Episode 4: From The Ashes – S2

March 24, 2021




Wars heat up, cities flip, and unique abilities and units start doing their things.

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1: Rok is back. Tell a friend.

Seventeen months later and the time has come again, X-Rok here to put some music between the notes. A new set of civs to write about, with some very interesting uniques, but this time they’re all still alive when my turn comes around. Last episode we saw a... concerning... amount of city razings and a couple nations approaching death’s door. What horrors will the wars of the cylinder bring? Let’s find out together.

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2: Giants Of The Ancient Era

Sevastopol_Station gives us a lovely monument to the standouts of the opening era, with nice write ups of their exploits worthy of being on a plaque in the thread.

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3: You Want Maps? We Got Maps!

Our old friend Vihreaa is still at it, with these lovely simple tile-accurate territory maps.

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4: So Many Maps!

ARedundantSofa brings us this series of stylized maps, with limited city names and secondary color borders.

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5: Numbah Wan!

The Provisional All-Russian Government holds on to the top spot. Strong stat positions, good tech, and progress in an undistracted war, nothing appears to stand in their way.

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6: Settler Spam Setback

We begin with a view of the western Mediterranean, where Jerusalem defends against a coalition of Kosovo to the northwest and Hejaz to the south. Ibrahim Rugova’s army opts for the amphibious approach, embarking onto the sea to strike directly at the core. But Jerusalem holds position and lines the coast, ready to fend off the attack as they look for room for three Settlers to settle. Unfortunately for them they are mostly boxed in, the only option being some barren desert to the south between them and Hejaz.

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7: Inch By Inch, Tile By Tile

Andrés de Santa Cruz had a plan, and it was a bad one. His forward settle of Lima into the Mapuche core was razed, as many others were in the Millenium of Fire, and Lautaro was not content to end it with that. As his troops advance on La Paz, we can actually see the Mapuche UA, Legacy of Arauco, in action. Since discovering the Calendar, units that die on unimproved (or pillaged) tiles create their unique Chemamull improvement and claim the tile. We also see their unique Great General, the Toqui, to the south, the horse with the horizontal pixel diamond icon, which attacks as a melee unit… but can’t capture cities. Maratha’s next nearest melee unit is 5 turns away, so La Paz survives for now… but it’s land is another story.

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08: The Enemy Of My Enemy...

Êlih is now firmly under Uzbek control, and the armies advance westward on Kurdistan. Ranjit Singh seems comfortable enough leaving the new city of Peshawar undefended, hoping the common war against Kurdistan will keep relations steady.

The Uzbekistan capital of Tashkent celebrates its completion of the Gate of the Sun, giving +1 gold and faith from Walls.

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09: Bad News Four Bears

The Dene and the Chinook declared war on Three Affiliated Tribes a couple turns ago, and now the troops advance. Four Bears has plenty of defense watching Comcomly’s push through the mountain pass, but perhaps should have been more prepared for their old enemy in the north as Seepoosha’s farmlands begin to be trampled by soldiers.

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10: A Rio Runs Through It

An uneasy calm runs through the air across southern north america. Mississippi and the Tongva are technically at war, but kept apart by Rio Grande and mountains. A group of Chariot Archers near Moundville contemplate heading through a mountain pass, but without melee support wouldn’t accomplish much.

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11: Chola Classic

Raja Raja I is not deterred by the recent Punjab aggressions, and re-settles Thiruvarur in its original location, now behind enemy lines. A handful of Chola units push to retake Nagapattinam, but lack the numbers to effectively fight the large force between there and the freshly settled Wazirabad.

Simon Bolivar and Lautaro agree to end their conflict in order to focus on other wars.

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12: Who Is Number Yuan?

Another strong UA shows itself, as Yuan’s Mandate Lost deals damage to all of Northern Yuan’s cities, proving that Yuan has at least all the tech that their aggressors do. This city damage appears to be forcing Mandukhai’s troops to retreat, as this army was last seen a little closer to Yuan borders when war was declared.

Punjab and Chola agree to peace, and Jamaica punches up across the continent as it declares war on the Mapuche. A naval assault perhaps?

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13: Race For The Ruins

It appears after Vercingetorix invaded and razed Santiago de Compostela, he intended to settle the area himself. But the Spanish Settler just off the coast has turned back and is currently in the ruins with an escort. The Gauls could settle where they are, and they do go first in the turn order, but maybe they are set on access to the Atlantic.

A small detachment of the Welsh navy harrasses Durocortorum, but poses no significant threat.

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14: Two Sicilies, One Mountain Pass

Palermo finishes construction of the Colossus as Sicilian troops flow northeast through the city to Germany… as fast as you can flow through single tile chokes in rough terrain. Frankfurt is almost threatened, but reinforcements are nearby.

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15: In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle

The scramble for the Congo continues, with Namibia settling Rehoboth anew, this time a little closer to home. This leaves Zaire with plenty of jungle to lay claim to, but the only Settler in view is southwest of Bukavu, possibly making a break for the far southeast coast before the borders between the Lesotho cities converge.

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16: Don’t Get Antsy

The other wars declared upon the Mapuche begin to be relevant as ships flying the green flag of Quilombo dos Palmares finally reach Kura Rewe. More follow, but the first to arrive makes a solo attack, the damage dealt immediately recovered.

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17: Resurrected

Vercingetorix missed his chance, and Santiago de Compostela is re-settled. They are however still at war, and the Gauls advance again.

The Mapuche dogpile continues, with the Tongva joining in.

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18: Like A Phoenix

Another city rises from the ashes as Berezniki is also re-settled, and the Provisional All-Russian Government army advances upon it again. Whether they continue on past the mountains to attack the Great Perm core afterwards, is the question.

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19: Attack Of Opportunity

The Kulin declare war on Malacca, and immediately launch an assault from their distant colony of Coolaroo, a brazen forward settle amid the Anangu. Mansur Shah has been sending most of his troops north in his war on Vietnam, leaving only a few Composite Bowmen and Swordsmen nearby, and may lose Rokan.

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20: For The Holy Land

It’s inevitable when two capital cities are only five tiles apart, and Cleopatra has decided she has had enough of Baldwin III. Ships strike immediately, a warning shot of things to come as the Ptolemaic armies cross their desert.

Two Sicilies and Germany call it quits.

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21: Down In Tasmania, Come To Tasmania

A quick view of the southern Australia island zone confirms the Tahitian city on New Zealand. Say “hello” to Pora Pora. Hawaii scouts the area, but the Kulin are already tapping Tasmania for resources.

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22: Legacy Of Arauco: A Tile From La Paz

This might be as close as Lautaro’s armies get, as the Peru-Bolivian reinforcements arrive to defend La Paz. One more tile was claimed via Legacy of Arauco, and now, even though the improvement graphic is not visible, the Mapuche have at least four tiles improved with Chemamulls to offer +1 culture and +2 faith in Peng Ko and Perken Ko… if they can keep enemy troops off them.

Zanzibar returns to peace as their war with Namibia ends.

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23: Siberian Scramble

Yuan and Northern Yuan continue to clash, but the numbers are even and neither side seems likely to progress.

Gran Colombia and Paraguay end hostilities, and Jerusalem’s problems mount as their northern neighbor of Georgia declares war.

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24: Ring Around Arabia

Hussein bin Ali has done a lovely job of settling the fertile coastline, and leaving the empty desert to be empty desert. A group of Hejaz troops retreat and recoup outside Tripoli as reinforcements catch up, and Kurdistan units once assaulting the Ptolemies make their way back to defend against Uzbekistan.

The Punjab religion of Sikhism enhances their beliefs, and now gain combat strength near enemy cities following their religion.

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25: Back in ‘Nam

Malacca continues to push on Vietnam, now reaching the newer settlement of Hai Phòng. They appear to have the numbers to take it, but the jungle and mountains make the land approach rough.

Burkina Faso also seeks to return to peace, giving Namibia one less threat to worry about.

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26: The B.O.A.T.

And the Palmares fleet finds success! Kura Rewe is taken, and the Mapuche are left scrambling to attempt a recapture before it can recover too much. Three melee boats doesn’t do much for taking out those attackers though, so defense is all up to the city’s ranged attack.

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27: In The Maple Forest

Iceland’s colony in the new world has been hosting more and more troops, and now the time has come as war is declared on the Neutral Nation. The forces in and around Mosfellsbær are more than enough to overwhelm Niagara’s defenders, but taking a city of that size is another thing with only Archers and no siege weaponry.

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28: Channel Warfare

Llywelyn continues to send ships at the skirmish between Abertawe and Durocortorum, and brings the Gaul city down to half, but appears short on reinforcements to capitalize. Rather than counterattack the Welsh, Vercingetorix focuses on Spain, about to capture Santiago de Compostela again.

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29: Southbound Settler

The Chukchi send a small fleet down to Erdemu be Aliha, but unlike Lautaro with Kura Rewe, Nurhaci has four ranged units nearby to support, making fending off only three ships a simple matter.

Japan sends a Settler to the southern end of their own island, finally.

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30: Manchu Wand, Make My Borders Grow!

Further north, the Manchurian army pushes on Nagaoka, and if they commit they can succeed. This theatre of war should be a good display of the Chukchi’s Unique Ability, Enapyeratirghin: Units provide culture and damage adjacent enemies upon earning a Promotion, and may force units to retreat when starting within Chukchi territory. Killing enemy units adjacent to Chukchi borders claims that tile.

Played right, Nurhaci could add a few extra tiles to the city before capturing it.

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31: Desert Winds

Northwest Africa builds up in peaceful times, none of the nations seen here are currently at war with each other.

The third Laos-Vietnam war comes to an end after only six turns. The Dene declare war on Hawaii, but that may not wind up being relevant.

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32: Batavia Boat Show

Mansur Shah has repelled the attack on Rokan with returning naval support, and Malaccan ships pick off retreating land units. Kulin reinforcements are several turns away, and Coolaroo is looking rather vulnerable.

The Dutch East India Company has a pretty solid carpet built up on its tall two city core, hopefully Jan Coen has plans to use it.

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33: Have Confidence!

Relevant enough. A combat alliance with the Dene has given Purea the confidence to snap back at Hawaii, and troops flow into the ocean. Despite being a lone distant colony up against their opponent’s core, Tahiti has no problem sending naval support in the early game. Their UU Trireme replacement the Pahi, which you can see three of in the Fa’a’a waters, has the ability like Cargo Ships to change ports, allowing ships produced back in their south Pacific core to make the journey safely in one turn.

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34: The Moment Settler Becomes City

The Uzbek army has reached Kurdistan proper, and a proper carpet awaits them. It does not appear that they will make progress, even with a slight advantage fielding Composite Bowmen.

Simón Bolívar makes enemies across the world, as Tongva and Three Affiliated Tribes declare war on Gran Colombia.

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35: Gibeon Clay

Nigeria sends a couple Settlers with light escorts down the coast, a fairly safe proposition as Namibia had no coastal cities to produce ships… until now, as we witness the freshly founded city of Gibeon, which blocks off most of that coastline from being settled. The southern tip of Africa is still open, but a colony that far away, on the far side of an active war opponent, doesn’t often work out.

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36: Action In The Andes

Gran Colombia’s forces reach the Peru-Bolivia border, clashing with northern defenses escorting a Settler. Andrés de Santa Cruz’s armies are looking a bit thin after ages of war with the Mapuche.

Nearby, the Mapuche religion of Witran Mapu enriches themselves through faith, their Temples now providing +4 culture.

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37: Keeping This One

The Gauls breach the fortifications of Santiago de Compostela once again, and this time do not reduce it to ruins. A recapturing force embarks for an amphibious assault, leaving Barcelona to fend for itself in order to strike now while the city health is low.

The Welsh push has petered out, and for now they hold back in defense, but they could probably use another land unit or two outside Caernarfon.

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38: Malacca Attacca

No reinforcements in sight, and six Triremes close in on Coolaroo. Vulnerable indeed. A couple of the fleeing melee units have escaped from the boats onto islands, and that Composite Bowman should be able to help from there. The Warrior replacement Diorite Axeman however might be better off back in the water fighting it out.

The InterYuan War comes to an end, and New Netherlands enter their first war as they declare on Rio Grande.

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39: The Legend Of Impenetrable Jungle Cities Continues

Newken continues to fend off attacks from Marajoara, but this time a significant wave of troops advances, likely to do some damage. To the south, the Mapuche recapture Kura Rewe from the Palmares on the coast.

This turn we also had another religion enhancement, this time Jerusalem’s Mandaenism improving their Missionary’s conversion strength.

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40: Wrong Way

Kristján Eldjárn holds back as more units arrive, a single Trireme testing the waters outside Niagara. A couple Neutral units skirmish with the Icelandic troops outside Mosfellsbær.

New Netherlands units appear to move north, but why? Rio Grande is to the south… Clearly new to this whole ‘war’ thing.

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41: Desert Demolition

As you may have noticed, not all war and peace declarations make it on screen, and we missed Burkina Faso declaring war on the Tuareg last turn. They immediately shred the village of Zinder, and push into the forces surrounding the capital of Abalessa.

In other notifications missed, Jerusalem talks Kosovo and Hejaz into peace.

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42: Put The Torches Down

Berezniki is once again captured by the PARG, and like Santiago de Compostela, is also not razed this time. Kolchak appears set on advancing, and fielding Horsemen, Swordsmen, and Catapults, holds a solid advantage.

Uzbekistan creeps into the region, settling northward.

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43: Scanning… No Conflict Detected

Another shot of a peaceful central Africa, with a regional Scoutcon 400 convening in the neutral deserts outside Kolwezi.

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44: Amazon Expansion

Gran Colombia expands through the remaining unclaimed jungle, settling the city of Panamá at the mouth of the Amazon river to commemorate a return to peace with Peru-Bolivia.

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45: The Following Contest Is A 5-on-5 Elimination Match

A quick look at the top 8 military strengths as we reach turn 100.

Let’s use the rest of this space to talk about some upcoming missing war declarations. On turns 100 to 102, a series of group declarations of war are made, and we have a full-on 5-on-5 coalition war. In the red corner, we have Great Perm, Malacca, Bhutan, Northern Yuan, and Kosovo. In the blue corner, it’s Chola, Georgia, Soviet Russia, Ptolemies, and Punjab. Germany and Two Sicilies also tag along on the blue team, declaring on three and two of the opposing nations respectively.

We also get Hejaz and Taiping Heavenly Kingdom declaring war on Vietnam, followed by a bunch of declarations on Hejaz from Soviet Russia, Somalia, Vandals, Uzbekistan, Ptolemies, and Laos.

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46: Big Meaty Armies Grinding Meat

Burkina Faso is successful in Zinder, and now focuses on thinning the defenses around Abalessa. The Tuareg have mounted a counterassault on the sparsely defended Tenkodogo, which may need backup.

Hawaii also agrees to peace with Peru-Bolivia.

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47: A Proper Deployment

New Netherlands might know how to fight war good after all, sending five Warriors with ranged support at Monclova defended only by a single Archer. Meanwhile five Triremes round the panhandle and enter the gulf, headed for Tampico, with only one defender in their way.

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48: Settlements On The Sea

Georgia settles Nikopsia on the Caspian Sea, establishing something of a contiguous border with their new allies Soviet Russia. The Georgian core is well stocked with units, but they should begin deploying soon.

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49: Bengal Battle

The seas are clear for now, but soon the Bay of Bengal will be swarming with units as this coalition war kicks off. A couple Malaccan Triremes nearby are already seeing some action as they move on the Cholan city of Uraiyur, and one of many of Bhutan’s unique Archer replacement, the Dapon, embarks from Phuntsholing to join them.

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50: Pushing Back

Kosovo pushes across the Black Sea for an early attack on Mtskheta. Questionable, when they have one of the worst positions in this conflict, with five hostile neighbors in Two Sicilies, Germany, Soviet Russia, Georgia, and the Ptolemies. They’re going to need that manpower to fight off attackers, not capture cities they will not be able to hold.

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51: In All Directions

To the south in the Mediterranean, Kosovo forces continue to aggress, clashing with Sicilian ships around Capua. Ptolemaic forces embark from Africa to join the fight, and Ibrahim Rugova may soon regret losing too many forces on failed offensives.

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52: Combat Settler?

Back in southern Africa, Nigeria continues to attack Gibeon, weakening it significantly. If it falls, Namibia has plenty of land forces ready to recapture it, and it doesn’t look like Nigeria sent enough to capture more than once.

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53: Hejaz Hostilities

Punjab, in addition to the coalition, has also declared war on Hejaz, seeking more control of the Gulf of Oman and to banish them back to Arabia. Spearmen defending Rabigh waste no time and intercept the invaders before they reach the borders.

Uzbek troops also begin the trek to Rabigh from their new outpost of Bukhara.

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54: Kosovo Krunch

Gjakovë comes under heavy assault as Two Sicilies mobilizes its core carpet. Germany also advances from the north, and Kosovo may be overwhelmed in short order.

Hejaz manages to end one conflict, negotiating peace with the Chola.

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55: Diet Chola

Bhutanese forces push west, clearing a path to Gajranwala. Whether they have success or not is another issue, ranged units tend to have trouble in dense forest.

Two Triremes aren’t going to be enough to take Uraiyur, as a Trireme of their own arrives to repel the Malaccan vessels.

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56: Hand It Over

Peru-Bolivia and the Mapuche finally agreed to peace, Andrés de Santa Cruz giving away La Paz to make it happen. A Settler is sent north with escort to settle a new second city.

Newken holds strong in the jungle, under attack from both Marajoara and Quilombo dos Palmares.

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57: Get Moving

Zanzibar fields a solid carpet, but seems to be content remaining at peace. Zaire looks like a viable target with two sparsely defended cities nearby, but only if Barghash bin Said acts soon.

Uzbekistan and Kurdistan agree to peace.

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58: Flip...

Nigeria flips Gibeon, with more forces than expected to spare. Namibia is sure to recapture shortly, we’ll see who runs out of resources first...

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59: The Pressure Is On

The New Netherlands assault continues, and both pushes on Tampico and Monclova have reached their destinations. Rio Grande backup is still a ways off, it may already be too late.

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60: You Snooze, You Lose

Wales has had millennia of chances to settle the islands for themselves, and now the chances have run out. Spain settles the southern tip of Ireland with Murcia, and another Settler rounds the coast to land up north as well.

The Olmec religion of Tzolk’in enhance their beliefs, gaining additional faith when Great People do great things.

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61: Maple Mayhem

Iceland has begun making their move, and have fought off most of the Neutral Nation’s defenses, opening up Niagara. A couple Settlers with escorts try to escape into northern Quebec, but one is caught and surrounded.

A Mississippi Settler has also found their way up here, establishing Etowah.

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62: Nice Hair

Great Perm also finds themselves surrounded by enemies in this conflict, with Soviet Russia, Georgia, and the PARG coming at them from all sides. Soviet Russia advances on Yarensk and Syktyvkar.

In peace declarations, we have Kurdistan and Punjab, and New Netherlands and Rio Grande… you had them under your thumb, Peter. That better be a pretty luxury loaded peace deal with neither of those cities handed over.

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63: I Only Have Eyes For You

Lesotho enters their third-ever war, and it’s the third one with Namibia. Moshoeshoe I sends his troops west into their core, catching them from behind as Jacob Morenga focuses on the Gibeon situation. The southern tip of Africa is finally settled as Lesotho establishes Qacha’s Nek, and Namibia has two Settlers on the way.

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64: Population: Decimated

Kosovo finds success in the Black Sea, taking Mtskheta. It’s likely to flip back, but the damage has been done. Soviet Russia arrives to support, Chariot Archers taking shots at the ships in the water.

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65: Remember Bordergore? It’s Back! In Pog Form!

Newken continues to be an impenetrable fortress, stalling the Marajoaran and Palmares advances. Paraguay settles Ybycuí on the far side of Newken, because everyone loves a little bordergore.

Gibeon is recaptured by Namibia.

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66: Peacekeepers Have Entered The Fight

Ranjit Singh’s peace treaty with Kurdistan comes as a mixed bag of blessings. While they did receive Kerkük in the deal, it has also halted the advance on Rabigh for both Punjab and Uzbekistan, as the units stationed in the city are booted out into the nearest unoccupied tiles, blocking their path down to a single tile along the coast.

Ranjit also ends a distant irrelevant war with Vietnam.

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67: Gallic Inquisition

The Gauls get Wales off their backs with a peace treaty and continue to press the attack into Spain, on the doorstep of Barcelona with their unique Swordsman, the Oathsworn. They have +1 combat strength and upon death they buff adjacent allies with a ten turn temporary promotion that increases combat strength by +10% per level earned, up to +50%.

The nearby Ptolemaic religion of Dodekatheism sings louder than ever, their word reaching 30% further away.

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68: If Italy Is A Big Boot, Is This The Kneecap?

Two Sicilies succeed in Gjakovë, driving Kosovo back to their capital. A southern force approaches Pristina from Chieti, but the four ranged units there should be able to repel it.

Gran Colombia and Paraguay join forces to attack Marajoara.

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69: It Has To Be Perfect

The Neutral Nation have settled Quin-aou-tat-oua on the Hudson Bay coast, unfortunately this map cuts off in the north and grants no proper ocean access. Their other Settler is still trapped by Icelandic forces, their escort on its knees. They could settle where they are, but they have a destination in mind and anywhere else simply won’t do.

New Netherlands arrives with a Settler to possibly claim Mount Katahdin and expand the NN-NN border.

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70: Not That Orange, The Other Orange

The Punjab carpet is a little thin on the Bhutan border after centuries of war to the south and west, and now Bhutanese troops advance. The hilly terrain saves the northern cities from immediate threat, but Gajranwala sees a lot of an unfamiliar shade of orange approaching from the northeast.

From the next scene: Bhutan’s capital of Thimphu completes the Hanging Gardens.

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71: Not Dead Yet

Germany and Sweden are still at war, and as far as we have seen, only led to sparse naval skirmishes. The Teutonic Order refuses to remain a city state, and gets a Settler out into the gap between Germany and Soviet Russia, founding Memel.

The Kulin’s first war comes to a close, ending hostilities with Malacca. Nigeria flips Gibeon again.

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72: Marsh Madness

With that southern distraction out of the way, Malacca returns to focus on Vietnam. The wall of Spearmen looks like solid defense for Sài Gòn, but Hai Phòng looks a little more vulnerable.

Having to work around Laos’ resettled territory does also make it more difficult for them. After the original Thakhek was razed by Malacca after receiving it in a peace deal, it was settled anew to the west, and just recently the city of Pakse settled in the old ruins.

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73: Desert Dust-up

Burkina Faso has lost Tenkodogo to the Tuareg, and is in danger of losing more. Abalessa’s defenses have exhausted most of Sankara’s troops, though the force assigned to Ubari still looks capable of completing their task. Bobo Dioulasso’s walls are about to take at least a few hits.

This turn also sees a stack of peace declarations as members of the coalition wars shed the wars they have no interest in: Chola, Georgia, and Soviet Russia are done with Bhutan, Great Perm, Malacca, and Northern Yuan, and Ptolemies with those four minus Malacca. In summary, f*** Kosovo.

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74: Two Oceans A Tile Apart

A small Tongva fleet travels down the coast, but finds nothing to attack, only the arrows from Olmec troops safely on the ground. Their unique Spearman the Konuks’wu prowl the dense hilly forest and jungle, making progressing on land a difficult prospect.

There are three possible tiles to settle to create a valuable canal city here, but no Settlers in sight. Someone get on that.

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75: A Flute Plays In The Distance...

Marajoara is ready for war, and quickly pushes on Gran Colombia’s less defended eastern reaches. Panamá seems certain to fall, but Quito might have enough to make it with the jungle impenetrability.

Gibeon is recaptured again by Namibia.

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76: Don’t Be Scared...

Somalia has been at war with Hejaz for several turns now, but hesitates to advance. Hussein bin Ali has had his ranged units line the coast, making crossing the Gulf of Aden a costly move.

Two Sicilies and Punjab end war with Northern Yuan.

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77: Iceland’s Lands

Finally, a look at Iceland’s core, if a bit off-center. A fleet of Spanish Triremes gather outside Garðabær, though where they are headed is unclear. Spain is now at peace after negotiations with the Gauls, keeping hold of Barcelona.

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78: Tundra Town Time

Japan makes use of this time at peace, and expands its mainland holdings settling Nagoya and Sanjo in the northern forests. Northern Yuan settles north as well, establishing Hohhot and sending another one even further, likely to settle along the mountains.

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79: Meet You In The Middle

Germany ends its excess conflicts, reaching peace with Great Perm, Northern Yuan, and Sweden, getting the city of Gothenburg in that particular deal. With only Kosovo left, Wilhelm II’s forces march east on Ferizaj, forming a mighty pincer with Soviet Russia. The city seems doomed to fall, but into whose hands?

Gibeon changes hands for the fifth time, back to Nigeria.

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80: No One Can Save You Now

Kurdistan’s gift to Punjab and the resulting peacekeepers have prevented sending units to reinforce it, leaving it easy pickings for Hejaz. Kerkük’s defenses have been reduced to nothing, a melee unit must merely reach the gates.

In new wars news, Hejaz declares on Manchu, and Jerusalem and the Dutch East India Company declare on Punjab.

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81: Tahiti, Where Are Your Settlers?

The south pacific is confirmed to be devoid of settlements, just a handful of Tahiti units presumably headed down to Pora Pora.

The Teutonic Order’s escape from city state status has angered Sweden and the Provisional All-Russian Government sufficiently to declare war.

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82: Don’t Need It, Don’t Want It

Kerkük has been taken, and Hussein bin Ali orders the city burned, Tabuk and Rabigh apparently sufficient for the region. Punjab joins the war on Manchu as a token gesture, but continues to focus their efforts on Rabigh.

The Uzbek religion of Shia enhances and now spreads 25% faster. Gibeon flip counter: 6.

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83: Gotta Go North

Are these Anangu Warriors headed somewhere? They’re not at war with anyone… Among them are a couple of their unique Scout replacement, the Warmala, which spawns a Settler when discovering an unowned Natural Wonder.

Namibia arranges peace with Lesotho, still trying to keep Gibeon under their control.

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84: So Many Horses

Burkina Faso succeeds in Ubari, and Kidal is almost completely undefended, only an Archer and a single tile of access between mountains saving it. Further east, troops continue to clash in the desert.

Speaking of troops, look at all those Vandal uniques out there. Alani Horsemen… That’s a lot of horses.

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85: Good Ol’ Citadel Spam

Ah, there’s the reason for the Manchu wars, Yuan didn’t want to act alone. Kublai Khan and Nurhaci have been playing citadel tag, going back and forth between capitals. Each side has two more to drop, but now they must make those moves in live combat.

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86: Evacuate?

That was not core overflow. Tjilpi has to be planning something, because the Anangu core has been emptied out to send them… somewhere. They have yet to be involved in a single war, this is a grand and risky plan for an opening conflict.

Finland and the Teutonic Order make peace.

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87: One Citadel Down...

A citadel is pillaged and the opening skirmishes clash, as the PARG joins in declaring war on Manchu.

Tongva seeks peace with the rest of North America, and signs treaties with Mississippi and the Olmecs.

Gibeon flip counter: 7.

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88: It’s Free Real Estate

A new wave of settlements begin to dot the inner chinese mainland, Bhutan and Taipei Heavenly Kingdom with fresh cities and Yuan sending two Settlers. Wangdue was first in the area, and another Settler will expand control in the area. The twin cities of Wusong and Jiujiang are an interesting pair, settled the minimum distance apart on the same turn.

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89: Stettin Up Shop

Sweden, like Wales, have been hitting the snooze button on settling opportunities, and now have a Germany and Finland infestation on the coast of the Norwegian Sea. There are Settlers on the way to fill the gaps, but the problem’s already here.

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90: The Top Dog Is Not On Top

The PARG declared this war, but Northern Yuan was the one ready for it. A decent army pours out of Yingchang and Ikh Khuree, and their odds of taking these fresh northern settlements look good.

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91: The Moon Looks A Little Bigger Tonight...

The Marajoara capture Panamá, and significant forces bear down on Quito. Gran Colombia has plenty of units in reserve, but is having trouble with the jungle getting them to the fight. We can also partially see their new Pacific coastal city of Santo Tomás taking a scratch, presumably from Tongvan Triremes.

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92: KosovOh No

Kosovo is in trouble. Their land units scramble to defend the capital, while the Sicilian navy controls everything outside the Aegean Sea. Mitrovicë is likely to be threatened once Capua is secure.

In other wars, VOC and PARG declare war on Laos.

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93: Are We There Yet?

Where are you sending them, Tjilpi? All we can tell at this point, is north. The units are pointed a mix of northeast and northwest, it’s hard to be sure as they navigate the islands. Tahiti also raises questions here… Where did they get regular Triremes? You can see the unique Pahi right next to it.

A Japanese Settler arrives from the north, and a Kulin Settler is about to claim the island in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Gibeon flip counter: 8.

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94: Chukchillin’

The Chukchi core. Kagyrgyn completed The Great Wall a few turns back, but we can see it here. The effect of their UA, previously detailed on slide 30, can also be seen with the rapid growth of territory west of Nagaoka. We also get a look at their unique Composite Bowman replacement, with double rough terrain defense bonus, experience gain from any adjacent enemy death, and instant heals on promotions.

Burkina Faso reclaims Tenkodogo from the Tuareg.

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95: Don’t Go Attacking Waterfalls

Iceland advances towards Niagara, having finally dealt with the Neutral Settler, now a captive worker. But the land army is looking a little light now, too many units lost in the conflict. A large fleet of Triremes roll in, but attacking in the one tile wide St. Laurence river doesn’t get much done. New Netherlands also slips a Settler into Quebec and searches for a prime location.

Northern Yuan is the target of the next group war, with Kurdistan, Vietnam, and Japan stepping up.

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96: Chipping Away

Burkina Faso might be able to keep this going. They temporarily lose Tenkodogo again, but will probably secure it shortly. The Tuareg reserves in Aghat dwindle, if this keeps up the capital may soon be vulnerable.

Nigeria joins Wales in declaring war on Iceland as they take control of Gibeon for the fifth time.

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97: Hacking And Slashing Through The Jungle

The Marajoaran frontline Swordsmen sacrifice themselves to clear a path, removing most of the Gran Colombia melee units from the area, leaving them with the Composite Bowman advantage in ranged units and better access to Quito.

Laos and Wales join the Northern Yuan hate train, bringing the recent wars declared on them up to seven.

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98: Tasty Tundra

Northern Yuan advances on Vladivostok, surrounding the city. Tomsk sends its defenders to assist, in an effort to save the city, but it may be too little too late. Without further backup from the core, both these cities may be lost.

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99: Saw That One Coming

It’s still unknown where all those Anangu Warriors were headed, but the important thing is they’re not defending their core, and the Kulin jump on this opportunity. Most of their units have gathered west of the capital of Mutitjulu, set to march across mostly undefended open desert to the gates of the city.

Vietnam negotiates peace with the Taipei Heavenly Kingdom.

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100: Northern Expansion

Vladivostok falls, and further south we see Krasnoyarsk about to be cut off and surrounded as well. It looks like reinforcements have reached Saratov, but any notable help with the imminent threats are still turns away.

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101: The Battle For The Isles Begins

Icelandic troops head back east after a peace deal is reached with the Neutral Nation, in order to deal with the Welsh. The middle of the UK island is unclaimed as well, sending a Settler with those troops might not be a bad idea.

Spain’s other Settler does make landfall on northern Ireland, and claims the territory.

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102: Diving Too Deep

After giving away Gothenburg in the peace deal, Sweden gathers the troops around Stockholm, preparing to assault Königsberg. The Teutonic Order’s meager navy gets a little over-eager and one Trireme approaches Stockholm, now in range of five ranged attacks.

Chukchi and Taipei Heavenly Kingdom also declare war on Northern Yuan.

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103: Act Coolaroo

Despite being completely surrounded and cut off from the rest of the Kulin, Coolaroo can hold its ground here for some time. Its defenders can handle attackers currently in the area, and a majority of the Anangu military are turns away out in the ocean, and also more desperately needed in their capital. Another Kulin Settler near the new gulf island city of Marpeang Balug might have gone too far, and is about to be captured north of Warakurna.

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104: Firing Line

Hejaz continues to turtle up, and a coast lined with Chariot Archers covers the Red Sea quite well. Hermoupolis does allow the Ptolemies a safe route across, however without those troops crossing could be at risk for capture.

The Great Perm’s Eastern Orthodoxy enhances, but what that belief actually is is unclear, these notification logs aren’t perfect.

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105: Mississippi Ontario

A clear look at the three northern settlements of the Mississippi, Emerald Mound, Kincaid, and Etowah, and two more Settlers also roam the bodies of water. Iceland got Quinaoutatoua in their peace deal, and New Netherlands’ Settler looks for that Quebec coast.

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106: Still No Canal

U Kix Chan wants another round with Marcus Garvey, and this time he doesn’t need help. Olmec Konuks’wu and Triremes swarm Portmore, and Jamaica’s navy in their core is not as plentiful as it should be.

A trickle of Tongvan navy continues to harass Santo Tomás. Gibeon flip counter: 10.

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107: KosovOh Crap

Two Sicilies descend on Pristina from the northwest and south, a string of Composite Bowmen filing in from Prizreni and beyond to try and stop the assault. In the north, Ferizaj appears to have repelled the initial attacks.

The Mapuche get reprieve from Palmares with a peace deal, and the Manchu-Chukchi conflict also comes to a close.

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108: Big Island Battle

Welsh troops cross the Irish Sea as Triremes clash in the North Channel, while a small detachment of Icelandic units advance on land. Germany is about to slip a Settler in on the unclaimed area, swiping most of the prize of this conflict.

One more religious enhancement from the Mississippi’s Southern Cult, which gives all cities +1 to all yields, at the cost of -10 culture and science from the Palace.

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109: A Bad Call

Jan Coen somehow had faith that the PARG would actually help them, but between the disparity of military in the area and a citadel stealing most of Pontianak’s land tiles, they start off on the back foot already. Laos might actually have a successful conquest here.

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110: Choked Out At The Choke Point

The Dene and Three Affiliated Tribes finally make peace, but the Chinook aren’t done with Four Bears. Troops move east from Neacoxie through the mountains, but the Tribe’s units wait on the other side of the pass, picking units off one by one. Off the coast, Comcomly’s unique Work Boat with a ranged attack, the Equai-ah, patrol in numbers.

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111: Quito A Dilemma

Quito is almost surrounded, yet still unscathed. Gran Colombia units hang back outside other cities, aware their Archers and Chariot Archers aren’t getting the job done.

Kosovo strikes a peace deal with Germany, taking care of one threat...

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112: In Between Scenes

Since we last saw it, Mtskheta flipped to Georgia and back, so quickly it didn’t even show on the minimap. In that shuffle Georgia lost their frontline melee units, and have been unable to capture it since, a gridlock of ranged units surrounding the city. Soviet Russia has an opportunity to snipe here, a Swordsman in the waters.

Jerusalem and Georgia agree to a peace deal. Gibeon flip counter: 11.

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113: Outback Onslaught

The Kulin army continues to advance on the Anangu capital, barely a defender in sight. Only two nearly defeated units stand between them and surrounding the city, Tjilpi’s oceanbound Warriors nowhere in sight.

The latest in peace negotiations has Gran Colombia ending the war with the Tongva, and Hawaii and The Dene as well. Gibeon flip counter: 12.

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114: Too Hothot To Handle

Japan joining this Northern Yuan dogpile may wind up costing them, Sanjo is undefended and defenders are only just reaching Kashiwazaki. Northern Yuan continues to get north, Xilinhot founded north of Sanjo, and another Settler in Hothot likely heads north as well.

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115: Orange Vs. Orange

Bhutan’s western front begins to fade under Punjab pressure. Paro begins to take damage, and the reserves coming from Thimphu leave empty land behind them. To the north, both nations have just founded a city in central asia just a stone’s throw from each other.

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116: Violence In Vietnam

Mansur Shah refocuses the aim of his troops, and rather than trek through swamp and jungle, they simply embark to the sea and land at the city gates. Hai Phòng’s walls crumble, and the next attack could capture it.

Paraguay and the Marajoara agree to peace.

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117: Free Fallin’

The Olmecs continue to look good as they progress in the Carribean. Portmore weakens as the Jamaican navy thins, and it looks like their course is changing… from ‘to the moon’ to ‘to the ground’.

Final Gibeon flip counter: 13. That must be a record for one episode. And it wasn’t even the whole episode.

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118: Look At All Those Catapults

Krasnoyarsk has managed to repel the attack from Northern Yuan, but a Settler has given them a resupply zone with the outpost of Erdene Zuu. If Mandukhai can send those units around the south of that mountain range, they might have better luck.

Gran Colombia returns to peace and ends its remaining wars with Marajoara and Three Affiliated Tribes.

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119: Smoke Blocks The Sun

With the citadels all pillaged, troops flood the plains between the capitals, no longer concerned with incidental damage. Both sides have a sizeable army behind the front, but Yuan has the technological advantage.

The Vandals and Uzbekistan hop aboard the Northern Yuan hate train, bringing them to eleven active wars.

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120: Japan Should Take The Islands

Anangu Warriors scatter as a fleet of Kulin Triremes have come to intercept them on their route home, and Tahiti Pahis look for a route around the island to attack Hilo. Japan’s Settler continues down the island chain, looking for that perfect spot.

Jerusalem pleads for mercy, and the Ptolemies relent, granting them peace.

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121: Onward To The Medieval Era

We close with Scandinavia and a look at the Swedish and Finnish cores. Sweden has spread a little thin and has been having problems with Germany, while Finland has a fairly dense core, but a bit behind technologically.

Speaking of tech, these last few turns have seen a few civs crack into the Medieval era, including Nigeria, the Chukchi, and Malacca.

And with the Classic era coming to a close, so does this episode. This has been a hell of a part that I’m glad I got to narrate. So much lovely conflict, with an interesting web of alliances. Until next time, this has been X-Rok, I’ll see you around the sub.