Episode 14: Charges of the Light Brigades – S2

August 11, 2021




Almost every Civ simultaneously decides that cavalry units are great at capturing cities. Or maybe they decided this a while ago and I never noticed, wouldn’t surprise me.

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Hello, I’m MRN, better known as midwestrandomnumbers or u/midwestRN2 since I, you know, actually use those. I’ve been watching since CBRX1 and after narrating my own ai game I decided to try out narrating the CBRX, because why the hell not?

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This episode of CBRX is brought to you by Lacsirax Ariscal’s Google map, a very detailed map of the cylinder showing all the cities on a normal world map. No need to guess what island a random city is on, they’ve already done that for you.

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Can’t go wrong with a traditional Vihreaan map though. Both were, well not quite instrumental, but very helpful in the writing of this episode.

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Coiot: Thank you so much everyone who came together in one big donation train to bring together 113% of our donation goal total! Forever grateful that we got this necessary component in place and can now prevent any significant break between seasons.

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Ah yes, Malacca, the Butter of the CBRX, they’ve both been at number one for a while, I don’t think either belongs there, but I don’t hate them. Malacca won’t be unseated by a Murri and Canada team up though, that would’ve been last season

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The episode starts with the Chinook conquest of Pipiimar, which will be the greatest extent of Comcomly’s Tongvan conquests. The nearest Tongvan melee unit is an embarked though, so he doesn’t have to worry about any reconquest for a couple of turns at least.

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Nieuw Amstel, the new New Netherland capital has fallen to Rio Grande, with Stuyvesant relocating to the former Neutral capital of Kandoucho. Similarly to the war on the other end of North America, this is likely as far as Antonio’s conquests will go.

You can also see the Rio Grandese unique Vaquero near Ciudad Mier, this cavalry replacement can spawn horse resources and, more importantly, gains an attack bonus across rivers, which could be useful if Antonio gets to attacking Kandoucho.

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Shangdu and Ulanhad fall to All-Russia. Both have a pretty good chance of flipping back, as Madukhai has a pretty good navy on Lake Baikal, and some knights to do the capturing in Shangdu’s case. I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but this is going to be the maximum extent of Kolchak’s conquests here, as he has a severe lack of new units to bring to the front.

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Makasser, and the VOC with it, is on the edge of falling to Hawaii, though if it does fall, it won’t be to that ship of the line there. Meanwhile, brave VOC musketmen try to attack Hilo, but they land on the beaches of some copper mine instead of the beaches of Hilo.

Also, Nigeria peaces out with the Ptolemies, taking some cities in the middle east in the deal.

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Rio Grande adopts Autocracy, which is ironic, I think? And uh, there’s not much else here, there’s a Kulin ironclad under attack and uh, nothing else

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Two Scilies also adopts Autocracy and Uzbekistan hasn’t made any progress against Georgia since we last saw, though they do have Great War Infantry, so if they do manage to break through Georgia is screwed

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Gjakove is captured by a German Stormtrooper, a GWI replacement which gains a bonus against fortified units, and gun units, and defending against ranged attacks, though this might only apply in open terrain, the wording isn’t the most clear. It looks like it’ll flip back though, and the only other German melee units in the area are cavalry.

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Chola declares war Punjab, and doesn’t look like it’ll be an interesting war, on land at least, looks like it’ll be a mainly naval war, and sadly we got the wrong side of India to see that front

Punjab does have their UU though, the Akali replaces the rifleman and has a ranged attack, starts with a promotion when trained in a holy city, and is cheap to be purchased with faith

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A Dene great general leads a cavalry charge against Murphy Mound, though he won’t be successful, as he only has his cavalry, maybe he should be demoted. Mississippi also peaced out with the Tongva

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Taiping declares war on Laos, which would’ve been relevant several epsiodes ago, but now it means squat, though they’re joined by Punjab, who is also not in a position to invade Laos. Meanwhile, Kublai just chills in Hetu Ala, I’m not even sure if he’s at war with any of his neighbors at this point.

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Sarpang takes some minor damage, but other than that, there’s nothing. Though it does appear that Punjab has a tech advantage, with GWIs over the Chola’s riflemen. Oh and Punjab peaced out with Hejaz, which is sorta relevant

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We get a shot of the theoretically more interesting front, though nothing has happened yet. The Chola navy is currently focusing on their former city of Nagapattinam, which probably isn’t the right move, as Rabigh isn’t as well defended and has more spots to attack from. Chola also has GWI, so Punjab’s tech advantage seems to only show itself in their ironclads.

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Kaya seems firmly in the Vandals hands, but there is a Burkinabe rifleman who can capture it. If it is recaptured though, it won’t be falling back as Awolowo has parked a privateer right outside the city. Genseric’s fleet is looking absolutely terrifying, and probably could take out any civ on the Atlantic, though there are a couple imposters among them.

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Karl continues his boring streak, he has his uus, which are identical to unmodded civ’s caroleans, but he seems more focused on his uwus and skirmishers, which are a ranged unit, and therefore won’t be capturing any cites if Karl wakes up from his catnap. They’re not even up to date as both of his neighbors have the more advanced gatling guns.

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Well, looks like this front is actually interesting, as Sarpang has fallen to Punjab, looks like it’ll flip back though, multiple times in fact, as both civs have a decent number of units to capture it with. Meanwhile a couple of Chola units run into a Punjabi forest, likely never to be seen again.

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An army of Burkinabe cuirassiers charge into Vandal territory through what I think are the Atlas mountains, likely to no avail other than the capture of Sicca, which was just settled and is basically worthless. Also Nigeria has paratroopers, which I think are the first on the cylinder.

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Malaccan aircraft have brought Amata to the red, and are now working on Pukatja. They won’t be capturing anything though, as Mansur hasn’t brought any land units. Even if he did, the Anangu have completely carpeted what little land they have. In fact, their army looks bigger than the Kulin’s. Hell, if Barak declared war, Tjilpi wouldn’t have much to worry about, for a while at least, the army is probably right off screen or something

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The Punjabi war is horribly backfiring for Raja Raja, not only has he lost Sarpang, but now Thiruvarur, all while failing to damage Nagapattinam. While Thiruvarur will fall back to the Chola, the ai is probably interpreting this as them losing really badly

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Pipiimar fell back to the Tongva, and now Toypurina has taken back Naayxoxar as well. She could maybe advance, but I doubt much would come of it. Meanwhile a bunch of Palmareian units just, stand around, creating Palmares 2, Cascadian boogaloo

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Ulanhad and Shangdu have flipped, it looks like they’ll flip again in a couple of turns, but in the long term they seem firmly All-Russian.

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We finally get to see one of the cities Nigeria got in their peace deal, Tripoli, but other than there's nothing. Maybe Jerusalem could reclaim their capital with that pikeman, but that is not likely.

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A decent Uzbek force has begun to descend on Nikopsia, though most of it is composed of field guns, which are siege units, because of course the AI wouldn’t send units that can capture cities. The USSR has their unique levy, a GWI replacement which is weaker, cheaper, and can use enemy roads.

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It appears that the Punjabi war has debackfired for Raja Raja, as Sarpang is back in his hands, though it’ll flip a couple times, and he is now on the offensive, though he probably won’t be taking any cities, at least in India, maybe it’s going better for him in Persia.

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The Dene great general has replaced his cavalry charge with units that have a chance to capture cities. While he hasn’t actually damaged any cities, he’ll probably get to that soon, right?

Also Uzbekistan has completed the Manhattan Project, so there's a good chance Georgia doesn’t have long to live

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Hey look, the UN, that’s totally relevant, also Two Scilies and the Ptolomies have peaced out

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Kosovo is trying to embargo Uzbekistan, Germany is trying to make Order the world ideology, and Kristjan has been replaced with a clone of Ferdinand I

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Japan declared war on Northern Yuan a couple turns ago, and are now attacking Mukden, and it looks like it’ll fall too. There’s also a force heading for Kaifeng, though that seems safe from capture

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A Marajora privateer attacks Lof Ta, nothing will come of it

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Hermoupolis was handed to Two Sicilies in their peace deal with the Ptolomies, but it looks like it was just an indirect handover to Germany, who had a fleet in place to take it

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A Tuareg great artist tries to get a nice painting of the Zairian Rainforests, but is unable to because of the massive carpet, which is about 50% Presidential Divisions, their unique unit which has increased combat strength when near the capital and yields culture when healing damage. Oh and it’s a machine gun replacement because who needs melee units

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On the other hand, Northern Yuan has no carpet, though they do have their unique Chongzu, a lancer replacement without a penalty against cities and gets experience faster, also Mukden takes damage

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We get a shot of Malacca’s Tongvan conquests, for some reason, nothing that’ll serve as more than a holding ground for a navy when he decides to invade America again though. There’s also a surprising amount of Zanzibari units in the area

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You know how I said Shangdu would be the greatest extent of Kolchak’s conquests? Well it seems that I was very wrong, as the Northern Yuan capital of Karakorum has been knocked to the yellow, and it’ll at least flip, though I don’t know who’s hands it’ll end up in.

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A whole army of Tongvan cuirassiers are flanking Qwatsamts, which while having a large garrison, won’t be getting reinforcements because peacekeepers from a good chunk of the civs in America are clogging up the mountain pass.

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Hermoupolis might actually stay in Ferdinand’s hands, as the German fleet is almost defeated, but could actually fall to Hejaz, theoretically at least, they actually have a decent army in the area. Also we see the full extent of Nigeria’s Arabian exclave

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While Mukden is damaged in the south, a Northern Yuan force attacks Nagoya, it might fall, but I place my bets on Mukden falling first

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The Punjab war has rebackfired for Raja Raja, has he is back to having lost cities and Yanbu looks like it’ll fall, though Nagapattinam has taken damage, and could maybe fall

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The Nigerian-Burkinabe war has kicked off again, and Ouagadougou has taken no damage. This is in part because of Zairian Presidential Divisions around the city, which is not a good sign in the scenario of a Zarian invasion of Nigeria, or it is a good sign if you’re a Zaire fan. Back to the current war, while both armies seem sparse, Nigeria’s both more advanced and less sparse, this could be a repeat of the first war, but I doubt it. Burkina Faso will also peace out with the Vandals later this turn, so Sankara won’t have to deal with multiple fronts.

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Karakorum has fallen to All-Russia, though it seems Northern Yuan has a larger army for the ensuing flip battle, but that is probably because the camera is in a place where Karakorum is at the bottom of the screen

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Gjakove seems to have flipped, and will flip more later, though that’s the only action from this entire war, Essen has been scraped by some calvary, and Hermoupolis almost fell, but those are the only other places of any form of action

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Nikopsia has fallen to Uzbekistan, but unless Tamar makes a dumb peace deal, it’ll probaly end up in her hands, since she has more units to flip the city in the area, and any reinforcements Islam could send won’t be flipping it, since they’re all field guns

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The Dene great general has completely failed at his job, Thebacha is now under attack by Mississippian troops, and while they are lacking melee units, they have enough of them that they can probably easily take it

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I actually have no idea what this shot is showing, maybe it’s Kulin adopting autocracy, but I’m pretty sure they did that a while ago

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Ah fuck, Malacca found our sub, or they’re sending a fleet somewhere but that would be silly

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Well it looks like this war will redebackfire, Nagapattinam and Wazirabad have taken damage and the other cities of interest seem to be flip fests

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Nigeria has pulled an air force out of nowhere, which likely include their unique Ugboelu, which starts with bombardment I and gets extra strength of each DoF Nigeria has, and knocked Aghat (which must have gotten recaptured from the Vandals), Tenkodogo, and the Burkinabe capital of Ouagadougou to the yellow, with units in place to capture all of them, though there is a surprising amount of cavalry units for such a technologically advanced civ. In fact, they’re so advanced that they’ve completed the Manhattan Project.

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I’m not sure what to say for this slide that I haven’t said on another slide of this war. Sarpang is in Chola hands, but it’s not done flipping yet, Wazirabad is in the green, but like all of the wars this episode, they are sending cavalry units to capture it, because why use units without a penalty against cities?

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Kaya, Tenkodogo, Aghat judging by the mini map, and the Burkinabe capital of Ouagadougou have all fallen to Nigeria. Ouagadougou and Tenkodogo look like they will flip, but Awolowo has enough forces that they’ll probably end up in his hands.

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Yanbu has fallen to Punjab, and while it will flip, it’ll probably end in Ranjit’s hands. Someone’s capital flipped, not sure who’s though, can’t think of anyone who’s turn would’ve happened yet with a capital that could’ve flipped.

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The Teutons have declared war on Kosovo, bringing on themselves a coalition of Tahiti, the Tongva, Burkina Faso, the VOC, and Bhutan. While Hermann won’t be getting promoted from city state status with this war, he seems safe from any Kosovar attack, since his borders create a bottleneck, and Rugova’s army in the area is mainly ranged.

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Boyd Mounds has fallen to the Dene, and while it could flip, it will end in Dene hands. Looks like the Dene great general does deserve a demotion, as the only success in this war was in the area out of his control.

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The Two Sicilies are attacking Acre with an actually balanced arm- just kidding they’re sending in cavalry. What’s up with civs this episode and attacking cities with cavalry? Is this a common occurrence that I’ve only now noticed?

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All-Russia and Northern Yuan have peaced out, with Karakorum ending in Kolchak’s hands, though it doesn’t look like any cities were handed over in the deal, maybe Avarga, can’t quite tell though. Remember when Northern Yuan was ranked number 1?

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At least Mandukhai was able to capture Nagoya, though a Japanese line infantry is in place to take it back, plus Mukden looks ready to fall. Not a good episode for her.

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Tenkodogo has fallen back to Nigeria, and Ouagadougou seems to have flipped, maybe that was the capital that flipped a while ago. Bobo Dioulasso looks like it’s about to fall too, though the Zairian Presidential Divisions might start getting in the way really soon.

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Baldwin decides to join his fellow crusaders in attacking Kosovo, with the same civs joining in against him, plus the Yuan. Unlike the Teutons, Jerusalem’s borders won’t help defend against Kosovar units, luckily, there aren't many Kosovar units nearby right now, unluckily, Aleppo only has 20 defense, so when the army does come, Aleppo is dead.

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Mukden does fall to Japan, though Nagoya didn’t actually flip by the looks of it. Kakuei doesn’t have anything else to gain from this war though, and since Mandukhai doesn’t have another front to worry about now, keeping this going could go really badly.

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Other than a possible flip of Thebacha, this war won’t be going anywhere. This war was probably a waste for Thanadelthur, since all she got was a single tundra city, and she lost a good chunk of her army.

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Bhutan is just, sitting there, doing nothing but getting declared on by the USSR and getting citadeled by Taiping. Uzbekistan has their unique unit though, the Max sus Kuchlar, a weaker infantry replacement which gets extra movement when starting on desert tiles and has the blitz promotion.

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Looks like Hermoupolis actually did fall to Germany. No idea how they got the units through the mess in the Red Sea and the rest of the ocean, but at least Wilhelm is dedicated. Speaking of dedicated, Hussein is sending his entire military through foreign territory, to attack Jerusalem (the civ not the city) I presume

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Ah another one of these slides, don’t know what there is to say here, uh, there’s some random outdated Namibian units in Zanzibar. There’s also a Nigerian Supercarrier in Mogadishu, a carrier upgrade unlocked at robotics, meaning that they’re at least in the information era.

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Qwatsamts is captured by the Tongva, and it will end in their hands. Toypurina on the defense, losing 5 of her cities to a world power and a civ which got their ass kicked by a world power, and now she’s conquered the 2nd city of one of her opponents. She’s not going to be a world power or anything, but hey, it’s better than nothing.

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Ok, so I feel safe in saying this war was a mistake for Raja Raja, one city is safely gone from his hands, another is a toss up right now, and a third city has been flipped to oblivion. He has nothing to gain from continuing this war except maybe recapturing his lost cities.

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Zaire has declared war on Hejaz, sending paratroopers and presidential divisions from Ptolomy territory Jeddah, though Hussein’s weird expeditionary force might come in handy, as as a good chunk of Moboutu’s army got stuck behind it, though none of the paratroopers got caught up in it.

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Mukden was captured by Japan (though it will flip) but Osaka is now under attack, but a flip is out of the question. This war is over unless either Japan or Northern Yuan get declared war on.

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Koudougou, Burkina Faso’s current capital and only non-desert city is in the yellow, and looks like it’ll fall soon, two other cities have been damaged, but they’re not important enough for me to type out their names. The Zairian peacekeeper problem has gotten worse, becoming a wall splitting Burkina Faso in half.

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A Dene army is heading to the plains south of Like-A-Fishhook. The placement of the cities and how the ai works basically guarantees nothing will come of this.

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Hong Xiuquan declared war on Laos a while ago, and he’s sent an army to invade, but the combination of the geography of the area and the fact they have to walk through Malacca to get to Laos guarantees absolutely nothing will come of it. There goes my hopes of Hong invading Northern Yuan.

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A small Marajoara is attacking Temu Ko, but it has surprisingly high defense for this time, so doubt it’ll fall, though if it does, it’ll probably stay Marajoara.

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It looks like Ranjit Singh will be the winner of the Sarpang flip war, and Raja Raja’s mid Indian attack force has been beaten back, so that was a waste of Cholan production.

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Other than Dedougou, which seems set to fall soon, this war is dead. The Zairian peacekeepers have gotten to the point where they’re surrounding cities. Though there’s a good chance Sankara is going to give away all his cities to Nigeria.

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Turns out the Chukchi are at war with the Mississippi, and are attacking Nemah, sending in, what else, cavalry units, not even that many either, since Nemah is in a mountain pass. They won’t capture it, but this could weaken it enough for the Dene to come in, if the Dene don’t just withdraw to Like-A-Fishhook.

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Jerusalem is about to join their Teutonic brothers as a forgettable city state, Aleppo is about to fall and I doubt Rugova will be bothered to go and finish them off in Acre. Maybe Two Sicilies will take them out later, but the Vandals are in the way right now, and won’t be able to leave unless they lose their open borders.

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The Zaiarian force in Arabia is down to one melee unit, and they aren’t even trying on the African front. I know they’re behind mountains Mobutu, but could you try a bit harder, maybe drop in some paratroopers or get open borders with Nigeria? This is embarrassing.

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Nikopsia is firmly Uzbek, and Islam has decided that instead of sending his field guns through the city to attack Kutaisi, he’ll just send them accross the Caspian, sinking any hopes of the city being captured soon with the convoys of field guns.

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Rugova got open borders with the Soviet Union, and is now throwing lancers at Memel, and with a rifleman and field gun nearby, it looks like it’ll fall, eventually. Hermann better start praying even harder than usual.

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Mapuche privateers are attempting to recapture Kuru Ko, in fact, their tile claiming ua has already given them half of Rapa Nui. There's also some reinforcements near La Paz, so there’s a good chance that they’ll recapture it.

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Ok, so it looks like Raja Raja will recapture Thiruvarur and I can see Nagapattinam falling later down the line, but even if it does fall I’m not entirely sure this war would’ve been worth it. I mean, sure, you recapture an old city and prevent one of your neighbors from building up a navy, but you also lose a colony, throw away the entire population of two pretty large cities, and weaken your army and navy while living right next to Malacca.

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German planes have bombed Gjakove into the black and Palermo into the red. It’ll make the flip war for Gjakove easier for Whilhelm, though it looks like it’ll still be won by Ferdinand. Palermo won’t fall though, unless the Teutons try to snipe it I guess.

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Germany and the Ptolomies join Zaire in trying to finish off Hejaz. The Ptolomies could end up finishing off Hussein in Arabia, but I doubt Cleopatra will be able to hop the Gulf of Aden and finish him off.

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Everyone’s favorite cat boy Karl XII adopts Autocracy, establishing the Nyazi party as the sole party in Sweden. Sweden still seems to have a ranged unit problem, though they’ve started upgrading their skirmishers to gatling guns.

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Did I say Osaka wasn’t going to flip? Well I was kinda right, because once it’s captured by Northern Yuan cavalry, because of course it’s cavalry, it won’t be going back to Japan. Same with Mukden, which did go back to Mandukhai.

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Aleppo has fallen to Kosovo, leaving Baldwin in Acre, where he’ll be stuck in for a while, since Rugova and Ferdinand aren’t in the position to put him out of his misery right now.

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I’ve run out of things to say about this, especially this front. Um, there’s a Chola army around Gajranwala, and, uh, Punjab’s city attacks are missiles now, I guess.

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The Chinook-Tongva war seems to be over, with Toypurina being the clear winner. Any further invasions would consist entirely of a few cuirassiers and crossbows, so really her only option is to make peace, if she was human, that is, the ai is probably throw away their army.

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Hejaz is attacking Hermoupolis, and it looks like it’ll fall, to the Ptolemies because there’s no way in hell Hussein will hold on to it. Zaire also declares war on the Ptolemies because Mobutu hates actually capturing cities.

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Temu Ko is knocked to the yellow and looks set to fall, unless the one Marajoara melee unit (Cavalry, obviously) is killed, but I mean, what are the odds of that? Very high.

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Jeddah has started taking damage, and it looks set to fall, and it won’t be doing much flipping either, embarked musketmen aren’t the best at capturing cities ya’know?

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Apparently Zaire is at war with Kurdistan, allowing Mobutu to partake in his favorite hobby, not capturing cities. He couldn’t even be bothered to put his paratrooper in a place where it won’t be killed, come on man, this isn’t how you kick off the 21st century

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Looks like Awolowo wasn't done with Sankara, as he is now attacking Zinder. Sankara is done with Burkina Faso though, he seems to be hiding out in Tristan da Cunha, and is having Zaire do most of the whole “defending the country” thing, which they are doing quite well, they’ll be a massive pain in Nigeria’s ass at their worst and prevent any more city captures at their best.

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Thebacha flipped, it’ll flip back but that's not a great sign for the Dene. Also this war is happening in the American midwest, I was under the impression it was happening in the Montana area, or Lake Winnipeg, don’t know why I just noticed that.

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Looks like Islam got enough of his army across to actually capture Kutaisi, it’ll probably flip, and I’m not sure who will end up controlling it. This is the end of the Uzbek conquests though, though knowing my luck they'll conquer both Tbilisi and the Georgian northern colony

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The Anangu are still chilling, sure Amata is going through the blitz, but just like the irl blitz, there isn’t a chance of their attackers actually invading.

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Northern Yuan have already reconquered Mukden, and are now about to capture Osaka. Similarly to Toypurnia, Mandukhai, is turning around one war after losing another war to a civ once ranked number 1, though Mandukhai has a lot more to gain from this.

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Reminder that the UN exists

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Temu Ko has fallen to the Marajoara, and as long as Pukee actually puts any effort into defending it, it’ll stay that way. So it’ll probably end the war in Lautaro’s hands knowing the ai.

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Of course, as soon as I joke about Mobutu not conquering cities, he starts putting effort into capturing cities, and the Hejazi capital Al Bahah at that, though Cleopatra has placed an ironclad to try and snipe it.

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Other than the fact that I can now see Raja Raja ending the war with Sarpang, I have nothing new to say here.

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Two Laotian units are attacking Xi'an, coming from Northern Yuan territory, and yes they’re cavalry units, because of course they are

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Osaka has fallen, and while it will flip, Northern Yuan will control it in the end. Meanwhile the world decides that communism and Uzbekistan are cringe

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Ubari is Sankara’s only remnant in Africa, the rest just got captured by Nigeria. Though Ubari won’t, the Zairian peacekeepers have completely surrounded the city. It’ll probably get handed over in the peace deal though, because of course it will.

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Mobutu partakes in his ACTUAL favorite hobby, peacekeeping, or tries to at least, he can’t actually do any peacekeeping though, since Tamar  won’t let him in, kinda rude ngl

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Zaire has captured Al Bahah, took them long enough to get something out of this war. Jeddah is also set to fall, maybe even to Zaire, who’ve sent up a paratrooper.

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Mobutu tried to do some peacekeeping for Hermann, but just like the maginot, it won’t work because a neighboring country isn’t cooperating, so the army just goes around it.

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Xiuquan’s Laotian attack force failed? This is impossible! We must raid Coiot’s house to get the CBRX files to see if he used ige or if somehow a couple units thrown at a highly defended civ failed, probably because of some glitch because there’s no way this failed because it was a bad idea or anything. Nope, not at all

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Stuyvesant sends most of his few remaining units to try and recapture Nieuw Amstel before Antonio turns it into an unassailable fortress like the rest of his cities. It’s a valiant effort, but I doubt it will be successful.

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Looks like Islam will actually try to attack Tiblisi, not sure if it will fall, I can see it happening but I’m absoulute garbage with predictions as I’m sure you’ve noticed throughout this episode.

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Kerkuk has actually fallen to Zaire, and Barzani has no units to take it back, which isn’t a good sign since it’s not too far from his core, hell, Silemani looks like it could easily fall Mobutu focuses on it, though I expect him to go for Sirnex instead.

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Thebacha is recaptured, Boyd Mounds flipped, and Emerald Mound got captured, though it will also flip, a lot. Not much else and, oh shit, Grand Village got captured. That’s, really close to Tuskaloosa’s capital. Thanadelthur has really turned this war around, I wasn’t expecting anything more than a stalemate, but instead a core city has fallen, and it ain’t just a random flip either, the Dene are going to hold on to this.

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Oh right, Zaire was at war with the Ptolomies, Al Bahah is flipped, and it’ll flip a lot more. Mobutu doesn’t seem to mind though, moving on to Khaybar. He’s also attacking Sirnex, which will probably fall, but it’s not as impressive of a capture as Silemani.

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A deep grey fog descends over Anatolian Kosovo, likely as divine punishment as Rugova has finished off Hermann von Salza. I could not tell you a single thing the Teutons did this game, other than basically commit suicide this episode. So uh, man this central European civ sure did exist didn’t it.

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Inspired by his crusades against the crusaders, Rugova adopts autocracy. We also see the southern Atlantic, shockingly, it’s really fucking boring.

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Nagapattinam actually falls, and it’ll probably fall back to Punjab, but it’ll take a bit. It also looks like Sarpang will end up in Chola hands, maybe Thiruvarur too, though that depends on if there are some units out of shot or not.

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Moscow is the cylinder’s Paris, but there’s not much to say here, it’s tourism, not really relevant, come on Boethius give us something interesting

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Ok so Mobutu is actually attacking Silemani, come on dude make up your mind. Though it could easily fall, as it’s only defense is knights and cannons, both horribly outdated.

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Al Bahah has flipped back to Zaire, and Khaybar has fallen, to Germany of all people. Jeddah also fell to the Ptolomies, but it looks like Zaire is going to take it with a paratrooper. Sirnex is also going to fall to Zaire. This slide has as much action as the rest of this war combined. Also Perm has declared war on Georgia, and might capture the Georgian northern cities.

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Yowengerra is under attack by a Mapuche naval detachment, it's really well defended so I doubt that it’ll fall. Even if it does it’s just a 1 tile snow city, nothing that important.

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Looks like Kuro Ko didn’t fall to the Mapuche, other than that, I don’t what to say about this slide

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Emerald Mound and Grand Village both seem set to be flip wars. The Dene will probably win Grand Village, which is the more important of the two, being a core city (or close to one at least), while Emerald Mound will be a consolation prize for Tuskaloosa.

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Looks like Tamar and Islam peaced out with Batumi being handed over in the deal, though this actually happened a while ago, 6 turns ago to be exact, I just missed it somehow. This is bad news for Perm fans, who now have only one city to capture, and even then their army is severely outdated, so they probably won’t even be able to do that.

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Khaybar and Jeddah have both fallen to the Ptolomies, leaving Hejaz in Ta’if, which is already surrounded by Zairian paratroopers. Luckily for Hussein, his assailants seem content with fighting amongst themselves. Wouldn’t be surprised if the paratroopers around Ta’if are killed trying to attack Jeddah or Ascalon instead of Ta’if.

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Mandukhai moves to take Yokohama, and therefore kick Japan out of mainland Asia. While it is pretty well defended, this might actually be a negative, as the Northern Yuan ua damages cities when units are killed adjacent to them. Not a good episode for Kakuei.

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Rugova is trying to finish his crusader crusade, and begins to attack Acre, even getting a ship of the line through the Vandal and Two Sicilies fleet. Meanwhile, Gallic cuirassiers look on, taking all the good seats from the Kurds, how rude.

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Ubari is surrounded by Zairian peacekeepers, preventing any progress, fun.

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Palermo falls to Germany, it will flip, but the flip war in Gjakove has almost completely destroyed Ferdinand’s Adriatic fleet, so it’ll probably end in Wilhelm’s hands. Palermo is Two Sicilies 2nd city, so this is already a bad sign for them.

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The cities here get shuffled around, Khaybar going to Hejaz, Al Bahah going to Zaire, Hermoupolis going to Two Sicilies, and Sirnex going to the Ptolemies. Ta’if is also in the yellow, and will fall very soon. Unless Hussein is the best diplomat to ever live, he will die, and his corpse will be tossed around between Cleopatra and Mobutu.

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The Marajoara declared war on Tahiti not too long ago, but P’kuee doesn’t seem to have came prepared. In fact, Puera is on the offensive, attacking her former city of Pora Pora and sending a fleet to attack Maracaibo. P’kuee probably has a fleet just off screen though, so this could end badly.

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We get a shot of Japan for some reason, though it does show us that Kakuei’s army is sort-of outdated right now. Also  Yokohama seems undamaged, which is weird, thought it’d take some damage by now.

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The Chukchi also declared war on Tahiti, and Fa’a’a is about to fa’a’all. The rest of the Chukchi fleet seems to be headed straight for Puera’s core, where they’ll do a lot of damage.

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Hermoupolis looks like it’ll become a German city again, and it’ll stay that way too. Also what’s Awolowo doing with all those planes?

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The Mississippi and the Dene made peace, nothing seems to have been handed over in the deal, though Grand Village was in Thanadelthur’s hands when the deal happened. Not a good war for Tuskaloosa. And although Thanadelthur didn’t gain much “concrete” from this she did heavily damage her main rival, so I’d say it was worth it.

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Sirnex is back in Zairian hands and Ta’if is about to be. Jeddah could also fall to Zaire after Ta’if does, but I doubt it. Also I just remembered that the Ptolomies had some African cities that either got handed over to Nigeria in the peace deal, or were captured by Nigeria and I just forgot about it, both very likely options.

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Looks like Thanadelthur lost her Ontarian gains before the peace deal, that doesn’t really matter though, all they did was cut Mississippi in half, and they were useless otherwise.

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Pora Pora is about to fall to Tahiti and Yowengerra did fall to the Mapuche. For some reason neither of these things are in shot, and we instead see some random naval battle.

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Ta’if falls to Zaire, eliminating Hejaz. Hussein bin Ali was slightly more interesting than von Salza, as he settled across the Gulf of Aden in the Horn of Africa, and neglected settling Arabia, can’t remember anything else though.

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Fa’a’a has fa’a’allen to the Chukchi, giving Lawtiliwadlin complete control of Hawaii, which is more Hawaii than Hawaii ever had. Hopefully he can keep finishing the birth rights of other civs by taking over the rest of the Pacfic, starting with Tahiti, who should’ve been the one to do that a while ago.

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Holy shit there's a zombie in Ta’if! Luckily, Mobutu has sent his best paratroopers in to kill it, so there’s no need to be alarmed. Just stay away from the docks and you’ll be fine.

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We end this episode with a shot of Sankara’s hideout Gorom-Gorom. It looks like it’d be hell to live there, seeing how 17 pop is at least 5 million people, and it’s on Tristan da Cunha. There's a Vandalic fleet in the area, which having just learnt of the peace with Burkina Faso, are now investigating some weird protrusion behind the ice, luckily it’s not our weird protrusion though, there’s two for some reason.

And that’s the end of this episode. Hope you enjoyed it, because honestly I feel like I was a bit dry, but whatever. See you guys later