Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and mutants (by choice or by nukes) to part 55 of the 60+ Civ Battle Royale, run by our gracious ruler /u/TPangolin. As much as I want to, I haven’t looked through the album yet, so I’ll be just as surprised as you when something occurs! I don’t doubt for one second that this part will be interesting however, and I plan to do my best to make it even more so!
Your narrator for today will be me, /u/_Patronus_ and after pestering TPang for a chance to narrate one of these amazing parts, he’s finally allowed me to do so! I created OC back in the day entitled Tales from the Front, which was a storyline following my character, Otto Rüdiger, a frontline reporter for the Babylonian Media Ministry. I had to cease production due to time constraints (which I disguised as a Hunnic assault while in Leningrad), but I hope this will make up for my 8 month absence. Also, any criticism is welcomed, as it can only help me improve!