Part 82: DEUS VULT – mk2

Oct 23, 2016




The denizens of Babylon rejoice to the sound of Leg Day returning to the holy city.

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Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am /u/volkanos, and it is an honor to narrate part 82 of this immense Civilization Battle Royale! Many of you might not know me or seen me in reddit, for I am a long time lurker in this community, always watching and observing around. Nevertheless, I‘m primed and ready to do this! Here we have a shot of the Dvinnish Empire in all its glory after the acquisition of the Holy Land last part. Their forces, although outdated and outnumbered, are valiant in heart and won‘t stop short after taking only one city.
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Now a magnificent map by /u/Spherical_Melon, showing us the vast domains of the Dvinnish Empire in map form. There is a very precise and aesthetically pleasing representation of not only the cities of the Empire, but also of its minor cities, industrial zones and citadels. Truly the Dvninnish Empire is among the most glorious powers of this Cylinder!
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Another magnificent map, this time by /u/edse1991, showing us the Cylinder itself in an almost tile accurate manner. Clearly we can see that the border gore disease is now widespread by the map and we definitely need someone to fix it. Or do we? Anyways, the Dvinnish Empire‘s supporters can proudly claim based on this map that they have doubled their size on the Cylinder in one single part. Not many could claim such a feat I believe.
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Back to the Power Rankings top spot, the Boers are still in their rightful place. Indeed, their war efficiency seems to be lacking, but perhaps this is merely Kruger‘s war style on how to fight wars good. Nonetheless, the Boers are clearly a gigantic superpower in the Cylinder and I don‘t see them dying or being crippled in any future war. And with almost all of Afrika under his command Krugger has nothing to fear and little to care about other powers such as the Dvinnish Empire.
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We resume our most cunning observations by getting a shot of Southern North America, where the winds of war just won’t stop blowing! Apparently Crowfoot (Blackfoot) isn’t satisfied with annexing the former Mexican lands to his Domain and decides to increase his warpath even further with a new declaration of war! And the already battered Henry Morgan (Buccaneers), a fan favorite, is the target of Crowfoot’s bloodthirsty plans. However, with literally no navy at the Mexican Gulf the Blackfoot will have trouble reaching the Pirate’s strongholds at the Caribbean. Could this be a move to please the ever stronger Australians then, who are also at war with the Buccaneers?
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At the other side of the world, the Dvinnish Empire’s (Sparta) Holy Land Offensive has been recognized by Kekkonen (Finland) as a threat. The Finns have brought forth a force of reverse-engineered Hovertanks to deal with the annoying Leg Day Legion. However, this might not be enough to stall the Dvinnish attack upon Hebron, as 2 infantry battalions approach the very vulnerable city, poised to engage. Meanwhile, Boer Hovertanks continue to relentlessly maraud the Finnish Domains, with some having reached Southwestern Anatolia. At the seas, the Finns have brought some brand new Cybersubs to wrest control of the seas back from the Boers and the Dvinnish.
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A bit Westward along the African shores, we can see that Kruger’s (Boers) forces are preparing to conquer all of the Italian Finnish domains with a renewed supply of melee units. In fact, one of them is poised to take Panormus on the next turn while Boer drone fighters and stealth bombers rain down hell from their airbase at Gades. We can also observe the continued influx of Hovertanks, a Boer favorite, to the North. All will be assimilated.
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At the Iberian coast, the Icelandic offensive seems to have been reorganized and redirected towards the Canaries islands, where the Buccaneer city of Cumana stands, albeit heavily bombarded. At the Continental Front, the Icelandics have brought a total of 4 atomic bombs to help in their conquest of the resilient city of Cienfuegos. A valuable possession, the city controls the Rock of Gibraltar and that would be a nice addition to Ingolfur’s (Iceland) domains. We can also see at the former Moroccan lands total destruction of the local infrastructure and population reduction. Yet, more is to come for war never ceases raging at the Cylinder.
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Back to the Caribbean, our satellites observe that not much has changed at the theater, even with the recent Blackfoot war declaration. Apparently, the Buccaneers managed to eliminate every single enemy on their controlled territory. This is a terrible blow to Parkes (Australia) plans, for his offensive has stalled due to the valiant Buccaneers efforts. However, it seems unlikely that the Pirates will regain any of their former territory taken by Parkes as the Australians have a firm control over their conquered possessions. Has Henry Morgan (Buccaneers) managed to stop his losses at the Caribbean? At Brazilian Grand Colombia, a very suspect concentration of 30 aircraft can also be seen. Could Pedro be planning a renewed offensive against his arch enemy?
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When superpower collides, units die by the hundreds. Even after dropping several nukes at the Siberian production centers, Kuchun Kan (Sibir) has managed to thicken his forces at the Vietnamese border, and a swarm of Robot Infantry battallions and Biotroopers, seemingly immune to the fallout, marches Southward to stop the Trungs (Vietnam) offensive. However, the Vietnamese have a clear air superiority at this conflict (34 VS 25), and this is very problematic for the Siberians. If Kuchun Khan wishes to repel the Vietnamese from his rightful lands he should start producing more planes.
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The pinpoint precision Fallout Detector Satellite confirms what has been suggested before. The Vietnamese have indeed dropped nukes in most of the Siberians Southeastern cities, and even their capital Qashliq has been nuked. The Trungs’ (Vietnam) fondness of hitting the red button is not matched by his rival’s, Kuchun Khan (Sibir), for only 4 Vietnamese tiles have been contaminated with fallout. Perhaps Kuchun Khan is saving his nukes for someone else.
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Beryozovo, the Yakutian last stand, still holds against the invading Korean Hovertanks. I wonder whether this could be evidence for Sejong (Korea) to be performing psychological experiments on his enemies to then study the victims in one of Seoul’s top labs. Perhaps unethical experiments like these are the key for Sejong’s fast tech developments. Or then, he could simply be entertaining himself with torturing Tygyb Darkhan, once his overlord. Who knows what could be going on in Sejong’s mind? At Tomtor, a heavy concentration of Brazilian peacekeepers patrols the area to assure the safety of the annexed Yakutian population in the hands of the Mongolians.
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At the Northern Japanese Archipelago, a stark contrast of navy densities can be seen. While the Inuit and Australians sport but a few ships (including some empty carriers), the Korean Armada floats proudly dozens of Cybersubs, Arsenal Ships and, guess what, empty carriers! I cannot, however, question the Cylinder’s leaders of building this many carriers. These ships have a very good projectile absorbing capacity and they also serve as a way for leaders to show their disrespect towards others. One could say that he could defeat another by only using their empty carrier flotilla, deeply insulting the other.
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This is a sight that saddens my biased eyes. The mighty engines of war of the Siberian war machines covered in fallout, rendering their high yields useless! What a disgrace for Kuchun Khan! I can’t help but notice tough how smart the Trung Sisters (Vietnam) are in their war planning. By devastating the enemy from within and terrorizing their population they surely moralize their own men. However, Sibir is a vast empire and the destruction of their Southern Core won’t stop them to produce more men and machines.
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The cunning Dvinnish (Sparta) managed to liberate their former city of Epidauros from Finnish hands! Obviously, such conquest wouldn’t be possible without Kruger’s (Boers) help. Their mighty air force and Hovertank harassment has battered down the defenses of many Finnish cities. And they continue to do so. Epidauros is also on a safe spot for at least a few more turns, as no Finnish melee units are nearby to flip back the city. They do, however, have a rather large air force in the region to compensate for the failure of their Cybersubs, who have probably been sunk by the Boer’s own warplanes.
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Further North we can see exactly how dangerous the Boer war machine really is. Arretium, Antium and Mantinea are all bombed down to the black and surrounded by Hovertanks, while Panormus has fallen. Kruger’s (Boers) strategy of relentlessly smashing down Hovertanks against the walls of their enemies’ cities is a very effective way of humiliating them. What are you supposed to do when your cities are surrounded like that if not wait for your own death? North of Nicomedia, however, a strong Finnish force is poised to defend the city to the last man. Hovertanks, Cybersubs, a rocket artillery and several planes are stationed nearby. Kekkonen (Finland) is definitely a resilient leader, as is his nation.
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A Korean Biodrone, led by a Great General, flies towards Beryozovo. He speaks of continuing to apply the Boer strategy of smashing down Hovertanks against enemy walls. Sejong (Korea) will obviously study every bit of data gathered from the mimicking of the Boer’s main war strategy at the test field of Beryozovo. What conclusion will Sejong reach after analyzing all the data? Meanwhile, Genghis Khan (Mongolia) himself prefers to stick with more traditional approaches to the situation, and sends a total of 6 melee units to attack Beryozovo. The Korean, however, won’t let them near for the sake of keeping their experiment devoid of unwanted interferences.
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Again, we activate our pinpoint precision Fallout Detector Satellite, this time on the Central American lands. Fallout stretches from California to Nicaragua and Jamaica, and the situation is bound to get worse. For Crowfoot (Blackfoot) has ordered that an atomic bomb be readied for use at the air base of Ciudad Juarez, where 9 jet fighters also stand. Impressively, the Blackfoot sport in this image a total of 36 aircraft, a scary amount! The war between the Buccaneers and Australians has changed in phase, as the Buccaneers now appear to be on the offensive! A small attack squad is being launched at Nassau, but their numbers are probably too few to take the city back.
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The European possessions of the Buccaneers have all been officially taken away from Pirate possession, as Cienfuegos falls to the Icelandics! Meanwhile, the city of Cumana has also fallen and the Icelandic fleet now enjoys a break from the carnage as Ingolfur (Iceland) has commanded them to solidify their holdings there as he plans for something else. Nuevitas however, still stands and the Icelandics seem not to care about invading it for now. Wait, are my eyes deceiving me? Could this be a Dvinnsih (Spartan) deserter? This surely sullies the Dvinnish reputation of fighting to the last man without fear!
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Such a tear bringing sight, it is. The Knights of the Maoan Order roam through the productive Siberian lands, fully devoted to their task of keeping Chinese traditions alive. At Mosul not a single battle is being fought however, unlike in somewhere beyond the borders of space and time know as “Earth”. A very safe city Mosul is, for its strategic location at the frozen tip of the Northern Ural Mounts keeps it away from all Siberian warfronts. I wonder how life in Mosul could be in the Cylinder…
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Sejong (Korea) has wisely ordered the annexation of several Yakutian cities, which will soon turn into valuable assets for his most varied scientific purposes. The Koreans are lacking in units tough, and they must recover as soon as possible if they wish to maintain their new Yakutian possessions and their own core lands. The Mongolians, although better carpeted, are also lacking in the unit density department. The war against Yakutia has surely taken a toll upon both Empire’s forces.
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The Finnish air base of Batticaloa, one of the most depressing Finnish exclaves, has been severely bombarded by the Boers or the Sri Lankans. An atomic bomb has been stationed there, however, and if Kekkonen decides to use it at Negombo millions of people would die. I wonder what his decision will be. The offensive upon the city is also hard for the Sri Lankans, as Batticaloa is protected by Afghan peacekeepers. I do spot a way for the Sri Lankans to pass through, however, and a mechanic infantry is poised to take that spot.
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A French refugee Galleass sails by Mount Sinai in the peaceful waters of the Dvinnish Empire (Sparta). The location is much sought after by many refugees, and the French sailors are probably enjoying a sunny day at the beach while further North war wages. The Dvinnish offensive on Hebron has been recalled in favor of protecting the Holy City of Jerusalem, a wise move by Leonidas the Younger. What is not a wise move, however is to not allow the Boers to pass through their territory so that they can batter their Hovertanks at the Finnish walls. Could this be a calculated move by the Dvinnish or is it merely an insult to both the Boers and the Finns?
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Crowfoot’s (Blackfoot) warpath is far from over according to Recruit Em. Apparently, the bloodthirsty Blackfoot leader is eager to finish off the remains of their old Canadian enemies, a cruel move. Meanwhile, we observe that S.S Observer, our mighty Submarine, is still at the same spot is has been for millennia. Little has changed in the area, apart that the Boers now possess much of the ice sheet East of the Sub. Could Kruger (Boers) be aware of the existence of the Sub?
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Shocking! Henry Parkes (Australia) has managed to conquer the Boer metropolis of Middelburg! And Ondeni could soon follow! By the way, millions of Boer citizens have died at Middelburg after the Australian conquest. The Boers are actually in no position to contest the Australians’ advance into Madagascar, for not a single melee unit can be spotted nearby, while the Australians have plenty of Advanced Destroyers to use. Will Paul Kruger (Boer) let himself to be humiliated like this? Or will he launch a counter offensive to take back what is rightfully his?
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Back to the Middle East, the Siberian robotic and bioengineered forces have seemingly vanished, probably struck down by Vietnamese planes. Their efforts to retake Carrollton are in vain, and the Trungs (Vietnam) are even repairing the local infrastructure, insulting Kuchum Khan’s (Sibir) honor. Will he let this insult pass by idly? Not much has changed at the Dvinnish (Spartan) front tough, as their defenses around Jerusalem are keeping Finnish Hovertanks away for now. Indeed, a Spartan’s walls are their own bodies.
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Arretium falls to the Boers and the Finns are in no position to take it back! Furthermore, Antium is completely surrounded by Hovertanks, and the local Mech Artillery men must be really terrified at the sight of these relentless war machines continuously battering at their walls. Besides, for every Hovertank taken down another takes its place. The city won’t be captured if the Boers won’t bring forth a melee unit, tough. Meanwhile, Epidauros holds firm against Finnish Cybersub squads, which are pouring from the Black Sea at a constant rate. The Dvinnish won’t be able to withstand a long term war against a superior foe, but if the Finns keep using Boer war strategies, then they should be fine for a while.
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The Icelandic fleet is officially out of its break time and they now bombard the city of Nuevitas with dozens of planes and ships. Ingolfur (Iceland) has even ordered that a Mobile Sam be brought forth to take the city, and this will probably work just as planned. Their only obstacle is the Buccaneer local force of 6 aircraft and artillery, but the main one is the Dvinnish (Spartan) deserter. Having not forsaken their leg day traditions, the Dvinnish deserters could distract the Icelandic troops while they are bombed down by the Pirates.
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Water border gore is proving to be an issue for some Boer units. Trapped in a very wet exclave within Buccaneer territory, they have no choice but to wait for open borders or war to escape their current position. But if the Boer people are indeed cyborgs, then they could simply turn their bodies off while their minds roam Skynet and whatever else the Boers have created to entertain their vacant free time. A sad sight it is to see Sale sporting only 12 population tough. Once the largest city in the Cylinder, there are probably more graves than people in the settlement.
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In the Caribbean, not much has changed in the Two Henry’s War, apart from an Australian Mutant being poised to conquer Chichen Itza. The city could flip, however, if the Buccaneers don’t lose that Power Armor Infantry right next to the Mutant. What is most worrying tough is the Ice Walkers (Inuit) movements in their Southern possessions. Out of thin air, an almost carpet has arisen, consisting of XCOMs, Robot Infantry, Biotroopers, Mobile Sams and some other units. Is this a sign that the Inuit war machine is ready to move?
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Back to our pinpoint precision Fallout Detector Satellite, we can see that nuclear weapons have been used against the Boer cities of Kufah and Khurasan. The author of the nuclear hellfire could be either Kekkonen (Finland) or Parkes (Australia), but why would they nuke such a far away place? Perhaps they want to show the Boer people that nowhere is safe from nuclear destruction. At the Mauritius Islands front Ondini hasn’t fallen, but Middelburg still is at Australian hands. And I fear the situation won’t change for a while, as the Boers lack melee units to take it back. Is this a ploy by Kruger (Boers) to grind down Australian forces before pulling them back in one single counteroffensive?
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At our sub’s Espionage Room, a fresh log has been delivered, with some rather interesting information. Dead civs seem to be the target of the rage of the Cylinder’s leaders nowadays. Ekeuhnick (Inuit) plans to eradicate the remaining Persian resistances in the Culinder, while Crowfoot (Blackfoot) plans to end his long gone enemy once and for all. Meanwhile, Paul Kruger (Boers) wishes to destroy the last Roman Ballista. Perhaps Kruger hates ancient siege technology?
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A reassignment of our most loyal agents has been ordered. Agent Em will be sent to Olongapo, the Blackfoot Filipino colony, in hopes to investigate further Crowfoot’s (Blackfoot) warpath plans. Ishtar will go to a much different place, the gigantic Boer megalopolis of M’banza-Kongo, where he is hoped to unveil what are the most pressing concerns of Kruger (Boers) at the moment. Peshgaldara will be sent to Cincinnati, a rather emblematic city that has been owned by many different nations on the Cylinder (and also an interesting place at mysterious “Earth”). Will he be able to figure out what Ekeuhnick (Inuit) plans to do with his new land carpet? Semiramis will be sent to Sparta, once the capital of the Spartan Empire, but now a possession of the Icelandic Empire. A promising location indeed to figure out what are Ingolfur’s next world domination plans.
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Here we have some insight on what is happening at Olongapo. Nothing is being produced currently, unfortunately, as the local citizens are busy playing around at the city’s Buffalo Pound. A key element to the Blackfoot culture, nowhere else in the Cylinder will such admiration for buffalos will be found. The Buffalo, although a peaceful animal, is a cool national animal to be had. I’ve heard that their charges are specially deadly as well.
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Sporting no less than 57 citizens and still growing, the gigantic city of M’banza-Kongo is a true powerhouse. Sporting 391 production, it can easily build a simple Cybersub in one turn. And even being full slotted in specialists, the city still holds a total of 13 unemployed citizens, who are with no doubt, having a blast not doing anything for their whole lives. What could these people do to pass their time? Is there a premier type of Boer entertainment besides waifu worship?
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Stagnated at 6 population, Cincinnati could fit inside M’banza-Kongo with ease. As with Olongapo, the city isn’t actually producing anything, for the citizens are all occupied with something else. One of the city‘s main attractions - Dixaut Zoo, houses many different species of animals from across the Cylinder. One particular animal, however is the main attraction. A mighty gorilla from the African jungles genetically engineered to live forever. In the unfortunate event that he biologically dies, he‘ll still live forever - since you can‘t kill an idea.
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Sparta is nowhere close to the population levels it had in the past. Stagnated at only 11 population, Ingolfur (Iceland) has not troubled himself to build the city up. He has ordered the construction of a Thingstead tough, to make sure the local citizens are happy in being dominated by a foreign power. A simulation server is also being built in order to increase the means by which the local population can produce research and culture for Iceland.
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The Dvinnish (Spartan) man wall around Jerusalem has been completely dismantled. In return for this blow against him, Leonidas the Younger (Sparta) has ordered an Anti-Aircraft gun and a Helicopter Gunship to strike at Hebron in hopes of breaking the Finns’ morale there. The Boer air force has managed to keep the city on the black, but the Finns are far from done in the region. Sporting 23 aircraft in this screenshot and a few Cybersubs and Hovertanks, the Finns can deal with the Dvinnish easily in the region. However, Kekkonen (Finland) is not interested in taking territory back just yet, as he’d rather cut his losses than to overcommit himself.
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In a close up shot of the Holy Land, we can see that the region contains a wide diversity of improvements. It is indeed an interesting place, and perhaps that’s why it is so coveted. Meanwhile at the World Congress, the precious resource of Lapis Lazuli has been deemed heretical by the congregation. Heavy voters Mongolia and Canada are the most intent in banning the resource, and many other dead civs have also voted for it. The Dvinnish Empire (Sparta) is bound to suffer economic losses from the resource banning. Lapis Lazuli is one of the main commodities produced at the Holy Land, and many jobs will be surely lost because of the action.
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Many are the enemies of the border gory Empire of Finland. The embargo repeal proposed at the World Congress has not been passed, and main voters include the Kimberly and the Ashanti pikemen. We can also see really well in this image how nicely Finland’s population has recovered since the nuclear disaster of before. They are, however, far from their old population levels, and their lands are seriously devoid of units, just like Sibir’s. Sweden has a bit more of units at disposal, including a large collection of aircraft at the Finnish border. Is Gustavus (Sweden) decided to strike now, they could claim a decent chunk of their rival’s land with relative ease.
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Our praised agent Pashgaldaramesh has uncovered covert information at the Cincinnati Dixaut Zoo. Apparently, Ekeuhnick (Inuit) has plans to remove Ahmad al-Mansur (Morocco) and the remains of his loyal people from the face of the Cylinder. Why would Ekeuhnick be planning such a horrendous act? Can’t the already dead civs have a right to freely roam the Cylinder in peace? Perhaps this should be proposed in the next World Congress meeting.
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Back at the Mauritius front, the Australian offensive has stalled upon a heavy Boer counterattack! By employing the usual Boer strategy of humiliating their besieged enemies by surrounding them, Middelburg is about to have that fate. Dozens of Cybersubs, Arsenal Ships, Vertols and Hovertanks, led by a most illustrious Great Musician, are preparing the siege. Not a single melee unit is nearby tough, indicating that Kruger (Boers) is indeed committed to humiliating Parkes (Australia) in his own cities. Parkes still has a decent sized armada nearby tough. And it is a nuclear armed armada. If Parkes decides to unleash nuclear hell upon Madagascar, millions would die in an instant, further increasing the death toll of this conflict after the capture of Middelburg.
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Back to Northwestern Australia now, where a Giant Death Robot and many other units await to embark to fight across the Indian Ocean. The Outback is no longer fully carpeted tough, indicating that the Australians have already committed many men to the war effort. They do, however, have many more tones of men and machines to throw away at whoever Parkes (Australia) pleases, and recycling them once in a while is a good way to keep his army modernized. We can also observe a rather strangely colored nation at the Southwestern Indonesian isles. Who could they be, sporting this flashy reddish orange color? They have a decent amount of troops and ships and are not that far behind in tech. Perhaps they can sit there for some more centuries without being noticed by their gigantic neighbors.
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A bison flock has migrated to Northern Borneo somehow. Could this be the work of the nearby Blackfoot buffalo pound? I wonder how well these buffalos do in the equatorial climate of the region. Perhaps they could have mutated into jungle bison variations? There is plenty of uranium nearby, so I wouldn’t consider the impossibility of radiation contaminating these animals.
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Hebron is in severely battered down by the Boer air force. And the valiant Dvinnish (Spartan) anti air gun is nearby, poised to strike and conquer the city by force. The operators of the guns, screaming DEUS VULT, charge forward in spite of the city’s overwhelmingly strong defenses and the aircraft barrage from above, oblivious to the dangers of the world. Meanwhile, the Helicopter crew that was near Hebron before has decided to retreat to their airfield in Jerusalem so as to receive repairs and be prepared to the next raid.
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Within Sparta, Semiramis has uncovered that Ingolfur (Iceland) is plotting to eliminate the Canadian ships that have dared to come too close to his waters. Indeed, the Canadians are not loved in this war thorn Cylinder. What could these people have done to anger so many powerful leaders around the Cylinder? Is it because Lester B. Pearson (Canada) refuses to take off that silly hat of his?
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Back in the Caribbean, the Australian attack upon Chichen Itza has utterly failed! Meanwhile, the Buccaneers have organized a rather small offensive force to take back the Nassau Canal, but the city is heavily protected by the Australians. A wise man, Parkes (Australia) has built up the city’s defenses to 133, and the 10 aircraft stationed there should be enough to deal with the Buccaneer’s air force. I do appreciate the effort by Henry Morgan (Buccaneers) to do the best with what he has. Upon the nuking of his homelands, a series of labs have developed ways of exploiting human mutations for war. And now, a unit of mutants is at Palenque, ready to terrorize the Australians who dare to come close.
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The sandy shores of the Horn of Africa, where a Boer Giant Death Robot oversees the Boer carrier flotilla, considering whether or not one of these ships is more fitting to ride than a caravel. At Batticaloa not much has changed, as Afghan peacekeepers continue to block the Sri Lankan’s offensives against the Finnish Outpost. How will Parakramabahu deal with the situation? We can also spot an Icelandic Great Musician, preparing to host a metal concert at one of the Boer’s cities. Now that we are about it, what kind of music would the Boers or the Icelandics listen to?
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The Ashanti Pikemen, having realized how powerful the Sibir are in comparison to them, have decided to go back to the Boerdom. Pikemen such as them have more to gain by selling themselves for pictures than to try charging a city defended by rocket launchers and laser beams. Meanwhile, the Boers have completely surrounded their former city of Middelburg and they plan on capturing it for good. An Advanced Destroyer is nearby, poised to recapture the territory from pesky Parkes (Australia). I wonder what those paratroopers are doing at Africa’s East coast. Are they planning to launch themselves at the ocean and make an amphibious strike at Middelburg? If only they could… Kruger (Boers) clearly prefers to use units invented by himself rather than to copy a foreign power’s strategies. That must be why Kruger won’t build XCOMs, because he doesn’t want to copy his enemy Kekkonen (Finland). Kruger is an original man who likes doing things his way. I can respect that.
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The Inuit have amassed a mighty fleet at their Southernmost possession. Rather than doing like his rivals who like to sport large flotillas of empty carriers to insult their enemies, Eukhenick prefers to do things seriously. I wouldn’t joke with someone who had a heart as cold as him, that’s for sure. The beautiful Hawaiian city of Kaneohe is overflowing with people, and so they keep building carriers to carry their people to live their lives in the ocean. How would the lifestyle of these people be?
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We end this part with a very interesting slide. Having decided that he’s had enough of capturing Buccaneer cities, Ingolfur (Iceland) decides to stop the war with Henry Morgan (Buccaneers) after conquering their city of Nuevitas. This leaves the Pirates with only 2 cities left East of the Atlantic. How far have they fallen… If I wasn’t a Brazil supporter I would be really sad by this, but I’m only a bit sad for them. Meanwhile, the Dvinnish (Spartan) deserter infantry has fled further South to Bamako, and they are now trying to shun the local Pirates for having made peace with the Icelandics. Nyeni has also grown a lot since being nuked a few parts ago, and it will soon achieve super megalopolis status. They could be killed again tough, and a well placed nuke would do the job.