantonwan, the last of the Great Plain cities. Now they must either find a way to strike by sea, or be forced to navigate the treacherous mountain passes of the Rockies. Their third route is across Inuit territory in the North, which is a route attempted by ranged units only, apparently.
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As the 472nd Lancer Corps of Sri Lanka summit the last hilltop, they look across the plains of Madhya Pradesh and give thanks. This is the moment their forefathers worked for: the imminent conquest of Agra. But while Sri Lankan flags are becoming visible on the horizon, our agent in Helsinki reports that the Mughals need to watch more than their southern borders. Finnish troops in neighboring Afghanistan have finally caught a glimpse of the ripe Mughal plantations, devoid of guards, and they like what they see.
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'Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!' Columns of smoke rise on the Great Plains. A Mexican general coordinating the northern passage rubs what surely must be ashes off his face. Passing his binoculars to his assistant, he asks for confirmation. What is happening at Mdewakantonwan? As the smoke clears, is is evident that a Blackfoot diplomatic party is returning to Siksikawa, leaving none other than Sitting Bull of the Sioux, liberated, in control of his traditional heartland. America truly is the land of opportunity (and quick, heartless death, but let me ‘murica for a second): “It is through this mysterious power that we too have our being, and we therefore yield to our neighbors, even to our animal neighbors, the same right as ourselves to inhabit this vast land.”
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As Olympia flips for the Bilma-th time (Mk. I joke, people), we see Carthage in crisis, as most of their Mediterranean holdings have been taken by Sparta, with the last, Panormus, soon to fall. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia cements his hold on Bilbais, and looks towards Hippo Regius. Although Hannibal of Carthage has rallied an impressive last defense, in the end it‘s a game of rifles and cannon against Great War infantry and artillery. On the Egyptian coast, an Indonesian scout takes his turn in that wistful pasture by the Nile.
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As a Korean submarine records intelligence reports on the Buccaneer navy, I encourage you to flick back to the previous slide and then back to this one. All of the players in the Mediterranean, except for the Buccaneers, are still in an age of wooden ships, and are completely technologically eclipsed by the naval power of the Black Fleet. If (or when) Henry Morgan of the Buccaneers decides to claim the Strait of Gibraltar from Morocco, all southern Europeans should be worried. In this slide we can also see some of the last Norwegian refugees attempting the Atlantic crossing. France is present.
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Sendai and Wolotjum are Yakutian, but the Ice Sheet Fleet is regrouping on the other side of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Control of the canal city of Igloolik will be a major decider of the outcome of this conflict. Inuit bombing raids are savaging the cities of Taloyoak and Ikaluktutiak: not long ago Inuit cities themselves. At Verkhoyansky, engineers of legendary status repair the Yakutian fleet while keeping a massive air force in operation.
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As Mdewakantonwan slowly recovers, let‘s take a moment to recognize how diplomatically savvy Crowfoot (of the Blackfoot) was in his liberation of the Sioux nation. By liberating Sitting Bull, he has the allegiance of a neighbour: even if they are a powerless one, he has one less flank to worry about for a while. But by liberating the city of Mdewakantonwan in particular, Mexican invaders now have to either take the long northern crossing (which relies on continued good relations with the warmongering Inuit) or the snaking, slow mountain passes through the Rockies. It‘s also worth re-emphasizing here that no-one has an edge on the Inuit. They are simply around because the Inuit are busy trying to eliminate some one else.
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The Persians end a not-very-relevant war with the Mughals, right as the Arabs get started. Arabia refuses to let Batticaloa flourish under Finnish occupation, but that hasn‘t stopped them reinforcing the city from across the Gulf of Oman. The Arab army isn‘t looking too shabby, though. They‘ve even upgraded a few troops to infantry. If they actually chose to invade a neighbor such as Armenia, or maybe even Persia, they could make themselves the key player in the Middle East.
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To the ire of the lancer corps in the North, politicians in Colombo met with a Mughal delegation and signed a peace treaty, just as Agra was within striking distance. They were so close! Sri Lanka keeps its current holdings, including Fatehpur Sikri which will boost its ability to strike North when the time comes again. The Mughal‘s loss of Lahore keeps them permanently separated from their third city of Gyantse, and most likely permanently places them into the '3 or fewer cities' club.
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As an astrophysicist (who is currently neglecting his work in order to narrate) and an ardent Boer supporter, this slide brings me great joy. The Boers have completed the Hubble Space Telescope! Surely Paul Kruger (of the Boers) will use his extra great scientist point and two great scientists to increase knowledge of the cosmos, instead of supplementing his already powerful military machinery? It is interesting to note that the Boer air force is almost entirely concentrated in the southern half of the nation, suggesting non-aggression with their Northern neighbors. Completion of the HST also means that the Boers have researched Satellites, so they can now see the entire map. Who will look the most ripe for the taking?
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The fact that the Boer navy sports Advanced Destroyers and they have built the Enrichment Center also tells us that the Boers have completed Particle Physics (and therefore Lasers and Robotics). This allows them some flexibility going forward in the tech tree. They are also fielding Mechanized Infantry, so they may be capable of researching the internet. Will they too start a Battle Royale (en Koninklijk Strijd)? Will a young Boer astrophysicist narrate that one, too? Do they know what Pangolins are?
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We‘ll take a quick intermission to check-in on the worldwide economic situation. Australia and Sibir are rolling in the dough, and this is largely a who‘s-who of the current leading nations in the Battle Royale. It‘s interesting to see Sweden so high up on the list, especially above more advanced nations such as Vietnam, the Boers and the Buccaneers. However, it‘s unclear how correlated any of these numbers are to true success - money is made to be spent!
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... But then again, spent responsibly. Here we see the nations in debt, but Burmese, Zulu and Ashanti coffers (read: eliminated nations!) are better-off than living nations such as Champa and Carthage (note in the background that Olympia is again Carthaginian). And ouch, the Mughals are at negative 44 million. Maybe they had to pay big for that peace deal. In the background, Texas and the Mali declare war on them. No wonder they‘re atheists.
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The beautiful, if quite empty Swedish core. I guess fewer troops to pay might be a nice economic boost. But while I spy a few aluminum ships, the Swedes are quite clearly outclassed by the Icelandic fleet and the Finnish paramilitary. With Boer peacekeeping troops flooding the Spartan front, their options are to beef-up, or push into French or Soviet territory, both of which would be very easy targets. Meanwhile, the UN prepares to deliberate on the first(?) global luxury ban. Will it unanimously pass like all the other resolutions seem to? And who will it hurt the most? Outside of Warsaw, a cross-border recital of Soviet anthems is attended by Swedish infantry.
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Despite the diplomatic bonus from their liberation of the Sioux, the Blackfoot still face the prospect of trade embargo. Their city of A‘aninin remains a shelled-out husk, but it‘s THEIR shelled out husk, thank you very much. Mexican troops have begun to navigate the Rockies, but Blackfoot cannon are on every hill and in every gorge...
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Leonidas of Sparta concentrates his efforts on the capital, losing his chance to recapture Olympia to the Ethiopians. With Panormous at half health and Carthage and Carthago Nova under siege, it‘s really not looking good for Hannibal.
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Not at all bitter about the sudden peace deal, Sri Lankan scientists have quickly learned how to fissure the atom and unleash death of massive proportion in their completion of the Manhattan Project.
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Who can guess what Te Rauparaha (of the Maori) is thinking, a world away from his ancestral home? It is now completely overrun by Australian forces, and will never return to him. Uxmal was once Mayan and Laredo Texan. Truly they are a government in exile. Disgruntled, they begin to build traditional Pa‘s to reminisce about land lost.
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The legacy of the Maori is starkly felt on the Australian continent. Bleary-eyed citizens wander the half-empty boulevards quietly. The buildings are repaired, and Diggers are stationed in every direction outside the city limits. But in the day, smoke still rises from the uranium mines, as local workers remain superstitious of the place. And in the night, the mountains still glow, ominously, not allowing the Australians to forget.
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A glance at the shuriken-shaped nation/city-state of Tibet. The ancient stronghold, surrounded by great musicians, will soon face a new threat: with the rise of helicopters and paramilitary units, the mountains will no longer afford their old protection.
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Since their domination of Argentina (with a lot of Brazilian assistance), Chile‘s forces appear to have thinned, which - wait - look at those city sizes! This place is almost entirely mountain: where are they getting all that food? Do they just eat fish all day? Are the local marine wildlife renowned for their aphrodisiacal qualities? Seriously, Copiapo is a two-tile island, and is bigger than Sparta, which gets an extra citizen per city capture! And Santiago De Chile and Talca? Actually surrounded by mountains. I‘m very impressed. Nice going Chileans, you do you. Which they apparently are, since they ain‘t opening their borders to no-one.
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Despite inferior numbers and a difficult resupply route, the Buccaneers have successfully repelled the Brazilian gunship raids, allowing them to capture Teresina, bring Manaus down to red and besiege Recife, bringing the font dangerously close to Salvador, the center of production for northern Brazil. With a troublingly thin core and damaged front, Brazilian military leadership is proving atrocious. As Pedro II (of Brazil) is the great grandson of Maria I (of Portugal), perhaps it just runs in the family.
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In a citadel outside the veritable fortress city of Atebubu, a new kind of soldier looks over the hills to the columns of smoke that surround Mampong, a city legendary for its resistance to foreign invaders. Will it some day fall into the hands of it‘s rightful owners, the glorious Boer Riyk?
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GO GO POWER RANGERRRS! In all seriousness, the new kind of soldier is a Power Armor infantry, which is an small (+15 strength) upgrade of Mechanized Infantry and confirms that the Boers have completed research into Nanomaterials.
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Everyone‘s favourite spy, Agent Em, tells us that Halie Selassie (of Ethiopia) is planning an invasion across the Gulf of Aden into Arabia, and also has his sights beyond Carthage and into Mali. Semiramis shows that the Sibirians are busy working to probe the secret power of the atomic nucleus, and are considering densely-populated Finland as a possible test-site.* At first glance, Recruit Ishtar‘s information isn‘t nearly as juicy as the other two, but remember, Urho Kekkonen (of the Finns) has successfully captured two cities a continent away from the rest of his nation (although he was not able to hold Gaza), so it‘s impossible to count-out an invasion from a distance. *Side note: with all these nuclear tests happening all over the world, the atmosphere must be extremely irradiated and crops, wildlife and public health in general are probably not doing so great right now.
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Leaving the espionage overview, we see that Goethe has taken a break from Faust to report to the Babylonians on global military power. The Boers, at peace for many centuries now, have accumulated a terrifying military strength, as evidenced by their troops overflowing into (*ahem* peacekeeping in *ahem*) Europe and even Yakutia. At least in terms of raw numbers, a war on the steppes between the Sibir and Finland would be about evenly matched. Henry Parkes of Australia and Ekeuhnick of the Inuit have paid quite dearly for dominance in their respective theaters, with troop counts nearly equal to that of a clearly revitalized Vietnam. It‘s exciting to see the Koreans so high up on the list, but if the Trung Sisters chose to invade, Sejong better hope that his troops have mettle. I can‘t tell who is in 9th place, but if it isn‘t Tygyn Darkhan of Yakutia, they better be worried.
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The bottom of the list is just the membership of Club Loser. In the background, note the Boer Power Armor unit above Tagea: the Boers aren‘t just upgrading old units (which they can only do in their territory), but actively producing more worldwide 'peacekeepers'.
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Using advanced Babylonian technology, our agents are spirited away to worldwide locations. Em and Semiramis will report from both sides of the surely-imminent conflict by the Yellow Sea, while Ishtar heads to the opulent, empty nation of Sweden, where he will surely enjoy daily meals of caviar with the three other Swedes in town.
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The battle for A‘aninin remains a stalemate. The Sioux have produced their first units in centuries: humble workers, who cross the plains repairing the old citadels and pillaged pastures. They may be without opportunity, but perhaps the Sioux can endeavour to remain happy, and thankful for their resurrection. Perhaps they can be content to tend to their camps, and till their fields.
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In the background of the previous slide we saw poor Taloyoak flip into Yakutian hands once again. Here we see the other side of the story, with the Inuit retaking the entire Kamchatka Peninsula. Yakutian foces are looking especially thin compared to the Inuit forces amassed around Igloolik...
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... but then again, so are the Inuit heartlands. Futuristic communication arrays and industrial complexes abound in the icy north, creating wealth and production for the citizens of the most powerful nation on the globe. However, ground/melee troops are few in number.
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Peace comes to South America, and quite clearly on Buccaneer terms. Judging by the relative lack of damage, Recife was probably handed to the pirates as part of the deal, with Brazil keeping Teresina. This war was the world‘s best chance to stop the Buccaneers‘ global expansion, and Pedro II (of Brazil) totally dropped the ball. Hopefully, now that Brazil is not at war with any neighbors, they can use this time to regroup, reform and find a way to retake their northern cities. On the other hand, the Buccaneers have proven themselves time and again to be shrewd diplomats and powerful admirals, and can no longer be written-off as anything but a global power. Their gains in South America will finally grant them a contiguous land base to train large numbers of ground troops for the Black Fleet to escort anywhere in the world. Offscreen, the Texan/Inuit/Pirate city of Gonzales is now in Buccaneer hands.
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Not much has changed on this front since the beginning of the part. Chilean backdoor squads look hungrily at the Albany coastline. How ripe it was for the taking during the brief resurrection of Lincoln! The lost opportunity tastes bitter on their sea-salted lips.
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The Spartans have broken through the Carthaginian lines, capturing Panormus, and push towards Carthage. Carthaginians are relegated to their continental holdings, with Spartan frigates pounding Gades and Carthage from the coast, and Ethiopian artillery batteries open fire from the east. Carthage moves large contingents of cannon to the front: but is it too little too late?
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Despite being numerically inferior, the Yakutian army is using the terrain to their advantage and holding the Sibirians in check with a small, noble force around the bombed-out city of Amga. Finnish peacekeepers try to mediate the conflict by maneuvering a wall of friendlies around the entrance to East Siberian Sea to prevent open engagement between the two navies.
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The Spartan assault on the Carthaginian coast intensifies, as Ethiopia besieges Hippo Regius and Gades begins to burn. Note that despite city gains this part, Sparta‘s population has been decreased from 35 to 33, suggesting that they just don‘t have enough farms to sustain such a gigantic population. With the once-powerful Carthaginian fleet all but scuttled, the death blow is due soon.
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As if we needed another example of Australian dominance, here‘s their Malaysian holdings. Truly awesome and quite terrifying, if you ask me. Interestingly, their air forces are definitely biased towards the western islands, suggesting that they‘re not stopping any time soon. The Kimberley have a nice fleet under construction, suggesting that they have ample materials available to them. In the north west, Vietnam has reduced Amaravati to a shell, but there are no melee units in the area to take the city.
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Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. 'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' -- Emma Lazarus (clearly Mughalese and not American)
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The Hawaiian nation has not yet embraced the age of oil and aluminum, or perhaps has not found a way to do so with their limited land area. A naval engagement with any of their neighbors would be a disaster.
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The Chilean backdoor squad, succumbing to their hunger, begged Canada to intervene, hoping to feast on the carrion of Albany. But they underestimated Canadian power and shrewdness, and the maple-leafed troops poured into the city before they could mobilize. Without the forces available to take Cincinnati alone, the Chileans still hunger... Meanwhile, the Gulf Coast is back in Inuit hands, and Mexico has deflected any potential threat to Old Bajaloha with diplomacy... but what of that European peace treaty?
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Well, Leonidas was never known for his diplomatic nuance, let‘s just say that. The closest the Spartans had ever been to capturing the capital of their millennia-old rival, a peace deal throws them off, but allows them to keep their Mediterranean holdings and leaving the dirty work to the Ethiopians. Hippo Regius will fall once infantry get to the area.
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I‘m sure the sailors aboard the missile cruiser are aware of their sombre mission. Unable to push past Kamchatka, the Inuit generals, eager for an excuse to test their new weaponry, jumped at the opportunity. As the peninsula comes across the horizon, the grey clouds give them a nauseous feeling, and it‘s not seasickness. But as they see orange bulbs rain down on the cities of Igloolik and Sanirajak, and the delta-formations of Yakutian bombers cowardly flee, their confidence and their hate return.
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I‘ll be damned. The people of Albany hopefully find peace in Catholic piety. Who can they look to for foundation, as they are ruled by Canadians, Texans and undead presidents within a century? Chilean Escuadra Nacionales again lick their lips, and Cincinnati remains surprisingly unscathed.
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Ishtar learns that Gustavus Adolphus does not want his troops listening to those Red Tunes and plots at invasion of the Soviets. Can he get there before Boer peacekeepers paradrop-block him? In the New World, Albany is back in Canadian hands. Oh, those hungry Chileans!
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As we saw from the espionage overview, everyone and their mothers are plotting to get rid of these last pikemen. What must it be like to be a simple tribe, who know only of wood and iron, being passed along the coast by tanks and rocket artillery?
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While the armed missile cruiser rounds the peninsula, and Isit falls into Inuit hands, Yakutian ships also bring atomics to the front lines. Welcome to the Kamchatkan missile crisis everyone. There are no winners here.
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AND THAT‘S ALL FOR THIS WEEK IN GLOBAL CONFLICT! On to the statistics. The Boers are host to an absolutely massive population. Do Icelandic people enjoying eating copper? Quite surprising to see them so high-up here. Chile is inching towards the top 10 as Yakutia is clearly hurting from their two-front wars. Nice to see Morocco on the way up, too.
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Oh the how the mighty have fallen! Mexico is just out of sight in 28th place, while the Kimberley are all the way down in 32nd. But hey, China is better-off than some other civs now. Hi Sitting Bull (and goodbye Lincoln)!
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Goethe has his numbers slightly-off, with Mephistopheles to blame. But in general we‘ve got the Club Winner here. And Mongolia. The Inuit and Sibir have many more troops than Yakutia is able to field, however.
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Australia has a massive lead in city count, and there‘s a big gap between 3rd and 4th place. Ethiopia inches onto the list.
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The 'three cities or fewer' club has the Mughals as it‘s latest member.
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The Boers, Inuit, Sibir and again I‘m surprised to see Iceland excel in their scientific endeavors, with many papers accepted by Nebuchadnezzar‘s Bulletin. Sweden is nearly par with Australia, and it‘s nice to see Afghanistan and Canada rounding-out the list.
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Judaism has more followers, but many more cities pray towards Ciudad Juarez. No city practices Islam.
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And there‘s the map! I‘m /u/IamaScaleneTriangle and this has been a pleasure! Visit /r/civbattleroyale for great original content that will make you too neglect your work in favor of laughs and conversation!