Part 76: Hail Kruger – mk2

September 25, 2016

Lacsirax Ariscal


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Welcome back to Mark II of the Civ Battle Royale! It‘s-a-me, Lacsirax Ariscal, resident ranker and erstwhile cartographer. The first time I narrated was Part 28, where we saw THREE eliminations, and the second was Part 35 where... uh... not much happened at all. Let’s see where Part 76 lies on the excitement spectrum! With the nascent war between Brazil and the Buccaneers, the ongoing conflict between Vietnam and the Boers, and the merciless takedown of Yakutia, this part has all the portents of being an absolute corker. This week’s titlecard is the work of the one and only /u/Jru247, the CBR community’s resident Great Artist. For more fantastic OC, news, discussions, drama and general Battle Royale ruckuses, make sure to subscribe to /r/civbattleroyale!
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There’s a lot of wars in the world, so naturally first we come to /u/mazerlaser’s relationship graph to take a look at some of the ones you might have forgotten. The Buccaneers are besieged by bitter rivals, while Japan count Kimberley as a formidable foe. Mexico too face a new threat from the north – the Blackfoot. Iceland and Sweden join Armenia in a period of pacifism, but how long will it last? Both the Nordic nations have large forces trained on each other’s borders, while Armenia just took out Israel, incurring some warmongering penalties on the way.
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The Boers top the Power Rankings again this week, although their current combatant Vietnam grabs the second place slot for the first time; indeed, if their push continues and they make landfall on Africa, there might be a big shake-up on the horizon… Anyway, thanks to all the other rankers who work far harder than me to bring these to you every week! More info here:
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/u/Spherical_Melon has a wonderful gift for the community: the Tile-Accurate City Map! With population sizes, roads and rivers, it’s a brilliant map to open at full resolution and get lost in. For those wondering what happened to my City Maps, I still have the time but unfortunately my partner in crime /u/Malssistra, who updates Annals of the Worlds (the base of my City Map), is too busy at the moment, so they’ve gone on hold until his work frees up a little.
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We also as ever thank /u/edse1991 for the Tile-Accurate Map; of most note here is how tiny Yakutia looks. Remember when they were the sleeping giants? Now they’re more like bullied dwarves. Could Korea finish the job this part? Well, there’s only one way to find out – onwards to the main event!
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We start this part in Mexico, where Juarez of Mexico continues to stave off the incessant Australian navy. Parkes’ fleet currently controls Merida, Waipahu and Torreon, the three main cities at stake in this war; they’re also making a half-hearted push on Monterrey. This is a familiar scene, and Australia’s difficulty in holding any territory or making mainland progress has been a major bugbear for the Power Rankers, who this week placed Australia sixth, their lowest ranking since Part 3. And in Part 3, said rankers placed China fourth. Ah, hindsight. Anyway, Mexico, for once, doesn’t appear to be on the verge of retaking any cities from Australia. Perhaps that’s because of the Buccaneer Power Armour stalking the southern lands near Mexico City, drawing the attention of Juarez’s meagre land forces. To the northwest, a new threat looms – Blackfoot paratroopers far outnumber the lone marine sitting in Veracruz. Crowfoot and Juarez have long had beef, but this time the Blackfoot are on the front-foot. Will Crowfoot know how to handle this novelty?
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For much of the Bucc-Boer conflict that has dominated Babylonian media for the past five parts or so, one consistent theme has been Cap’n Morgan’s dominance in the Mediterranean theatre. It looks like that might be about to change; a lone submarine stalks the Gulf of Sirte while a whole host of embarked Boer units have materialized around Panormus. As Nebuchadnezzar has so kindly highlighted for us, this area is a vital air base for Morgan, and while the war with the Boers has basically become a rout by now, these planes could be incredibly useful in the new front against Finland. They’ll be less useful if the Boers take the Sicilian cities, though. Well, they’ll be less exist-y. If there’s any solace for the Buccs, it’s that as ever the Boers have mainly taken vertols and hover tanks to battle – neither of which can capture cities. To the north, just in shot, Finnish forces surround Messene. I don’t think that town’s rum industries are long for this world. Vodka production is skyrocketing, mind you.
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We saw Rabat ripped off the face of the planet last part, but one aspect that went relatively unnoticed is its position on top of a uranium mine. That’s four free uraniums for whoever is lucky enough to settle the area! It also means that the Buccs have less uranium to play with, at the moment. That should be some solace for the citizens of Mexico, the Boer Ryk and Brazil. As ever, both Bucc and Boer territory lie devastated and mostly empty. Morgan controls the coastline at the moment, but Kruger’s orange army is advancing on Bamako. Of course, we could be seeing another Kumasi moment, where the Boers surround the city with ranged units and wonder why they can’t enter.
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The War That Was Promised. Our first glimpse of the much-hyped conflict between Brazil and the Buccaneers this part, and it’s the expected story: Brazilian armies swarming into Bucc America with next-to-no resistance. This particular area, the old Incan territory, is probably the most defensible region that Brazil have set their sights on, with mountains impeding much of Pedro’s land army and the vestiges of Morgan’s once indomitable navy defending the coastline – in fact, just out of shot, making incursions into the Brazilian sea around Valparaiso. Further north is a different story; with the Amazon rainforest that has long made conflict in South America so painfully slow almost entirely chopped down, it’s possible we’re about to see a very quick colour change.
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The Blackfoot don’t appear to have moved since the first turn of the war with Mexico, but already we can see where the damage will be dealt. Hunkpapa, the Sioux’s old capital, is down to deep red health and has plenty a melee unit in sight. While it would be absolutely memeworthy if Crowfoot resurrected Sitting Bull AGAIN, the chances are much slimmer than in the past, as Crowfoot has the momentum and advantage this time round (empires only tend to liberate cities when they feel they absolutely can’t keep it). They have open borders with the Inuit, but it’s also worth noting they have open borders with Australia, so Parkes’ occupation of Torreon isn’t impeding them at all.
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First blood to Brazil and it’s a capital! The old Incan centre of Cusco falls to a comfortable regiment of Brazilian paratroopers. For those hoping Pedro would still be incapable of taking cities… that hope is sure looking forlorn now. Interestingly, the coastal cities of Tiwanaku and Vitcos have been bombed to zero health in lieu of any raids on Fortaleza and Machu, Brazil’s visible next two targets. Perhaps Pedro is confident his land army needs no such support up north, while using his bombers on the Peruvian coast now will allow him to deploy relatively few land troops in the difficult terrain of the Andes. Indeed, Vitcos looks like it might fall next turn – and though the Buccaneers certainly have a navy nearby, it’s predictably mostly carriers.
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There’s no doubting the dominance of the Buccaneers’ Atlantic fleet, mind. Brazil have sent a task force to the Cabo Verde city of Sale, but one has to think Morgan’s navy will easily retake the settlement should it fall. Goiania and Manaus, two vital air force centres, are also threatened by the Black Armada, though there’s no immediate danger. How Brazil managed to deploy a carrier so deep into the North Atlantic beats me, though sadly its load is not a nuclear one. On land, Belo Horizonte and Recife, both cities founded by Brazil, look to be reclaimed imminently.
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It wouldn’t be a small embarked task force without a token Great Person, and it’s a Great Musician that Brazil have taken to Sale; in this day and age, you have to wonder if the rousing folk songs have been replaced by energetic electropop. The prevalence of Boer ranged units in the area raises an interesting scenario: many wondered if the Boer-Bucc war might mean orange landfall on South America – but perhaps Brazil can seize Bamako before the Boers and build a new Portuguese Guinea? It is in the exact same place as the historical one, modern-day Guinea-Bissau. Still, they’ve got to take Sale first.
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Last part’s most volatile war shows no sign of slowing down – well, unless Korea decides to peace out to tackle the far greater threat of Canadian zombies. Assuming he doesn’t, Nizhnekolymsk is next on the chopping block, while Oymyakon is also looking increasingly vulnerable. Yakutian marines might flip back Elgyay, so they have that going for them. The Inuit are nowhere in sight, while a lone Mongol SAM is a little too late to the Elgyay Occupation Party.
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Now, a series of slides where we look at various cities that you may or may not have known contained wonders. Hoorah! First, the Sri Lankan city of Kandy, which I assuredly didn’t known had the Sistine Chapel in. Not the most useful wonder for a domination victory, but hey – Sri Lanka have a wonder! Who knew? Also guys, if you want nutmeg, there’s a feeble looking Kimberley nearby who might know where that is…
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Next, Druzhina, and I DID know this had Himeji Castle in, but it’s worth highlighting as the city has just flipped to Korea from Yakutia. A combat bonus to units in friendly territory stacked with the Great Wall (now obsolete) was potentially a big reason as to why very few civs could make any headway into their sturdy empire. With it gone, the fall of Yakutia should accelerate even further, while Korea will enjoy a nice defensive bonus in the wars to come.
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Finally, Ciudad Juarez. I think everyone knew Ciudad Juarez had Stonehenge, right? The mountainside stone circle on which our lord and saviour Aslan was first resurrected in the name of Catholicism? That faith bonus will come in handy for namesake Benito Juarez, as he’ll need a hell of a lot of faith to believe his crippled empire can stand against the Blackfoot, the Buccs and Australia.
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The four spies relocate yet again, with new-ish girl Ishtar hanging around in Santiago de Chile, now a Brazilian stronghold, and Semiramis making her way to Qashliq, capital of Sibir; there they’ll continue their crucial role in discovering which long-forgotten empires modern world leaders arbitrarily and inexplicably still have a grudge against.
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While we’re gallivanting around the world, let’s take a look at one of the planet’s least celebrated population centres – the so called Footleutians, a terrible portmanteau that I came up with about 60 parts ago. Yes, the Inuit and the Blackfoot have been at peace so long that these islands haven’t yet been absorbed by the White Walkers. The Inuit Sikutsipmaik stands at a healthy 31 pop, with Crowfoot’s Kiyi and Ahkaiyikokakinik not far behind. Despite being freezing cold, these islands are probably among the most prosperous, peaceful and desirable settlements on the Cylinder.
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But who cares about prosperity and peace? There’s war to be had! Brazil’s attack on Sale has completely evaporated, leaving only the Great DJs milling about unprotected. The coast of Africa is still black, the land is still blackened, and the Boers have still drawn a blank on how to take cities. The Buccaneer navy waits to retake the poor towns as soon as they fall anyway, while another branch of Morgan’s fleet rounds the head of Brazil, looking to further disrupt the scattered Brazilian navy if not actually damage their cities. Brazil’s aerial advantage continues all the way down the coast to Duque de Caxias, mind.
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There are no new cities down on the main front, though Machu is certain to fall soon, and Brazil have pulled a fleet out of nowhere on the Pacific coastline – the bombed out husks of Tiwanaku and Vitcos might be falling a lot sooner than expected, too. Of course, Morgan has reacted to the chaos the only way he knows how, and even as we speak nuclear bombs are being brought down to the front. The question is – where will the Buccaneers’ itchy trigger fingers strike? A well deployed nuke might be enough to throw the Brazilian advance into disarray, and force them to resort to their tried and true tactics of sitting around doing nothing.
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Speaking of nuclear devastation… it never ceases to amaze me just how on fire Mexico is. Literally, not figuratively. The Blackfoot swoop through Torreon, ensuring Australia have a tight hold on the city; it’s testament to their fall from grace that their acquisitions are being protected by the Blackfoot. Crowfoot might manage what Parkes has struggled to achieve and secure Monterrey, too. Almost every Mexican city in this shot is on the front line, now; that’s got to be a terrifying prospect for any residual Mexico fans out there.
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To the north, the Sioux capital of Hunkpapa has yielded, and it appears there will be no fourth coming for Sitting Jesus today. Oglala, the location of the majority of Mexico’s air force, is next in line. There’s also a cheeky pincer movement taking place on Ahahpitape, a Blackfoot-founded city. Those who are concerned about the lack of growth in Inuit Canada should be calmed by the sight of Inuit Texas, a land replete with high population cities. Despite that, their army appears to hold the superiority only in technological terms now – the days of a terrifying Inuit carpet are over, it seems.
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Finland easily seize Messene, and to the north, Cumae is surrounded by XCOMs. The old Roman cities of Antium and Arretium face a more interesting future, with both Finnish and Boer troops closing in. The Boers clearly have the numbers, but Kekkonen has brought more melee units. Either way, their time under the pirate banner seems short-lived.
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Morgan’s fan club should be taking any consolation they can get, and that consolation comes in the form of Iberiarrrr, which barely appears to be on Kruger and Kek’s agendas. Finland have set a token two XCOMs to Coimbra, and much of the land is still pillaged, but high-population cities Lisbon and Porto seem relatively safe. To the north, Iceland’s fleet looms; many of Ingolfur’s supporters have expressed a desire to backstab their OCP-allies and swoop into Iberia, taking it for themselves. With minimal Bucc land units on the peninsula (why does that sound familiar?), Iceland would walk an invasion, but perhaps their sights are set elsewhere. Sweden look increasingly threatening.
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Yikes. The beautiful, free, peace-and-haiku-loving Japanese might be meeting their maker soon, as Kimberley actually looks to capture Osaka, their first conquest since their war with Sri Lanka aeons ago. There’s even an atomic bomb stationed nearby, though Jandamarra hardly needs to use it. How will Korea react to their BFFs being wiped off the Cylinder?
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Well, in the current climate, Korea are far too side-tracked to worry about a paltry city-state ally! They’ve trained their armies on Yarmanka, Oymyakon AND Nizhnekolymsk. Tygyn Darkhan’s Yakutia is being absolutely ripped to shreds. Count how many Great Death Robots you can see; Korea are one of very few civs to use them as the main backbone of the army.
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Who said the Inuit were out of this war? Well, I certainly did, but I could be standing corrected as a snow-hearted Robot Infantry comes within spitting distance of Zhigansk. The Inuit’s failure to capitalise on a weak Yakutia is only very partially their fault; Finland’s peacekeepers have impeded the White Walkers every step of the way. But if they can move their navy past Olenyok, they might still be able to grab some of those coastal cities before the Korean juggernaut can reach them.
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Kimberley continue to send troops north to Osaka, massively overestimating the scale of Japan’s defences. Hawaii, allegedly also at war with Japan, make no such attempt; perhaps they don’t have open borders with Australia. But at least they’ve appeared in the part, so whichever power ranker winds up with them will be able to say ‘Hawaii appeared this part!’
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The Boers finally conquered Kumasi last part, albeit off-screen. Here’s more concrete evidence for any remaining unbelievers. The city, apparently once the capital of a people called the “Ashanti”, has been absolutely decimated by the siege – but if there’s one thing the Boers are good at, it’s rapid regrowth.
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Believe it or not, this front hasn’t changed one bit since the start of the part, which is a welcome change for a region that swaps its flags faster than its toilet roll. The Boers’ infatuation with ranged units continues to impede their advances, and unsurprisingly the Buccaneers aren’t about to push forward on land. Now Carthage and Marrakech have been taken out of the equation, you really feel that both sides have lost heart in this matchup.
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Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed a notification earlier revealing the fall of Zhigansk to Inuit forces – it’s nice to see that they haven’t been completely written out of this dogpile. Not only that, but Mongolia have managed to claim a new prize too – despite Yarmanka sitting on zero health right by their borders and the brunt of their army, they’ve leapfrogged the city and taken Oymyakon instead. Fortunately for Korea, they’ve open borders with Genghis’ Khanate, and won’t be shut off from invading the rest of poor Yakutia’s territory. They too however have brought far too many ranged units to battle, and are struggling to find a melee unit to seize sitting duck Nizhnekolymsk, while Yarmanka looks just out of range from that GDR if I know my Zones of Control.
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Well, as per, I eat my words immediately.
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Wow! The extent of Sri Lanka’s empire in the centre of a screenshot! All two of their fans must be rejoicing. Harbouring Ethiopian refugees might attract the ire of the Boers, but there’s a Vietnam buffer between the two, currently; Vietnam also, amusingly, provides a buffer strip of sea between Sri Lanka and their own Arabian colony. To the northwest, the Boers finally manage to push back Vietnam’s army, though as ever they’ve brought a whole host of ranged units, so Vung Tau and Najran might be safe for now. To the southwest, the Ashanti Pikeman continues his break for the Maldives, convening with the Burmese Musician for a brief oceanic romantic fling.
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Heading further north into Asia, and we can see the Vietnamese-Sibirian borderlands, in the wake of Sibir’s occupation of Afghanistan. Kuchum Khan has certainly had his army drained by the longer-than-it-needed-to-be war, but the infrastructure is there to get the ball rolling again soon. Vietnam meanwhile have carpeted the Drone UAV like crazy – they’re good units but they are – sigh – ranged. That said, there are enough melee units scattered about that you’d have to think they’d bring the hurt down on Sibir in any immediate war.
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Further north the contrast is even more noteworthy, with the bulk of Vietnam’s enormous army focussed here. Hell, they could take down Korea, Mongolia OR Sibir with this army, but I do wish they had a better balance of units. They also don’t exactly have the biggest airforce, though Sibir and Mongolia’s aren’t exactly much better.
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Uh… hold on a second… what?! They say a watched pot never boils, but this pot just superheated and brimmed RIGHT over! Vietnam declare war on Sibir! Is it a retaliation for Sibir declaring war on Tibet (arbitrarily with Sweden)? Is the alliance real?! All jokes aside, this is an enormous DoW from Vietnam – although they do have to watch for the Boer threat, they appear to have quite the army capable of taking down Sibir a peg or two. Holy moly.
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Another look at that front, so you don’t have to scramble back a few slides. Sibir do have some semblance of an army mobilized at the front, but all of former Afghanistan is surely a goner, and Bamda to the northeast doesn’t look too healthy either. If Vietnam really pick up momentum here, this could be an absolute game-changer.
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There is, however, one almost inevitable casualty of Vietnamese Coalition. Yes, tender, beautiful Nedong is almost certainly going to fall to Sibir. If nothing else, it will give Sibir a rather amusing enclave within exclave-maesters and rivals Finland.
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Alright, time to calm down for a moment. As well as Korea’s ploys to destroy the remnants of Canada, they’ve also set their sights on the poor old Ethiopian refugees sitting out in Sri Lanka. As with many of these ploys, it’s an unlikely war; has any major nation actually declared war on a civ with no cities? I haven’t seen it.
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Iceland bring two nuclear missiles down to a war they’re not fighting any more, but bigger news is that Finland have seized Panormus and Antium, possibly taking out fifteen Buccaneer planes and bombs. It also catapults the Boer army over to Funchal, a city it is just as difficult to take with ranged units alone. Arretium is next in line, bringing with it another six planes.
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The Blackfoot contingent around Torreon has scattered for some reason, with the brunt heading north towards Ahahpitape. Oglala has largely been relinquished, with Mexico fielding a lone marine to defend the old Sioux town. At least the Buccaneer threat has virtually vanished, with Morgan having more pressing matters at hand. Australia have a fleet in the Gulf of California approaching Monterrey, but quel surprise, it’s made up of ranged units. Texas are kicking themselves that they peaced out when they did, as their old capital Austin would be easy pickings now.
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As far away from the Sibirian front as you can possibly be, Vietnam field a tiny little contingent of artillery and associated forces. This area of Inuit territory has long been an underpopulated one, and it doesn’t look like that’s changing – but, I mean, it is freezing cold icy wasteland, so don’t feel too down Walker Supporters. I’d be more concerned about the lack of Inuit land units – aren’t they meant to be a military powerhouse?
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Don’t get too excited, but I spy a melee unit (a Mobile SAM to be exact) next to Fort-de-France. At least I think it’s a Mobile SAM. I always get confused between those and rocket artillery. Sale and Bamako hilariously hang on, while the Brazilian Great DJ bravely heads further into Buccaneer territory, blasting his terrifying EDM at the terrified pirates, who know only sea shanties.
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Here is where the pain starts. Fortaleza and Machu fall to Brazil, paratroopers swarm around Belo Horizonte and Recife, and boy, that isn’t all.
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Anyone clinging onto to Pedro’s poor war record as a reason for hope can commence crying… now! Let’s count the cities down: Tiwanaku, Vitcos, Vilcabamba, Machu, Fortaleza… that’s five cities in one turn! And by the looks of it the Buccaneers have zero opportunities to retake ANY of those cities – even the coastal cities have only a tiny Buccaneer contingent of carriers and other non-city-capturing units hovering around nearby. Oh, and a half-dead tank. One thing’s for sure – that Icelandic musician has quite the saga to pen. This is a rout of the highest order.
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Nizhnekahhhhhhhyougetit has been recaptured, as has Oymyakon, which puts an end to the Mongolian Dream. It’s an admirable defence, and ultimately a futile one; Korea’s next wave is incoming, and Yakutia have very few reserves to mount any kind of further counterattack.
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Ouch! As we see our second slide of the peaceful Footleutians (in one part? Okay Nebby), we receive the news that the Inuit have joined the Buccaneer coalition. Despite the undeniable power of the Inuit, they’ve proven a fairly unimpressive combatant in the Caribbean theatre before, so aside from Cincinnati the Buccaneers should be safe. Emphasis on should – you’d be a fool to write the Inuit out of any war. If they don’t break through it will be at best a distraction for the Buccaneer that could be deployed elsewhere; at worst they could cause catastrophic damage to the Buccaneers’ core.
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Sibir’s heartland is not exactly a fertile land of soldier trees and tank vineyards. Nosirree. It’s as barren as a Buccaneer barracks, with as many workers as soldiers, and some very outdated indeed (I spy an artillery or five). Should Vietnam break through the rough terrain that separates the two – and don’t get me wrong, that’s a big, big should – there is very little reason to believe Sibir can hold onto their core for any meaningful amount of time.
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It can’t be! Not Japan! Japan the free, Japan the peaceful, Poom the terrible haiku poet’s pride and joy! But all men must die, and it’s Meiji’s turn this time round. Unless that cavalry retakes the city. Might happen. But I’m going to eulogise now because it seems unlikely that Japan will make the part out alive regardless, with a large Kimberley navy still loitering around. Believe it or not, Japan were once considered one of the Pacific’s greatest powers; at their peak they controlled an empire from the tip of Kamchatka down to north Luzon, and even held the Inuit for a time. Their downfall would come shortly after they played their part in the partition of the Philippines; Australia, on a high, immediately declared war on Japan and very quickly seized control of the main islands, despite a sterling defence from Korean peacekeepers. Yakutia took all but one of their remaining cities, Osaka, where they continued to remain for generations despite overwhelming odds. When the Kimberley-Texas-Hawaii coalition declared war on Japan, at the same time as the Boer coalition was rumbling, many laughed. They’re not laughing now. Rest in peace, sweet Meiji Emperor.
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From the takedown of one city state to the reinstatement of another, as Tibet re-joins the Rump State club with the capture of Nedong. Their Ukrainian ambitions have been thwarted – as if anyone but Songsten Gampo expected them to succeed, anyway. Tibet are now at peace with the Kimberley and Sri Lanka, and Vietnam should protect their capital from the Sibirian menace, so Gampo is down but not out.
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Here’s another thing for Sibir to be worried about: Vietnam has made timely peace with the Boers, sadly taking no comedic cities in the treaty, as is tradition for them. This does still leave them as one of the few civs to have gone to war with the Boers and won, however, and unless Hawaii declare war the Arabian peninsula looks secure. While we’re here, note how much of Ethiopia has already been annexed by the Boers – a sure sign they’re going to get those on the path to recovery sooner rather than later. Still, without a major base on mainland Asia, it’s going to be hard for them to push against Vietnam in the future – a must if they want to secure Eurasia and indeed the game.
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Why Mexico’s army is mostly focussed around Austin is anyone’s guess, but luckily for him the war effort appears to be stalling. Wahpekute has taken a lick of damage but it’s some turns off falling. If Mexico can bide their time long enough, they could feasibly still come out of these wars with their dignity intact. Baja California is surely lost for good, though.
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Recife is easily seized by Brazil in the northeast corner, and still the onslaught doesn’t look like it’s been depleted at all. Peruvian progress might be slower now, with Corihuayrachina enjoying some naval defence, but there is an advanced destroyer nearby waiting for the opportunity to strike. To the northwest, Australia’s Galapagos navy looks like it could pile some hurt on Central America.
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A closer look at the northern fronts, where the next line of Buccaneer cities lie undamaged – a state they’re unlikely to stay in. Two paratroopers have made it all the way up to Freeport, where they’ll see a small Buccaneer contingent sitting around Parana, practically Morgan’s only land army on the continent remaining. The hurt is far from over. In fact, I think it’s only just begun.
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Unbelievably, Korea take Yarmanka in lieu of Mongolia, who had practically the whole horde positioned next to the city. They also take Suntar, and are closing in on Yakutia’s makeshift capital of Tomtor, one of the largest cities in the Arctic Circle. If it’s in the Arctic Circle. I can’t remember how low down it goes. Mongolia recapture Oymyakon, and the Inuit could still take Tyukanskoye but after that, White Walker progress seems unlikely. Ah well, they have the Buccaneers to pick on now. Brazilian peacekeepers are being quite the nuisance, but you still get the burning feeling that Tygyn Darkhan isn’t long for the world. It’s worth bearing in mind that in Part 1’s Power Rankings, Yakutia took first place.
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The talented Spherical_Melon caps off our part this week with a wonderful illustration of the interminglings of technology seperated by centuries. I‘ve been Lacsirax Ariscal - until next time! TPangolin also says to expect another part to be coming this Wednesday.