Part 85: From Ashes to Embers – mk2

September 26, 2017




Violent wars stammer on endlessly while old tensions burn bright. How will these tensions shake the game as we know it with the Great Famine overcoming the cylinder?

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Oh boy, welcome back to the /r/civ Civilization Battle Royale (roll the R for added effect)! As you all should know, Burgerkrieg has taken a step away from the project. There‘s tons of information in his latest video for those who want to keep up to date. Pictured below is a bit of ‘shitpost‘ that was made right before release that we found apt for the people who have been sticking around. And don‘t worry, we‘ve provided a hell of a drug. By mixing together three parts into two, we made this part extra thick for a special reason I won‘t disclose here. But alas, that reason will be revealed in due time. A good movie needs to build up to the climactic ending right? (Coiot‘s Note: We wanted to place here a certain picture of Finland posted on the sub, but then what would our grandmas think?)
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There‘s so much to say about this image, but I‘ll opt to point out what‘s changed. In North America, the Blackfoot capital of Siksikawa gained a few more tiles, Inuit captured the former city of Guadalajara from the Aussie thunder from down under and Nassau canal city was captured by Buccaneer in a surprising come back. South America witnesses the lost of Australian city of Concepction and a few tiles exchanging hands by citadels. Elsewhere the Finnish lost the city of Nicomedia, Sweden citadelled the former German core and the Finnish exclave of Khoro was swallowed by Mongolia. Aussie also lost their former Japanese island city of Yokohama and the former Hawaiin city of Mililani. But enough of the past, onwards!
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Once more Boer is on the top and for pretty obvious reasons, I don‘t think we‘ll be seeing them drop anytime soon. With a few weak neighbors in Europe and empty lands suitable for re-population of robotic units, we could be seeing Boer stomp-fest. Or we could be seeing more hovertanks. That also works…
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The Kimberly Artillery settle in the lake of it old home that seems less carpeted than usual. It seems the Australian‘s have made the correct assumption that any enemies will be coming from across the sea. In the notification window, there‘s some amusing peace declarations between Kimberly and Finland as well as Sparta and Australia, but the biggest peace declarations is Boers with Finland as well as Iceland with Finland which provided there not being a yellow nation between them could have resulted in the true unification of Europe. Later Europe, later.
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The once Byzantine capital swaps hands in the aforementioned peace deal, going the way of Iceland in the peace deal. One must wonder what Finland believes if he‘s willing to hand over the Byzantine capital so easily to an enemy who borders almost no tiles. Maybe Kekkonen desires cities in far off continents? Shall we see another Finnish cities halt the Vietnam/Sibir bloodbath? We in the sub surely hope.
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Congratulations Houston! You now have the ability to build nukes potentially, shame you have no tiles that aren‘t occupied by Hawaiian peacekeeper army. Maybe you can move your nukes to your few carriers. I myself would love Texas to nuke and capture their former capital in a Maori-esque blitz of glory. In other news, it seems like Inuit and Blackfoot are friends, as Inuit units march towards newly acquired soil. You should count your graces Crowfoot.
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(Editor‘s Note: The original narration transcript skipped this image altogether and was the brief cause of an error from screenshots 4-8)
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Sibir is looking might sparce, but it seems like Vietnam has as well. The Vietnamese meat grinder has taken a toll out of both of them. I know, for the sake of the game‘s longevity, that a peace declaration now would be well. But, look on the bright side, the Ashanti pike-man now has places to roam. Now just don‘t get too close to Tobolsk, else ye‘ will meet the end like the Roman Legion.
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Well, I might‘ve been wrong in assuming back in the day that they‘ll be pumping out more Giant Death Robot‘s. It seems like the front-line units are consisting of anti-air guns exclusively and a few robotic Future World units. As a fighting force, I‘m think that Sibir can keep and hold Bambda, but it‘ll be a lot of flipping and a burnt away units that neither side has plenty of.
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Not having many units seems to be truthful about all nations as now since Khoro is in Mongolian control, there seems to be a lot more space to expand. Get units and get them now Mongolia, or you‘ll massive regret it should Korea get their act together.
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Although they might be on vacation in Korea lands. This actually proves that. This means good for Mongolia. They have eliminated their only real threat and Sibir is getting weaker by the moment. Act suddenly, and they might be able to capture some northern cities. This could be the only environment where Mongolia becomes somewhat of a superpower, and it comes from the relative lackadaisical attitude of Korea to their East. Maybe Yakutia has drugged their soil with apathy dust causing Korea to lul into a nice sleep. Hmmm… In other news, Mongolia seems to be wanting to pick on Finland, as has been the tradition with exclaves lately. With only four exclaves remaining, Kekkonen‘s strategy of tossing units at the weak ones might‘ve been the straw that broke the camel‘s back.
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Oh Japan, will you ever get a break? After a swift recapture of Yokohama by Australia, it seems like the front has shifted to Wakama, but without any ranged units it‘s a fruitless effort. Oh, there‘s some stray Kimberly units reminiscing over the anime that could‘ve.
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It‘s amazing if you think about this, but Korea doesn‘t have a single naval melee. Theoretically if someone attacked Osaka right now, they wouldn‘t have much to defend other than a random melee unit, but eh, they‘ve done more extreme in the past. I wonder where those units are going? If we‘re judging this part, then perhaps towards Finland as it‘s all the rage to pick on them.
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Interesting fact, you can see here how odd the cities have generated borders. In testing, we found that the game wasn‘t capable of assigning tiles to each city so we had to manually expand borders city by city with the In-Game Editor. This resulting in some odd looking formation within ocean tiles, thus this funny image. Another interesting fact, Kahuli is completely blockaded as a result of the capture, quite a silly outcome, but as flips and city holdings go on these should get less extreme. Oh well, it looks funny regardless. Oh wait, there‘s some stuff here, but nothing major. I expect Australia to reclaim Hilo within the turn as Australia has enough melee units to deal with any invasion. Still, doesn‘t make the move of Inuit any less annoying.
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Oh damn, in a surprising show of competence, Buccaneers actually forced their way back onto the continent with a recapture of Huamanga. While it might not be much, the fact that Buccaneers so shortly after near death can capture beyond the canal is a Huamanga-ous sign of life from the once written off naval nation.
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Huh. Interesting war declarations all abound. Many people hate Tibet, but unless they land in Vietnam territory and fight through the Canyons Of Freedom™, it‘s unlikely they‘ll make any impact. If Finland had their XCOM army up, they would definitely make a huge dent though with Kekkonen‘s superior unit positioning tactics. Alas, another time…
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Many small things to note here: Persian Privateer actually making it here meaning it had to go around Africa to do so. Good job Persia in doing so, your parents must be so proud. Speaking of proud, as a Proud Canadian, I love seeing my Maple Syrup Cannons to the north of Portabello. If only there was damage on these cities, we could be seeing the potential revival of Canada, which would be hype. Again, another time, another place.
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All the Armenian supporter wipes his brow nervously looking at this slide. Seeing Yerevan, Bukhara and Gaza all in red must mean danger for Armenia. We could be seeing some sweet Finnish gains here if Finland can perform a miracle. Fingers crossed for some gains Kekkonen.
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Now in a world without gains, the war grinds on. I honestly had to check that this wasn‘t the last turn. It seems like Sibir is willing to commit on this front, which if successful could weaken Vietnam. If unsuccessful could mean losses on all other fronts. This fight is actually quite important for the war effort. I for one hope there‘s little casualties as these nations both need to bulk up before their more plump neighbors strike where it‘s weak.
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Honestly, no. I affirm what I said. Mongolia could actually make gains against either Sibir or Korea. There‘s no units or even airforce nearby and tons of workers in both. These armies are almost all capable of fighting and there‘s less helicopters than ever. Could Mongolia become a superpower?
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Vietnam looks pretty mighty here, and with seemingly random chosen puppeted cities. I think Trung Sisters puppet the cities by chance. Perhaps they‘re chosing what cities to puppet from a reverse CBR in their world, in which cities which are defeated get puppeted. Explains why Bago at 21 pop is puppeted while Phu Xuan He at 11 pop isn‘t.
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Ah, the Vietnamese competitors navy is quite fearsome. We hope the changes to Carrier bias will help strengthen the navy soon. Also, look at how much city defence Kapiti has? Holy Sioux, that‘s a lot!
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Australia‘s less than defended side. If it wasn‘t for Blackfoot existing in the middle, these cities would be toast, but for now they‘ll remain blockaded, alone and scared. Australia has no good options to attack now, and they need to act soon else their colonies in the Asian and American theater will be under attack. Parkes, you‘re on limited time.
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Port-Au-Prince welcomes it‘s makers once more in open arms as it seems like Australia makes their peace with being off this continent. This continental battle has whittled down the Great Pacific Garbage Patch into a mildly formidable navy and diggers. It seems that while there‘s being sick gains on the Mexican coast, the Buccaneer coast is beyond lacking. The cities also look much less full of population than I remember. The mass famine must be finally making stateside.
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Rio De Janeiro in the meantime seems to be thriving with an actual land army and a wall of useless carriers sprinkled about. They can easily carpet and move their armies about and yet easily defend against any foe. But they shouldn‘t get too confidant. It seems like Brazil might take awhile to find their footing as a superpower with no one but the Buccs to their north.
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The aforementioned Great Famine is impacting all former metropolis‘s who refuse to adopt the tiles of their neighbours will suffer intense starvation. While it might not be awhile until Sydney reaches a lower population, the lack of tiles also harms their production as well. We hope nearby cities will make up for Sydney‘s production weakness. Also their making a national college in their capital, a smart investment considering every city in Mk2.1 starts with a Library, Barracks and most National Wonder building requirements.
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Oh dear, Pretoria please. Having opted to sacrifice population in the wave of automation within the Boer capital. Still, despite that, they have a small production bonus. Burning away their unemployed citizens might be the best, but I think unemployed problem should be counteracted with more and more tiles nearby. Alas, the problem for intensely packed cities. They are making VR training centers, so that might be problematic if it shows their militaristic hand. Probably just turtling like usual, right?
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Ivvavik, the Inuit capital, looks amazing architecturally but also suffers from the Great Famine. Cargo ships abound to keep afloat. Just how bad is this famine? Very bad, in fact it might be the worst case of starvation ever. We‘re seeing population numbers fall around the board. 840 million citizens in the Boer empire dropped to 579 million in only 6 turns. Inuit saw 511 million people drop to 342 million in the same timespan. Even Finland dropped from 68 million to 44 million. As the Ai‘s relearn how to move tiles abound, this might be mitigated. Production was barely effected though, 7830 to 7754 for Boer, 6550 to 7078 for Inuit and 1286 to 1438 for Finland, so there will be just as much units as ever, just much less people to fill their ranks.
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Vietnam don‘t care. Their leader is quite knowledgeable about city expansion and has chosen the select tiles wisely to match the population, although it only slowed the death of their people as from turn 1 to turn 6, Vietnam lost 33 million of it‘s 180 million people, a far cry from the over 200 million lost on the Boer side. We hope Hanoi‘s success continues the Vietnam successes as they fight the neverending war with Sibir.
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Sibir continues the slow ascent to greatness, although with low amount of food tiles, it seems that there might be less and less population growth with each coming turn.
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Oh no! Rim-Sin II has uncovered potentially dastardly deeds, which considering how early the game is since the restarts holds more water than it did in the original inception. Blackfoot supporters should hold their chair and brace should Inuit use it‘s new military wisely.
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Definitely not as important, but Olongapo has no doubt aided in the success of Blackfoot by providing science to the empire. We only hope this notification means little for the small island city.
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Oh, oh…? That‘s actually quite upsetting. Making sneak strikes as Boer is unlikely, it seems like the only nation that they could surprise would be a naval empire like Sri Lanka, Vietnam or Sparta. These warning generally mean little, but considering the turn it might hold fruit. For those wanting a long game, hope against it. But for those wanting blood, cheer and chant! Pick your side.
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The Boer empire is actually quite sparse. If they want to attack, they‘ll need units. Unless their special worker has combat strength, it seems they‘ll need to summon more units than ever to maintain the front.
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Who would‘ve guessed that Iceland would be able to actually own Constantinople. Finland must be quite scared considering the army stationed around Tigranocetra. Unless Vietnam is commencing the attack on the former Byzantine capital, and judging from the movement they seems fairly likely. Who knows with Civ AI, who knows.
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The war on Bamda seems to going the way of Vietnam, as Sibir‘s defense on Bamda evaporates as Vietnam approaches. It might be time to get worried Sibir fans. There ARE Sibir fans, right?
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Mongolia, you amazing man you. You‘ve managed to somehow turn into a mild superpower. Not only have they purged some exclaves from Finland, they now have military advantage in sheer unit count over Korea. You might think that‘s not correct from the total military strength, but Korea‘s strength is entirely in the ocean. They can easily pluck Tiflis some border cities and hold them with the impressive amount of cavalry units. Come on, we want blood!
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Frustrating literally everyone, Brazil‘s force just disappeared. Maybe they don‘t want to hold a city in the middle of the arctic with no value, or maybe they don‘t value the honor of finishing off a Civ. You know Sibir, just one melee unit is all it‘ll need.
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Australian cities view the vintage wooden boats floating near them. They know they‘re in no threat of being taken, so they merely lounge back and relax in the beautiful below freezing weather. Perfect time of year! It‘d be even better with some Future World improvements here. Look at Iceland, maybe they‘ll give ‘ya some tips.
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Alas, Brazil has one thing to enjoy, and that is a Aussie free continent. Honestly, Australia was glad to get what they got, but their Green interrupted with the Brazillian‘s superior green shading. Maybe in the future a war will change the tide of the world, but considering both has depleted military consisting mostly of carriers, expect that not to change soon.
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Removing Buccaneers is once more annoying considering the Huamanga-ous (hate me yet) cities by the never defeated Buccaneers. Could they reclaim Tulum once more from Aussie‘s? It‘s anyone‘s game honestly, but I expect no one to take it with their available units. Produce naval melee units folks, simple stuff!
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While Uxmae remains in easy capturing range from Aussie, it seems like Inuit force might make the central American core a violent one indeed. Port Au Prince and most Buccaneer cities seem fine. Wait? Is that a newly produced Battleship? Have the bias patch finally helped naval nations? We‘ll keep look for stationed melee naval units in the future.
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It seems like that all they actually care about, as there‘s no units of Aussie in sight. We might be seeing Torreon flip to Inuit should this continue. Come on Blackfoot. Now‘s the time!
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Oh Ekeuhnick! Always picking on empires smaller than you. However, with a light hover, we can actually see how beautiful this nation is to live in. Honestly, I‘ve been personally wanting to vacation Sweden/Finland for a long time and if they remain as beautiful as this I know I‘ll enjoy myself. Keep on keeping on. Just hope Inuit doesn‘t unlodge the pain train of naval units from the Canadian north and sends it your way.
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The Ashanti Pikeman views the military exercise in the once Polish home of Warsaw. It seems like they‘re pointing their guns directly at Finland, but that‘s pretty unlikely considering the symbol of peace everywhere the Ashanti Pikeman is within it. Maybe they‘re waiting for him to embark once more in his epic quest.
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It seems just as empty here, but I have to once more appreciate the beauty of the texture pack. The added colors really help, although some may not like it. Pretty sparse. It seems like they‘re moving a small amount of carriers here, but I doubt we‘ll see bloodshed here any day soon.
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While it seems like Vietnam is pretty occupied, the amount of units that has perished in these parts from the failed siege on Yervantashat no doubt hurt the military they posses. Indeed, they could easily be on deaths row. I wouldn‘t say to prepare your F, but give it a good long look and see if pressing it will be in the future.
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Huh? It seems that units have come in to defend Bamda and has crushed the Vietnamese offense. Bamda has lost some health, but considering the nearby plane most likely bearing down on, it seems that none of that was induced by any units. Should the AI take advantage of the nearby mountain, it can potentially completely siege Bamda and take it for themselves. Honestly, I wouldn‘t count it out ever, as AI does mysterious things.
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Actually, I take back my original claim. It seems like Turfan will remain for awhile as majority of the Mongolia seems to be more interesting in taking a long vacation, letting the limited units of Finland cut through the ranks of Mongolia. This might go to the way of the Mongol horde, but damages to army might mean any planned invasions of Korea won‘t happen any time soon. Such a shame.
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And this is the reason. If Inuit or Mongolia were to strike it‘d be amazing right now. Although judging from the max HP units in the cities, it seems like Korea has gotten the bulletin posted on the fridge that says “produce units no what”. Glad to see it and unless Vietnam attacks, Korea will have the opportunity to fully carpet up; a luxury that Finland and Sweden wish they could have.
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Less than fifty slides ago I was talking about how Yokohama went the ways to the Inuit and now they burnt through their navy and lost both Yokohama and Mililani Muaka as the former offensive army finds themselves quickly without home. The captains of the Arsenal ships just sighs and turns their craft south-east, preparing to go to their newly acquired Hawaiian land base.
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“Men, this isn‘t Dallas anymore.” speaks an amazed and bewildered admiral, adjusting his glasses as he looks through the occupied waters. The men, uncertain how to use their new vessel turn east, moving through the platoons of carriers and army transport corps move by. The creaking of the untested metal becoming the ambiance before a nervous sailor looks up to their leader. “How did we even get here I mean we-...” before he could even finish speaking the Admiral tossed his bourbon to the ground. “Go east. We arrive to Nassau in a fortnight. No more questions.” he looked down to his shipwrights, turning around and returning to his quarters. “Geez, what got on Admiral Pachacuti‘s nerves?” said one shipwright, only receiving some quiet mumbled replies, letting the creaking metal become ambiance once more.
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Speaking of creaking ambiance, Iceland looks on with old rickety ships most likely from ancient era as Inuit potentially ponders pressing the big red button on a one tile island Bunbury. Despite being at war, Inuit doesn‘t take much damage from moving next to the Australian city with nuclear arms. Perhaps a third ship accompanied them. Their life will be remembered.
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Torreon seems to be slightly worried about the amount of nukes, but it seems that Inuit fans will be more worried considering the amount of nukes that could be submerged in salty waters. If you‘re going to drop to the air force, at least drop a flurry of fire down on Torreon for us observers to see.
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The battle down here is a bit more violent. It seems that any opportunity for Blackfoot to fight a non-Inuit threat have dwindled to zero unless they strike Australia now. They have to rely on good graces with Inuit to remain relevant.
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Buccaneers have cleaned up nicely. Put the drunkard in a suit and pain central America a nice shade of black and white and he‘s ready for the ball. And by ball, I mean ball of death and destruction. Unfortunately, much like Blackfoot. They‘ve already run out of weak opponents. They need to bulk up and fast if they desire to stay in this game.
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Tulum is getting the hug of death, but it seems like no one here is capable of capturing it. It‘s not even that amazing of a city and isn‘t easily defensible by the Buccaneers. They should let the bloodshed here be entirely of Brazil‘s and focus on bulking up, but alas, they‘re here in a stalemate. Plus, even if they lose it, they have a nice ring of black surrounding the islands. Consider it a pirate hug.
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Yep, Mongolia cannot into war. I went from hyping Mongolia to just being a dejected father. Mongolia… You need to actually commit and with a sizable chunk. There‘s no air force. Yet again, you opted to initiate a peace agreement with Finland. Keep on being you Gengis. In other news, you might notice that the turn is one above our usual limit. On my suggestion alone, I‘ve opted to merge two recorded parts into one. ‘Why?‘ you may ask, but alas, this is just a gift I‘m giving to you. Got your popcorn? Got your soda? Got your healthy item of choice? Lean in and relax, sub dwellar.
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Thankfully Inuit‘s forces don‘t seem too large here, but you need to be careful, as if they do declare, you should be seeing the hot islands down here become a beautiful shade of light blue. You see, I‘m divided here. On one end, we really want superpowers to rival the Boer‘s and yet on the other end we don‘t want a beloved nation sink to the bottom of the sea. I‘m more focused on the former though, as I believe right now Boer‘s are in an unassailable position, and all it takes is a war declaration on pretty much anyone to secure them this game. If anyone wants to defeat them, they need to be unanimous and swift.
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Ah, the sisters realized that Tyumen was acting as a gateway for Sibir and won‘t be having any of that, potentially planning to pluck not only Tyumen but also Hrazdan, a famous city flip to cause this war to stagnate. Indeed, it might‘ve been the case that Vietnam could be competing if it wasn‘t for this famous city flip by Sir Kek himself. In fact, they seem to be currying loads of bad omens with major superpowers lately. Let‘s hope they don‘t get denounced like Tibet as unlike them, denouncements could mean serious war.
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This front however seems quite volatile. Remember that Mk2.1 isn‘t perfect, and minor relationship values couldn‘t be replicated without a major delay, so this front could become deadly for anyone. The Paratrooping paraders ponders a potentially pretty potent push from pretty pissed previous partners. Alright, I‘ll stop. But for realizes, I could see Helsinki flipping in one turn from a competent human player, if not two turns. Dangerous times indeed.
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A bit southward on the globe, we notice some things odd. Namely the offensive Great Artist making a beautiful picture as Yerevan remains coated in flames. It seems likely any burning Armenian city will flip here unless urged by Vietnam. You can keep partying Armenia for living this long. The defense around Jerusalem has evaporated however, but it seems likely to flip any day soon. Such is the fate of anyone who settles near the Middle East.
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Alrighty Pikeman, you‘re like the second most loved astrayed unit, please don‘t get too close to the warfronts. Yeah, I understand they‘re pretty much everywhere, but still move up. Qashliq seems nicer. There‘s even a Babylonian spy. Maybe you‘ll be able to sneak onboard. Come on and get away from here. On others news, it seems like Nishapur which was once Vietnamese some parts ago is comfortably in the hands of Sibir, but it seems like Trung doesn‘t want that to remain. It seems likely to be in Vietnamese hands soon.
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Refugee embassy seems to be well defended this time around, but it seems like they need to abandon here and just let it be swallowed up. It‘s unlikely to remain in their hands for too long. Any skilled Sri Lankan player could easily negotiate passage through Vietnamese lands and bear down on the city, but with the only coast tile being occupied, it‘ll take some bloodshed. This city should just assimilate to Vietnam. #RefugeFreedom
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Despite the lack of units, it seems like Inuit can also take a chunk out of Korea. A proper two way war with Mongolia could… actually, never mind. I‘m tired of getting my hopes up for Gengis. Anyways, Inuit could serve to assimilate some cities this part into it‘s core and use it‘s surprisingly sizable navy in this parts alongside it‘s competent and mobile Future World units.
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If you want to take out Australian Japan, you need a large amount of melee units, something that should be pretty obvious to any actual player of the game. Ranged units lose purpose after a wide air force is assembled, and only serve to thin out the ranks of melee units attacking you. A ranged force with no melee is useless, and they made the mistake here, only damaging Tokyo and Wakayama in the process and lose Mililani Muaka in the process. Amusing thing to note, somehow Mongolia has a Power Armor just relaxing here while they declare peace elsewhere. The power of Open Borders agreements failing amuses me greatly.
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About going back to Hawaii, yeah, don‘t. You lost out on all your ocean holdings by Australia who has mastered the city. Most of these units are also promoted in quite a numerous ways and yet completely fall apart. There was no way to succeed here too, unless more Paratoopers occupy the non 1-tile islands, but without a stream of melee ships here, again nothing will happen. Hell, it‘s possible Blackfoot can make sick gains here if they attack very soon. Probably not, but with the Australians occupied, they can take these islands as well as take the stray Australian American cities for themselves.
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Like come on! You have many carriers that can distract the AI, enough paratroopers to do the job and you can fill out your invasion bingo card of defeating a nation, kicking a nation off your continent, surviving near a major power and buildings tons of unnecessary carriers. The prize and the land are there waiting for you, Crowfoot.
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Buccs; despite having many cities in immense pain, seem to be making even more gains with an amazing usage of their units. They have human player levels of knowledge over this game. I honestly wonder what makes them so good. I think it has something to do with the fact they always have limited amount of units so no turn goes wasted. A talented army only needs one line and air force. Remember when these guys were a write-off?
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“Regent Mallock. While you‘ve sent your men off towards Hebron, it seems that a superior foe has taken Dvin. The empire is over, my lord…” You wondered why I extended it, well we couldn‘t be having a part end without a few microphone drops. As if acting as one, Sweden and Boer stricken much weaker powers bringing Dvin empire to it‘s knees. It‘s alright Mallock, you‘ll be much better a Boer unit.
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“That‘s not enough proof, you say? Well, let‘s show you the odds. Boers have easily the number one posistion in the globe from the Zulu forward settle, Kongo extinction, Ashanti dismissal, Ethiopian bloodshed and Buccaneer purging from parts ago. They‘ve turtled and created an empire to be proud of, and despite losing one of the most powerful wonders in the game, remain the most powerful nation by far. Meanwhile…”
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“We‘ve lost one city, easily remain at the bottom of all but Happiness. Our treasury is bleeding rapidly and we‘re losing our men at a rapid rate. I‘m sorry, sir. But it seems our time on this world is over…”
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Roleplaying aside, we‘re already seeing units smashing on the borders of Gdansk and Jyvaskla, the sizable navy of Sweden clashing against the remaining Finnish resistance. This war seems decisive on water, but how does land fair?
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There‘s many numbers here, but I want to focus on some of the main ones. 911443 active troops here with 4.7 million sq km of land/water area owned. While not unassailable, they are doing fine for themselves.
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But it‘s not entirely over. With over half the military and almost identical land area, it seems pretty tight for Kekkonen who has been doing well so far. It seems like there‘s likely to great bloodshed in the future. This won‘t be impossible, just extremely tough. Retreat from your exclaves, as the war comes home Urho Kekkonen.
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Kekkonen has realized this and has peace out with Armenia, Sri Lanka and Sparta, most likely giving some money away in the process. It‘s time to move your planes home and accept that this will be a tough battle.
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Down on the souther front, it seems pretty hard as Ohrid bombs down on Adrianople, a few units approach the front, but they can only flip the city once by water. The ranged naval units has no use in this battle unless Vietnam strikes, and considering they‘re moving north, this might be likely. Brace for impact, Finnish fans.
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Armenia got out of this too, and good, considering it seems likely that the units produced in nearby Yervantashat were going for the capital. The artist is so proud, he run towards Finnish soldier desiring one moment of peace between the once waring nations. Such idealists they are.
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In non-war diplomatic news. Historical landmarks was passed, benefiting many Civs all over with increased culture gain, especially those with high amount of Great Works like those in Europe. This‘ll give major boosts to Sweden as they march to Finland, granting them roughly 30 additional culture per turn. Boer‘s do se benefits, but in much less of a quantity overall, having chosen to instead focus on Future World improvements.
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In less diplomatic news, it seems like Agent Em has uncovered a plot between former rivals with Kimberly nearby looking on in horror. It doesn‘t seem like they are on any good standing either, so this might hold even more truth than others.
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Oh boy, with Wroclaw‘s citizens glad it‘s not on the coast, it seems like the naval power is going right to Helsinki. Iceland also seemed to have disappeared from these slides moments ago. While this war is dramatic, if Iceland did attack, they might be able to sweep over a swept through land in a very Ireland-esque fashion. Opportunities here for you Iceland, you just have to make them. But I‘m getting ahead of myself. It seems like there‘s a non-Ashanti pike man in this slide just viewing the carnage for themselves. I‘m uncertain who is controlling them, but they‘re in dangerous land. One exchanged nuke could spell the end for the poor unit. Dangerous times, Finland fans.
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Instead of detailing the chaos, it might be better to describe all that‘s happening. Adrianople take pretty severe damage with a unit in range for capture. Poznan seems likely to fall as well with people closing in Wroclaw from all directions. Cities are being unpuppeted just as fast as they‘re taking damage, so it seems like Finland is in this 100%. The army doesn‘t seem impossible, but that land army build is deadly. All melee units with a small air force for damage. If this bias remains true, I‘d be happy losing Finland for more powerful Europe. We all want a true Europe strong, and if a few people have to die for that to happen, oh well, right?
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Alright, I‘ve trashed on Sibir for a long time, but once more the lower amount of units seems to benefit the AI, as they‘re taking good usage of them and weakening the key units. It seems like Sibir always can manage these hoards well. Maybe the Atilla taught him some secrets in hiding… Mongolia, take notes.
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Alrighty, I don‘t know how it happened, but you didn‘t act soon enough. These lands could‘ve been yours and instead you‘re witnessing as the Aussie‘s form a counter attack. I honestly love how things like this can happen from nowhere, considering the string of defeats the Aussie‘s delivered to them earlier. They both seem determined to strike down on the Australian menace.
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Again with the surprising snipe of Therapne. I don‘t even know how that happened, but I don‘t see a melee unit in range. Maybe the Buccs accepted that it wouldn‘t be there‘s and focused on keeping their melee units alive. Hopefully we see more carpeting in the future.
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Worst of both worlds! Not only has Tulum gone the way of Brazil, but the losing of Therapne means they lose the ability to hug Tulum, quite a loss indeed. But for real, this sucks in many ways, as it isolates Buccaneer forces from the mainland. Nassau canel city means little if you cannot move through Inuit or Brazillian waters, two nations that want you deader than Dvin. Too soon?
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Alas, we‘re at the InfoAddict slides, and we can see some interesting numbers. Sweden triumphs over Finland, Sibir does surprisingly well for the location they are in and the top contenders run away with it. Vietnam has suffered from minor starvation compared to the others, but it shouldn‘t be too bad right?
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Again, not much to say here, as the people are at the bottom. Kind of disappointed to see Buccs here, but that‘s how the cookie crumbles. Without Dvin, the food amount in Sparta has fallen greatly. Hover your F keys folks but not too long. That‘ll cause some wrist related injury and I don‘t want to be liable. So, think about hovering. That‘ll do.
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Those who are on top remain on top. Buccaneers peak in while Inuit surprisingly catches up to the Boer‘s with their few captured. I wonder who has more cities?
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Sparta, son. You‘re two away from Tibet. Two. Welcome to the table of the rump, you may sit on it for a turn or two. We‘ll welcome you to the sub shortly.
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Oh boy, Open Borders. I‘ll use this slide to actually thank everyone for all the compliments. Seriously, it touches my depressed tired heart to hear all the thanks for us. Truthfully, it‘s been a journey and we thank you for sticking past the last part. We hope to not only retain you but bring the sub back to life. In the past 20 days, we‘ve gained more unique viewers than the Mk3 had during it‘s hype. While we‘re not at Mk2 numbers, it‘s still rather impressive if I do say so myself. As much as I want to show you the bloodbath of the ages, that‘ll come next time on the /r/civ Civilization Battle Royale (make sure to roll that R). ‘Til then, ciao.