Episode 19: Blunders and Boomsticks – S2

October 20, 2021

Msurdej / Mr. Hobo


As civilizations battle for supremacy, one civ will make an error that could cost them the game.

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Hello everybody. Msurdej here, and I’ll be your guide to this week’s episode of the Civ Battle Royale. I’ve been a Power Ranker for several years now (starting all the way back in Mk2), and have narrated several parts as well. I’ve been lucky to get some eliminations in my two prior parts, and am hoping to go 3 for 3. Considering how bloody the cylinder’s been though, I like my odds.

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2: Map

Here’s the tile-accurate map by Vihreaa. But don’t go memorizing it, a few key things will change in this part.

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3: OC:

This week's piece of art comes from u/Aaron_Lecon, who brilliantly displays the conversation between Skynet and the leader of Marajoara, just before the tide of battle began to turn.

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4: Ko-Fi Supporters

Shout out to the Ko-Fi supporters for keeping this game and future projects going.

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5: Power Rankings

While Nigeria and Malacca still hold fast in the number 1 and 2 slot respectively, we have a returning contender for third place with Marajoara. Their brutal reversal of Paraguay was incredible to watch, and is still ongoing. Will this be the week Small ‘Guay bites the dust? Let’s find out.

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6: Life will Change

As it turns out, we won’t have to wait long. Marajoara easily take the last two cities of Paraguay, knocking them out at 39th place.Oh Paraguay, you wanted so much to be like your big brother Uruguay. But sadly, you lacked the skills, drive and AI to make a big difference. You mostly just sat around the bottom of the upper half of the curve. It looked promising when Solano attacked Marajoara, but it the end, the power of P’kuee proved too much for Paraguay.F

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7: Meanwhile, in the North

Back in North America, the Dene are bombing Clatsop. While the city is in red, it will be safe for now, as the peacekeepers will prevent Dene forces from getting near the city. Mandukahi has large reserves in Tongva land though, which could be used against Thanadelthur if her army doesn’t let up.

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08: Himalayan  hightops

After killing over 100 million people in their war with Bhutan, The Chola begin rebuilding the former lands of their enemy. An enemy which still lurks within its borders, eager but unable to recapture its cities.Chola also makes peace with Finland. Good for them

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09: Mapuche Minute

Let’s take a brief look at another South American civ, the Mapuche. They have a solid carpet going, but nobody to effectively use it against. Sadly, the newly dead Paraguay are a great example of what happens to those who attack Marajoara.

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10: Second win or Last Gasp?

BUT WAIT?! WHAT’S THIS? Paraguay is trying to claw its way back, managing to retake Luque from the Marajoara. They have forces trying to attack Zumbi as well. Could this be the beginning of a comeback? Can Lopez sue for peace, and keep himself alive in this game?

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11: Several power troopers later...

The forces of Uzbekistan manage to take hold of Al Jumum. Zanzibar, a long time failing civ, is now kicked off the mainland. Now forced into an exclave of Antarctica, they’ll probably stay there until destroyed.

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12: Goodmorning Saigon

Managing to make peace right before their potential elimination, Laos is now chilling out, having rebuilt the city of Sai Gon. While Punjab still controls his original capital, Fa Ngum will have to settle for not being dead.Speaking of dead, in the minimap we can see that Marajoara has flattened any Paraguay rebellion chances yet again.

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13: That’s just where he lives

And here we have that shot of the last remnant of Zanzibar. Despite everything, the city of Pangan has a staggering 91 population, which is even more than the Burkina Faso megacity of Ubari. How Barghash has managed this, I do not know. All I know is that I really, REALLY, want Kulin to moider them.

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14: Malacca in the Middle

Here we take a look at Gelephu, Malacca’s northernmost city in the mainland of Asia. With the Punjab to the west, and the Taiping to the east, the number two civ  has no shortage of civs looking to take clay from them. Mansur Shah can’t build too many troops though, due to Dene peacekeepers.

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The Middle East is still a clusterfudge of bordergore. Between Nigeria, Zaire, Kurdistan, Two Sicilies, and Kosovo, the map of the Middle East looks as mangled as a regular map of the Middle East.Speaking of Kosovo, they have done fairly well for themselves. My girlfriend is rooting for them, and hopes they retake Greater Albania. Or at the very least, take out Kurdistan.

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16: Canada blues

Back in North America, Mississippi is doing its best to hold on. With only three cities, and more Paraguay forces in his borders than actual troops, it seems like the glory days of Tuskaloosa have long passed.In other news, PARG is at war. Let’s go take a look at that, shall we?

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17: PARG War: Part 2

After last part’s humiliating defeat to the Northern Yuan, Punjab decides to take a shot at Kolchak. Bhera is a sore spot on the map, an exclave that is lightly defended and out of the way. Capturing it should be an easy feat for the PARG, with their tanks and bombers and PARGchamps.

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18: Halfway there

The Dene finally have a solid way into Northern Yuanmerica, and manage to capture Clatsop. But the forces of Northern Yuan are still numerous, making a flip a possibility. Palux, meanwhile, stays out of reach, due to its two tile size that even the Northern Yuan forces have trouble reaching.  

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19: UN Meetings: Part 1

As Perm manages to get into some wars, and out of others, the United Nations holds a session. This time, Nigeria wants to ban ivory trade, in order to protect the elephants in its borders. Germany, meanwhile, wants to ban cocoa. Most likely to protect Wilhelm’s teeth.

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20: Well shit, that wasn’t intended

In a shocking turn of events, Punjab  has managed to blitz the city of Chelyabinsk. The few Punjab troops went on the offensive, and have certainly taken Kolchak by surprise. All in all, things aren’t going PARGchamp for PARG.

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21: The Asp comes

Well folks, prime your F keys. Uzbekistan has had enough of Cleopatra, and is deciding to put her out of her misery. Already Medina is down to half health, and Uzbek forces  are primed to invade. Short of massive foreign intervention or some amazing moves by the Kulin peacekeepers, the Pteolemies may not be long for this cylinder.

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22: Aloha

Meanwhile, we have a much nicer scene, down here in Hawa’iindoneaisa. Sure, it may be a carpet of outdated ships and rifles. Sure, it can probably be crushed by either the Kulin or Malacca in a matter of turns. But for what it is, at this point in the game, it's the best Lili'uokalani can hope for.

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23: More Embarrassing wars

Kolchak may have managed to retake Chelyabinsk, but the Punjab strike team simply respond by taking Kansk. Kolchak has a tank battalion encircling the city, but Ranjit Singh is reinforcing Bhera with more paratroopers. Paratroopers that can keep pestering PARG throughout this war.

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Somewhere in the world,the Vandals build a new marvelous wonder: The Kalt Geymsla Data Haven. This gives increased yields from Tundra and Snow tiles worked by the city by 2 Science and 2 Culture, alongside +2 Gold for each Server Hub in the empire. However, the city must be built on a Tundra. This, naturally, cuts out a lot of the Vandal cities, meaning it's probably somewhere in Vandal North America.

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25: Kolchak’s Revenge

Working hard, Kolchak manages to push the majority of Punjab forces from his borders, and have recaptured all their cities. Kolchak seems dead set on taking Bhera, and has tanks and other soldiers ready to fight. Will Punjab be able to bounce back from this, or will their orange exclave disappear?

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26: Falling on her Asp

With relative ease, the Uzbek forces march into Medina. Cleopatra is found with an asp at her side, and the Ptolemies are eliminated in 38th place.Cleopatra did remarkably well for herself. Sure, she didn’t make a canal city on the Suez, but they did manage to carve out an empire in Africa and the Middle East. But when Nigeria and (to a lesser extent) Zaire came knocking, the empire crumbled, mostly due to being predominantly desert tiles. They spent their final days on the coast of the Red Sea, looking out over their former lands. They did better than expected, but not good enough to win.F

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27: Beothius’s List

We take a break from the action on Turn 650 to see the top hoarders in the CBR. Leading the pack, with more than 400,000 more gold than the runner up, is Nigeria. The Vandals, USSR, and Punjab are in a much closer position to each other than the competition, so the 2nd place could change soon enough.

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28: Time for some Vandalism

Another war starts, this time between Rio Grande and the Vandals. Rosillo is definitely the favored civ in this match up, thanks in large part to their futuristic army, terrain advantages, and glitched defenses.How Genseric plans  to take a city with over 600 defense, I'll never know.

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29: Coastal view

Here we can see Rio Grande going on the offense, pushing the Vandals back into the sea. The tech difference is truly noticeable here: Rio Grande has Giant Death Robots, while the Vandals are fielding Great War Infantry. Whether that tech advantage leads to cities though, remains to be seen.

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30: Yuanmerica HO!

On the other side of the continent, Yuan forces manage to recapture Clatsop.  Meanwhile, Malacca finish the Digital Emancipation Project. This gives the city a whole lot of bonuses to science and Production, as well as decreasing maintenance costs.

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31: Her name is Rio

The Vandal forces are being pushed towards the sea, as Rio Grande Robots push in towards Rotterdam. Fighting towards Beverwyck is going equally well for Rosillo, pushing back any Vandal forces. On the other side of the continent though, Yuan and the Dene make peace. What could this mean for the fate of Yuanmerica. Find out in the next slide!

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And here we can see... Hey wait a minute! Who put this United Nations session in the way of the map? While it’s important that Nigeria is trying to enact Heritage Sites and Germany wants to repeal the embargo on Germany, it's not as important as the fate of Yuanmerica.

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33: Despite their best efforts...

While Rio Grande has a lot of insane defenses, those defenses don’t automatically transfer over to their conquered cities. Atahachi and Holy Bluff, both former Mississippi cities,  are in the red. Now if the Vandals could get a unit there through all the Future Tech Rio Grande troops...

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34: Meanwhile, back on the coast

Beverside has fallen to the Rio Grande, and multiple Vandal cities are starting to fall under attack. How long does the Vandal Coast have? As Rosillo focuses his efforts on the East coast, he also closes out a war with Great Perm, to better cut down on the war processing paperwork perhaps.

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35: Peace?!

We get a shot of the PARG homeland, and see Tanks. Tanks, tanks, tanks, nothing but tanks as far as the eye can se-Breaking news! As soon as the war started, it seems The Vandals have managed to get a peace deal with the Rio Grande. How Rosillo had managed to be convinced to end a war he had the upper hand in, I’ll never know. But we’ll check in on the aftermath of that later...

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36: More oof

Speaking of PARG, we see that Kolchak continues to bristle under the Punjab attacks. Chelyabinsk has fallen, and while it may flip back, its still a problem for the PARG. Kolchak is going to need to make a bold play. He’s going to have to mix it up. He’s...

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37: Not what I had in mind

Going to fight Northern Yuan again....Well, this might be a military blunder, seeing as Mandukhai has paratroopers itching to hop into PARG territory. But Kolchak is going to try his hardest to make up for last part’s blunder. Maybe not the right time to do so, but by gum, he’s gonna try.

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38: Opening blows

The fighting starts, and we see the opening blows of both civs. Kolchak has bombed the various cities on the border, including the recently recaptured Karakorum. Mandukhai on the other hand, sends a legion of paratroopers behind enemy lines, as well as focusing the bombing efforts on Shangdu.

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39: Citadels of humiliation

Wwe can see that Lioayang has been nuked, but the real horror here is what happened to Taiping. Kunming and Ningbo have been citadel’ed into near oblivion by Northern Yuan. What sort of cruelty is going on through Mandukhai’s head?

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40: Meanwhile, on the Adriatic

We haven’t checked in on the Adriatic for a while, let’s do that now. Gjakove flips between the Germans and Two Sicilies, as the two struggle behind lines of peacekeepers. Perhaps one day, it will be retaken by its rightful owners in Kosovo. In other news, Malacca is going to try and finish off the Mississippi.

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41: Mississippi Queen

In a far more pressing turn of events, the Dene declare war on the Mississippi. Two of their cities are already damaged, with their capital already at half health. Tuskaloosa’s fate seems to be more in the hands of the Lost Legions of Paraguay than in their own.

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42: Mistakes were made

Back in Siberia, things have gone from bad to worse for Kolchak. Punjab has taken two cities off of PARG, and the Northern Yuan have taken Shangdu. Kolchak responds by dropping a nuke near Karakorum, savaging its people.

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43: Is it Tongva time?

Is it Tongva Time? I think it’s Tongva time.And so does Thanadelthur, who has begun to fight Toypurina.The biggest enemy here though, is terrain, as the Rockies prevent the Dene from unleashing their full might against Tongva. That hasn't stopped Tevaaxa’anga from being battered though.

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44: A trip to India

Over in this portion of India, We can see that the Punjab lands are sparsely defended. Chola has more troops in the vicinity, but if the Punjab PARG war taught us anything, it’s that Ranjit Singh can pull a lot of troops out of nowhere.

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45: Failures on all sides

The latest round of the UN fails to get any sort of resolution passed. But you know who isn’t failing? Northern Yuan. Shangdu remains in their hands, and Ulanhad is near the breaking point. While they’re have been some nukes dropped on Northern Yuan, Mandukhai isn’t giving up.

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46: South Pacific time

Down in the Pacific, Malacca has repaired much of the damage to the former Tahiti lands. They continue to fill in the carpet in the area, as do the Kulin on the other side. Elsewhere, Germany and Two Sicilies make peace, ending the wars in Europe.

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47: PARG Pushback

Back in Siberia, Kolchak tries desperately to rally his troops. Tanks roll towards Shangdu and Ulanhad, hoping to recapture the city. But northern Yuan paratroopers seem ready and willing to retake every inch of land the PARG took from them, and hold it for good this time.

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48: It is not Tongva’s time

The Dene manage to start cracking the nut that is Tongva  empire. The armies of blue and green swarm through the breaks in the Rockies, and begin to pour into Tognva lands. It’s hard to see Toypurina being able to hold off this invasive force, but will they fare better once they get their navy into the fray?

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49: From the South

Tyumen falls to the Punjab paratroopers, continuing to be a nuisance for the PARG. Kolchak’s tanks are doing their best  to stop the breakthroughs, but Ranjit is still managing to  cause no end of trouble for him.

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50: And the East

Kolchak certainly isn’t playing around. Another nuke has been dropped onto Northern Yuan, this time in Zalantun. Mandukhai’s cities have certainly taken a beating, but she shows no signs of giving in.

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51: Peace never lasts

Whatever peace existed in Europe is now gone, as Two Sicilies goes after...Northern Yuan? Yes, it seems  that the world over is tired of Northern Yuan, and just wants them to be dealt with.

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52: Peacekeeper Problems

Case and point, William Barak joins Two Sicilies in the war against Northern Yuan. But its clear that this war will have one clear winner: Germany. Wilhelm;s lands are flooded with peacekeepers, preventing him from developing much. Should some of these units die however, it could prove useful to Germany.

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53: More Fighting

Case and point, we can see Kulin and Northern Yuan forces fighting near the city of Stockholm. Germanswedes in Gothenburg watch on in amusement as the two armies fight for supremacy, and hopefully give them a chance to make some more units. Kurdistan also joins the Anti Northern Yuan League, growing in ranks to seven.

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54: West Coast clashes

Sensing an easy victory, Rio Grande joins the Anti Northern Yuan League, and quickly captures Clatsop. Elsewhere on the west coast, Dene forces continue to hammer the Tongva. While they haven’t taken any more cities yet, the swarms of paratroopers and tanks are working hard to ensure a victory for the Dene.

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55: Siberian Flips

Chelyabinsk flips again, showing that Punjab shows no signs of slowing down against the PARG. Ranjit and Mandukahi continue to push back against Kolchak, with great success. For Kolchak though, this war has been anything but PARGgers.

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56: Chola joins the Fray!

Chola decides to join the war against Northern Yuan, but does so on one condition: changing the alliance name. When asked by members of the Anti Northern Yuan League why the name had to be changed, the representative from Chola said something about initials. Fifteen minutes later, the newly rechristened Team Anti Northern Yuan has a new member.

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57: Dene advance

Make that two new members. Spain joins the cause, though their contribution will probably be minimal.  But you know what else is minimal? The number of cities Mississippi has. Staten Eyland has fallen to the Dene, leaving Tuskaloosa with a pair of cities and a handful of Paraguay Peacekeepers.

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58: German core

Fighting has broken out in the heart of the German Empire, but  it’s not the Germans who are fighting. Kulin and Northern Yuan forces are duking it out in Wilhelm’s backyard. Hopefully the Kaiser plans to build new *German* troops when the other country's forces leave.

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59: Towers

Awolo gets his hands on two more Future Worlds Wonders. The first is the Buenos Aires Forum, which will lead to more Golden Ages in Nigeria. The second is the Ultima Tower, which I’ve been informed has nothing to do with the MMO series. Instead, it gives a boost to Happiness, Great Engineer recruitment, and +2 citizens to every city.

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60: Kolchak’s borders

The Punjab manage to blitz another city away from Kolchak, who responds by nuking his former city of Chelyabinsk. Not the best move for the PARG when they could still reclaim the cities, but it seems Kolchak is really falling off the deep end.

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61: Tongva Time is running out

Tongva continues to struggle against the onslaught of the Dene. Thanadelthur captures another city, and continues to push the Tongva back into the sea. Meanwhile, Rio Grande forces have pushed Palux into the black. The only question now is whether or not they will capture it.

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62: Nigerian Core

Look at Nigeria. They just completed another wonder, Sky City, which gives bonuses to Vertical Farms, and a free Vertical Farm in the city it was built in. In celebration they watch Tongva declare war on Palmares, though this won’t amount to much.

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63: Back in the USSR

Lenin goes in for the kill against Great Perm, bombing the city of Pokcha into the red at the start of the war. But the biggest threat Lening faces isn’t the meager riflemen or cavalry Stephen has mustered, but the massive number of Uzbek peacekeepers. Can the USSR find a way around and knock out Great Perm?

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64: UN

Meanwhile, a new UN session is underway. Nigeria and Germany are both trying to repeal the embargoes on them. It’s unlikely either venture will work out for them, despite their massive power they wield. Perhaps Nigeria can declare war against a neighbor that votes no?

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65: Peace in the East

 With a battered Eastern front, Kolchak decides it’s time to cut his losses. Peace is made between him and Northern Yuan, marking another defeat for PARG. Mandukahi has reclaimed all but one of her cities PARG took so long ago. Despite the sheer amount of nukes dropped on them, Northern Yuan is undoubtedly the winner of this war.

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66: Stay a while, and Listen

There’s not a lot going on in the Red Sea, besides a whole bunch of peacekeepers, so let’s talk about those Wonders Malacca made.The Bionic tower decreases unhappiness and food costs for Specialists in cities, which is pretty good for the late stages of the game. But the real prize is the Nephilim Gene Template. For every two citizens a Malacca city has, they get  1 production, science, and gold. All but the tiniest of cities Mansur owns will benefit from this, making a massive boon across his empire.

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67: Walls closing in

The Dene continue to string victory after victory against the Tongva. However, the former Tongvan lands now lay mostly empty. If Thanadelthur can’t reinforce the frontlines, she might not be getting any more cities.

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68: Literacy check

Here we see the leaders in tech. Malacca, Nigeria and Kulin are all inching closer and closer to the tech cap of 122. After that, the tech advantage they hold will have less impact every turn until we reach Endgame. Will they use their advantage while they still have the chance?

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69: Nice..well, for Punjab

Another city falls to Punjab, making the number of cities Ranjit has made off with in this conflict up to four. Sure, Kolchak may be able to flip it back, but it’s still a humiliating failure on PARG’s behalf.

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70: A cold wind blows

As Toypurina struggles with the invading Dene, they receive more worrying news. Chukchi forces are descending south, and have already begun to attack the city of Chinook. What will really be interesting to watch will be the naval portion of the fighting, as the Tongva navy is woefully behind that of Chukchi’s.

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71: Hawai’ian Assault

And it’s not just from the North. Chukchi’s Hawai’ian bases are preparing for war as well, ready to sweep east and crash into the West Coast of America. Between this and the Dene on land, we may see another elimination this part.

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72: Soviet Victory

Speaking of eliminations, Soviet Russia manages to take  the Perm city of Pokcha. Saint Stephen is now a member of the City State club, stuck up in the Arctic city of Pechora. The only good news for perm fans is that Uzbek peacekeepers are blocking nearly every way into the city.

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Another look in the Adriatic shows Germany and two Sicilies recovering from their last war. Northern Yuan (who is still at war with Ferdinand) try to launch an invasion, but are failing miserably at it.

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74: Pacific Showdown

In the middle of the Pacific, a naval battle ensues. Chukchi’s navy has taken minimal damage, while the Tongvan navy has been split into two smaller parts. Lawtiliwadlin certainly has a commanding presence in the pacific, unlike Hong Xiquan, who decided to make primarily carriers.

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An explosion of that magnitude probably means one thing: Nuclear launch.  The Tongva now have to deal with the fallout of such an attack as the Chukchi and Dene race to carve up the rest of Tongva.

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76: Siberian fallout

Speaking of fallout, radiation fills the air of Siberia. Both Punjab and PARG have launched nukes at each other, the glow of radiation illuminating the tundra. While Ranjit is launching nukes at cities he could own, Kolchack is launching them at cities he did own, which is all the more dark.

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77: West Coast wonders

The Dene manage to make their way to the coast, punching through the Tongvan lines and taking Pipimar. The Chukchi meanwhile, swarm around Naayxoxar, which will soon fall into their hands.But something else did fall into Kulin’s hands, and that would be Paluk. Thus ends the small outposts of North Yuanmerica.

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78: PERManent Defeat

But as sad as the loss of Northern Yuanmerica is, it doesn’t compare to the loss of another civ. Somehow, the Soviets managed to get through the lines of peacekeepers, and captured the final city of Great Perm, eliminating them at 37th.In all honesty, Great Perm was never really that great. While they were thought of having a chance, it was clear that their neighbors and eventual killer, USSR, was going to be in charge. Perm ended up being second banana, being mediocre to middling in terms of the rankings. Their defeat at Lenin’s hands were only delayed by peacekeepers, but it was a defeat nevertheless.F

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79: Crumbling coast

The coast line of North America’s west coast is in disarray. Between a struggling Tongva, and a marauding Dene and Chukchi, as sleeping Malacca and Germany, the West c-Wait a minute...re-reads last sentence...When did Germany get here?!Yes, it seems Kaiser Wilhelm has initiated some sweet backdoor strategies, capturing the of Tuhunga. Furthermore, it will be difficult for Toypurina to recapture the city due to borders.

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80: A Whiter shade of pale

Pipimar doesn’t stay in Thanadelthur’s hands for long though. Tongva recaptures the city, only to lose it to the Chukchi. Now with control of the coast, the Chukchi navy will have a much easier time dealing with the remnants of the Tongvan navy.

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81: Meanwhile, on the other side of Denemerica

Dene keeps trying to destroy Mississippi, and have both cities down in the red. But thanks to the actions of the Last Legions of Paraguay, Thanadelthur finds her efforts fruitless. What is way more fruitful, however, can be seen in the side notifications, let’s take a look.

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82: Tongva time is up

Here we can see that the Dene have not only taken the capital, but have captured the final city of Tongva, ending Tongva’s run at 36th.Much like Great Perm, Tongva spent most of its time in the middle of the pack. Unlike Perm though, Tongva showed improvement during the game. They had some success against the Chinook, and while Malacca had success with them, the biggest loss for Toypurina was the Rio Grande defense bugs, which prevented an eastward expansion. Stuck between the Dene and Chukchi, it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened, which it now has.F

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83: Most Valuable Punjabs

Meanwhile, the Punjab vs PARG war ends in a stunning PARG defeat. There was only one city that Kolchak was trying to conquer. But in the end, he ended up losing a handful of cities to Punjab in a humiliating loss. It seems that now, Ranjit Singh is POGchamp.

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84: Stop stop, he’s already dead

On a cold hill near the Arctic Sea, a group of Perm riflemen debate their next moves. The Soviets have taken all of their lands, and now they must find a way to escape to safer lands.They never get the chance, as a Soviet stealth bomber flies over their location, before dropping its load upon the unsuspecting troops. The men below have only a second to pray before they are blown to smithereens.

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85: Finishing off peacekeepers

A few Ptolemaic remnants are bombarded while traveling in Two Sicilies. And despite Wilhelm’s best efforts, his empire is still line with peacekeepers. Elsewhere, Malacca stops picking on Mississippi.

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86: Remember Yuan

Remember Yuan? No, not Northern Yuan. Regular Yuan.  They’re still alive, holding on in the ruins of Hetu Ala. And they’re still basically unable to be killed.

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87: The Future soon

Malacca builds another Wonder: the Floating Islands.  This adds +3 Culture and +3 Gold to nearby ocean tiles. It also makes atolls produce an additional 2 Culture, 2 Gold, 1 Food and 1 Production. For a civ with as much ocean space as Malacca, it's a pretty good pick up.

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88: Mandukhai Project

After years of being nuked, the scientists in Northern Yuan have reverse engineered the bombs that decimated their population. Will Mandukahi use them as cavalierly as her opponents have?

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89: Where beer does flow

As Two Sicilies makes peace with Northern Yuan, we get a shot of the Kulin core.  Australia is packed to the brim with troops, the only question being whether or not those troops will be used.Also, Lindi has been annexed by Chola. Good for them.

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90: Lesotho goes to war!

Waking up one day, Moshoeshoe reads a horrifying report. Zaire has completely encircled the city of Hlotse. Such an indignant act cannot go unpunished! And so, Lesotho decides to declare war...on Spain! Why Lesotho decided on this course of action, I'll never know, but they did, and here they go.

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91: No further will you go!

Malacca has had enough. No longer will they tolerate the rising Dene empire! Pushing into the mainland of America might be difficult for the moment, but Malacca can still grab a few cities on the coast. Case and point, Puvunga falls into Malacca’s hands.

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92: Cleaning house

They can also remove Dene peacekeepers all across their empire. Doing so will not only give their troops experience, but give them room for more troops. There’s little chance these Dene forces will capture any cities, so it's a good move for Malacca.

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93: Hanging in there

Hewler still is a smoking ruin on the verge of collapse. Despite all of this, the city hasn’t been captured since the last time we saw it.This is mostly due to the fact that none of Kurdistan’s enemies can get a melee unit anywhere close to the city.

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94: France v Spain

Wanting to improve their lot before the Endgame, Vercingetorix decides to go for Spain. He has a major advantage, in both tech and manpower.The big question will be whether or not neighbor Germany will have anything to say about it.

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95: That was fast

Well, one turn in, half of Spain’s cities are in Gaul’s hands. While the former capital of Samarobriva might flip a bit, Murcia seems firmly in Gaul control now. Carlos is in serious trouble.

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96: Dances with Dene

Dene forces clash inside Chinese Malacca, but the paratroopers are fighting a losing battle, Mansur Shah  can pick off these troublesome troops, and will most likely not worry about his cities being attacked.North of Hanoi, a lone Teuton Pikemen stands alone, a stranger in a strange land. Much like the Ashanti Pikemen before him, he remains a relic of a bygone place and time.

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97: Baja Battle

Cities are flipping in the Southwest coast of America.  Mansur Shah and Thanadelthur trade Juyubit and Puvunga, and neither seem ready to give up. Malacca has the navy, but Dene has the army. Who will come out on top in the end?

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98: One last Exclave

The Dene manage to get the last Mississippi mainland holding. Now, stuck in Bottle Creek, Tuskaloosa can only watch as the Dene close in. Suffice it to say, they look like they’re up Shit’s Creek without a bottle.

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99: UN times

The UN is coming up, and with it, new proposals. Nigeria is trying to enact the religion of Itan as the world’s dominant religion. Germany meanwhile, tries to repeal the embargo on itself yet again.

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100: Surrounded Swedes

A crew of a Swedish ironclad is surrounded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Battered and bruised, they are on their last legs as they are moments away from sinking into the abyss. Also, we can see Marajoaran troops peacekeeping in Chukchi lands.

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101: The Bombing of Sevilla

Both Spanish cities are being hammered by the Gauls. The  navy of Carlos is nearly depleted, and Vercingetorix  moves his navy closer and closer. The only saving grace Spain has is that The Gauls haven’t landed any land melee troops inside Spain’s borders.

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102: Pliny’s Pointy Sticks

Pliny comes in at turn 700 to bring us a list of the biggest militaries. The Kulin are easily in the lead, followed by Marajoara. P’kuee just took down Paraguay, but its been a while since we’ve seen Barak fight with their entire force.  Might we see that one day, and soon?

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103: Punjab/Uzbek border

Here we get a shot of the Uzbek core, as well as their border with Punjab. The Puinjab forces are few and far between here, but the Uzbeks are fielding a lot of artillery. It might look good for the Uzbeks now, but if we learned anything from the war against PARG, its that Punjab can be deceptively fast and powerful.

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104: East Coast

We finally got a good shot of the American Eastern Seaboard, and one thing is clear as day to me: The Vandals got off easy. Losing only two cities when he was at a clear disadvantage, Genseric was lucky that Rio Grande wanted an early peace. Sure, it’s still a loss for Genseric, but it's a cut rather than a decapitation.

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105: Kulin Islands

As we start rounding out the part, we get a shot of Kulin’s Island chains. The troops are thick here, and the waters could go red with blood if Mansur Shah shows weakness.  Until that day comes, we can only pray something exciting will happen here.

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106: South American Armies

Marajoara has wasted no time in filling the former Paraguay lands with soldiers. With a sizable carpet, they seemed poised to dominate the continent. The Mapuche have a strong carpet, but is it enough if Marajoara decided to attack?

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107: Ending Shot

And we end with a shot of Kulin Zealand, full of troops raring to fight. We’ve seen a few more civs bite the dust, and a few more look to be on their way out. Who will fall next time? Who will rise? And who will take home the gold?Find out by staying tuned to the Civ Battle Royale. This has been Msurdej, wishing you the best.