Episode 10: A Thousand Galloping Hooves – S3

December 7, 2022



In which Tomyris gets a lesson on the power of friendship, Xanana and Suharto go for a night on the town, and the North America gang finds out that Iron Jacket is haunting Pretty Nose’s garden.

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1: Opening Credits

Willkommen, Bienvenue, and Welcome to the Tenth Episode of the CBRX3!My name’s SeroSedSerio, lost and found mod of CivAIGames, small-time civ designer come wannabe modder, evening botanist, Australian history nerd, et cetera, et cetera.

I’m here to bring you some swinging AI shenanigans in what shall be my first proper narration of an AI game (why am I a CAG mod again?), so be gentle, I’m new*** to this.

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2: A Tragedy

The OC spotlight this week includes the weekly comic by Orange, illustrating perfectly the sheer Shakespearean tragedy of the Comanche, and how nothing, Nothing! could have prevented it.

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3: UwU

Another Polandball comic care of ExplosiveWatermelon, and one I can’t fully understand but enjoy anyway (this damn generation with their tikky tokkys and their vines, is this what’s called a meme? a shitpost?)

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4: Respect

And here’s a message from our sponsors, You!

The message is one of gratitude, thank you all for your continued support, and as always, more contributions are appreciated.

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5: Tuva On Top

Tuva is holding steadfast in first place, beating out their Siberian rivals the Permians, who themselves have regained some ground and made it to the #2 spot. Will Azykay regain his top spot this episode? Or will he continue to squander his opportunities and not do anything?

Let us see, shall we? Onwards!

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6: Centering the Episode

As a nice, soft introduction, we get a shot of Central America, or, well, South Mohave really. Francisco Morazán has really fluffed it in the settling department and I doubt they’d be able to navigate an army through the Mexican jungles to conquer anything, but feel free to prove me wrong.

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7: Caught in a Funk

Cambodia seems content to stay as a city state and just vibe with some cool tunes from the chief. They’ve made peace with the Philippines, really the only possible civ they could get a city off of, so if something drastic happens, I dare say this is as big as they’ll get.

Casting back to the last slide, Central America has also made peace with the Seminole. I could say it’s a lost opportunity to gain Cuscowilla, but they didn’t have the navy for it regardless.

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08: Mori Could Have Been Done: Chongjin Offensive Fails

Dateline: Chongjin, AD 200

The Mori navy’s surprise attack on Chongjin has wrought much destruction but is faltering fast.

While the general public would have thought the much more smart and rational target was the puppet city of Tajhi-Sarugake, what with its difficulty to be taken by land, the Mori navy disagrees. For is it not the perfect subversion of expectations?

Admiral Peter Easton, for his part, has been lost at sea. He doesn’t know where he is, what he’s doing, and why his navy has left him behind to get peppered with arrows from Jeju island.

When asked about the situation, Chieftain Kim il-Sung said to our reporters that he feels ‘stable’ and ‘happy’.

When pressed on why North Korea has been the target of so much foreign aggression, the glorious leader gave out a stern look, cancelled the press conference, and ushered our journalists out of the country.

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09: Inland Fish

Last I’ve heard, Yemen is currently only at war with Egypt, but if al-Sulayhi  is setting her sights on Pandya, she seems to have misread some maps, and what she took for a bustling harbour city was, in fact, a small Elephant shipping yard servicing the very landlocked Korkai.

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10: They Made it, Despite the Directions

…Continued from page 3

After an ordeal involving being black-bagged into a cart by a Korean general confidently professing he was a God of wealth and luck, and trying to get back to whatever a Tang Dynasty was; our journalists reached Korea’s north border.

There they observed that the situation was much worse than what they let on in the capital.

The Gokturks had amassed more reinforcements to siege Hamhung, and just off the coast, the Ainu fleet had descended from the north, setting course for Tajhi-Sarugake.

Our writers reported the Gokturks as very amicable, readily sharing the meals they had made especially for the seige. Steamed Hams they called them, a regional delicacy at that time of the year, in that part of the countryside, located entirely on the battlefield.

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11: A Little Too Relaxed

Not sure how long this war’s been on for, but Tomyris has managed to get the Yemeni exclave and holiday home of Asir down to half health. Asir’s chances of not being annexed (or worse) are, let’s say, ‘slim’, what with quite literally no reinforcements to be seen.

It looks like al-Sulayhi has gotten tired of the Caspian’s beaches and is now looking elsewhere for her holidays, maybe southern India.

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12: The Expansion of Nations

Try as they might to expand by settling, the Kievan Rus’ is running out of space to do so. A city on the Bosporus would be excellent for them, and they do have a settler near enough to make us all mad when they don’t end up settling there.

Foreseeing that they may have to expand by other means, Olga has recruited Scotsman (or I suppose Irishman in this universe) Adam Smith, to both invent Economic theory and use it to buy some cities off of Vladimir. Bold strategy, only time will tell if it works.

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13: Wild Mountain Poppies

The mysterious and lonely Himalayas are now ripe for some new settlements. Afghanistan claims Mount Kailash with its new city of Khost, and Kokang is looking to expand the local drug… I mean flower market with Htin Par Keng.

The mountains are also doing wonders for Kokang’s defence against Bengal, my shipments have barely been affected.

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14: La Plata of La Plata on a Platter for the Latter

The Rio has found its La Plata, and it has founded it on Isla de los Estados. Bless their hearts, they are trying to make up lost settling spots, but they’re gonna have a hell of a time defending them against Chile.

The Falklands though, still lay there, unsettled, ready to make a meme out of whatever civilisation does so.

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15: A Pilgrimage North

Dreams of Arapa-cois succession are quashed as Pretty Nose sends out missionaries to foster social cohesion amongst its fairly recent settlements. Rumours are that the locals there are practising some strange beliefs from a long dead god, hence quite the wave of missionaries.

Ohio is, of course, still unsettleable.

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16: Stonetown Stonewall

Mbarara is in the red, but will Kilwa manag-

yes, the answer is of course they’ll flip it, and it’ll most likely flip back.

Down the coast, Uganda is not focusing on the heavily muscular threat to their North, but is pillaging some Swahili farms outside Zanzibar instead, perhaps to feel better about Masaka.

Down in the capital, Kilwa has recruited Stonewall Jackson, which, much to my dismay, is not a nickname for Marsha P Johnson or anyone else involved in the Stonewall riots, but is in fact a US Confederate general.I‘m just going to head-canon it as the former though, and picture them bricking some Ugandan police chariots.

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17: I Won’t Die On This Hill Just Yet: Peace In The Gobi

Dateline: Qarakhoja, AD 225

There’s dancing in the streets of the Qocho capital as master diplomat John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, has skillfully organised a peace with Tuva.

When pressed for comment, Churchill simply replied:

“Please, please just leave me be I need rest”

Such wise words from a wise man!

As per the treaty, the Tuvan troops previously besieging the city have been jettisoned into the surrounding sand dunes of the Gobi. Let me tell you, there is many a look of bewilderment on the soldiers’ faces, as most of them (and us in fact) thought they had this in the bag.

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18: “Nobody's Dick's That Long, not even Long Dick Johnson”

Mohave is feeling ballsy, there’s only one spearman at Avi Mota and yet Irataba has declared war anyway. However, Tomyris will have to lead her troops quite a way through rugged terrain to attack, so I think their ‘City To The West’ is safe for the time being.

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19: Demure in Díli:CBR Fashion Show And Geopolitical Talk

Dateline: Díli, 225 AD

Thousands flock to the streets outside Madame Louise Chéruit’s new fashion store: ‘Chéruit’s Boutique Royale’. Its grand opening will surely herald Timor-Leste’s rise to be the fashion capital of the world as even now, Madame Chéruit counts many world leaders amongst her patrons.

Díli’s own Xanana Gusmão exits dressed in a chic new navy blue dinner jacket with matching cumberbund and cravat.

Yolngu elder Wonggu shows off a stylish golden skirt, embroidered with various animal totems and colour-matched exquisitely to his ceremonial ochre.

And Indonesia’s Suharto is sporting a lovely white silk robe with floral ruby accents, complete with a wide brim sun hat, the newly built Borneo settlement of Medan, and a stylish autumnal tote.

Couture Boutique Royale is located in central Díli, 41 Rua de Formosa. Stop by or stay out of fashion.

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20: Yugo-Anglo-Dutch

War breaks out in southern Europe, Tito could have a chance to take some Dutch cities, after all William III can never seem to catch a break, if not for the presence of the no-mans-land between Amsterdam and Skopje. That’s certainly some rough terrain buddy, and it will take a while for that army to move too.

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21: Mountains are a Helluva Drug

Kokang and Bengal have made a formal peace, not that you’d  have known they were at war for lack of bloodshed, Olive Yang making very good use of those mountains.

I feel Shuja-ud-Din would be best served shoring up central India, but it seems he has his eyes elsewhere, with a settler heading off south to Indonesia.(Oh, and there’s a Wiradjuri barra-wi-dyany, say hi! There’s a lot of them throughout the world for some reason, see if you spot them all)

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22: For a Greener Isles

Bolstered by the successful capture of Rotterdam, Ireland is gunning for more Dutch holdings. Collins has his sights set on the Hague (you know, for the war crimes) and has called on his navy to deploy and take the city. For their sake, hopefully they won’t make an ‘Irish landing’ of it like they did with Frankfurt.

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23: Mbaraba Deez Nu-

Oh wow, what a shocker, Kilwa flipped Mbarara, anyways…

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24: Peace of Sand

After solidly fluffing the attack on Capua, by focusing on one too many targets, Mali and the Normans have issued peace.

To celebrate (and to take the pressure off of the attack on Fez) Sundiata has settled the city of Jenne, fated to one day contain a great mosque. With any luck it might actually happen, they’d just have to spec into Piety.

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25: Preparing the Ham

The front gets ever closer to the Hamhung with the Ainu joining in as well. The Mori navy has completely disappeared (save for Easton, still lost) but no matter, for the Ainu are having a go now.

Of to the west, the Han continue to claim more and more of China with two settlers roaming Shandong region.

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26: Now the Twain Shall Meet

The Gokturks settle Wrangel Island, connecting with the Kwakwaka'wakw borders and bringing the old and new worlds together with the wonders of border tension.

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27: A Bear Beset: Tuva Invades The Permians

Dateline: Kaa-Khem, 250 AD

The Tuvan cavalry has gathered on their Western border. The troops wait in silent anticipation as Donduk Kuular crests the hill in front of them. He gives off a confident air that dampens the tension built around him. A short, impassioned speech about loyalty, strength, and country follows, and at the end, a declaration of war. The Troops march off towards the town of Izyur.

News out of Eastern Permian lands tells of a military absent from the front, with Azykay’s focus lying elsewhere. The defences of the frontier towns looks woefully unprepared for a fight.

A war between what many esteemed international organisations consider to be the 1st and 2nd placed nations in the world has shocked many to the core. I feel I can speak for us all when I say we’ll all watch on with baited breath.

Oh, and Cetshwayo of the Zulu was there as well, providing Kuular with moral support.

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28: It’s a Me, Dan!

Not too much to see here (another barra-wi-dyany). Though of particular interest is a Timorese settler just North of Ainaro. Could they settle Mindanao before the Philippines get to?

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29: Between a Kok and a Han Place

Ming is really feeling the pressure here, being boxed out by both Kokang and the Han, and only managing to get three cities on the mainland so far.

With such a situation as this in their homeland, building some more cities in Hawaii doesn’t seem like a bad idea, they do seem to have some settlers heading there after all.

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30: It’s the Principate of the Matter

Robert recruits his younger brother William of the Principate to led… someone! I can’t really guess at where he’s sending him off to, maybe Cyprus, so maybe they don’t get along.

For reference, the conqueror buffs nearby disembarking units, and can construct a Citadel and Courthouse in a conquered city (which Memphis is). This in turn makes the city count for a part of the UA, “...the first city on each landmass provides the Capital with Horses, and Gold and Faith if it was conquered.”

Reminder though, that Europe and Africa are considered one landmass, so no horsies from Benevento.

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31: It’s Ox-US not Ox-You

Tomyris sees her chance at a distracted target and declares war on the Permians in hope of taking Oxus back. She’ll have to wrap up in Asir soon to not get distracted and it’s worth noting the Massagetae unique unit you see here, the Battle-Axeman, is a swordsman replacement and should be able to take the city. So it shouldn’t take too long, but you know the AI.

For this transgression of hospitality (after all, are the Permians not guests in Oxus?) Tomyris has three exciting new war declarations on her desk, adding to the pile of ones she’s already received throughout the episode that  just haven’t seen fit to mention.

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32: I’m Not IRAte, I’m Just Disappointed

Ireland, mate, it shouldn’t be this hard. I’m rooting for you, I really am, but your navy is right there and Frankfurt is undamaged.

I only hope so much.

At least that poorly timed Frankfurt settler should prove to be a win for Ireland. Should.

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33: State of the Faith

And now for a bit of a gander at the religion map, Arapaho Nestorianism, Anglo-Dutch Lutheranism, and Turkish Sunni are all doing very well for themselves currently.

On the flip-side, Theravada is doing about as well as their founders, Qocho, are. That is to say, it isn’t. While Irish Oriental (surely Occidental) Orthodoxy and Kayapo Catharism haven’t travelled terribly far yet.

And is Xonouu'oo', Tengri or…? How did that happen? We might need a closer look at those Arapa-cois cities at some point.

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34: Vil - ca - bamba (to the tune of La Bamba)

The newest island getaway spot has been settled in the Caribbean, Vilcabamba they call it. After La Serena (now referred to as the city of Serene) was taken over by the fun police, the Hip Youths had no place to get away from ‘the Man’ and ‘the Capitalist Machine’ and ‘the Bloodthirsty Simulation of Alternative History that they Can’t Escape From”, but now they do! A couple in fact, Olinda is also advertising itself as the perfect holiday spot, and so too will a new Muisca city if they ever settle down (it’s not moved since last episode, so no)

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35: Heaven (Oooh) Must Be There

Given how crowded Kremoro is getting, it’s no surprise that they’d want to think of a better afterlife.The Temple of Heaven apparently provides 15% Food and Faith during Golden Ages, and 20% of Faith contributes directly to Golden Age Progress when Piety is Devout.

Just what they need, more food and more faith.

In other news from the top left, drugs don’t make you happy (well, illicit ones anyway).

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36: ‘Asir Thing’ They Said…

Tomyris is getting a bit distracted and has still not taken Asir despite all its defences being gone. Her focus is instead on Izhkar, which to her credit, is probably a better play than focusing on Oxus.

On the plus side, all this focus East means Avi Mota is safe from Massagetae aggression, so that’s nice.

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37: The Wind’s Out of the Sails

Windy, come on man, this is disappointing, and you’re making me look bad.

Look, I get it, I’ve got attention issues too (that’s why you didn’t get a new design for this season) but either focus on conquering or on settling, you’re simply running out of time.

*also side note to you Yanks and Brits cause it bugs me to no end and I’ve got a soapbox to stand on now, Uluru’s pronounced oo-luh-roo, not oo-loo-roo

/end soapbox

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38: Life in ‘Sunny’ Ryazan

Dateline: Ryazan, AD 300

The biting cold air of the far north chills the settlers to the bones. One finds in the ranks of the Vladimir Arctic Expedition, only those who truly have no other options back home. Food is scarce, the winter is long and heavy, and the promised city coliseum will likely not be built here for centuries to come. Life in Ryazan is miserable, and yet, others still come.

Words says that Norse settlers seek to find their home in the icy wastes, and the Lithuania colonies grow ever forward as well. One must think, is the drive for expansion really worth this?

And now, a message from our sponsors:

Seeking New Horizons?

Want some Adventure in your life?

Then come to the pristine arctic, where life can be a winter holiday all year round!

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39: Four Legged Stand Off

Horsemen land on the shores of Andalusia ready to fight some Castillians, only to find that Robert Guiscard has already gone and signed a treaty to end the war. Maybe next time guys.

The Yugo-Anglo-Dutch war is really heating up though. Standing either side of the Rhône river, two riders are locked in a fierce standing contest, neither daring to move a muscle.

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40: Izyur Army Still Running?

The war with Massagetae is severely hampering the Permians ability to reinforce their East. Tuva is already on the doorstep of Izyur and the only defences nearby are scattered horsemen and catapults (though this is the AI still, they can easily screw it up).

It’s all well and good to expand your borders, but you need to keep on top of a standing army, and not waste too much manpower on, say, what should have been an easy war with Khazaria.

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41: Ham-Holds for Now

Hamhung has beefed up a bit with it’s defence, I mean this is the glorious best Korea of course, why wouldn’t it be? Those Gokturks would never be able to take it now. What? Tajihi-Sarugake? You can’t see that, it’s behind mountains. Pay no attention to the Ainu navy.

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42: Asir You Latter

Geez, finally, that took forever, the Massagetae take Asir after lounging about on the sun beds for a few years.

Bulan meanwhile looks on longingly, he liked going to Asir, it was a nice distraction from you know, this (waves hand at all of Khazaria), he’ll miss it.

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43: Sad Celtic Noises

Dare I get my hopes up Ireland?No, Frankfurt’s still undamaged, a Brandenburg fleet has arrived, and the ones doing anything to the Hague are Freddy’s generals citadelling it.

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44: The Old(-ish) Ways

The US and the Cree were at war? Well nothing ventured, nothing gained I suppose.

More interestingly (in my opinion at least) Xonouu’oo’ has somehow adopted Peyotism, the old Comanche (f) religion.

If I were to guess this is probably something to do with leftover pressure and the fact that the city only has a low population, but this does make it the Peyotism’s only city currently, Quahadi has been converted.

And for those wondering about the new gameplay mod in CBR this season (Religion Founder Replacement), where you can capture a holy city and get founder beliefs, it shouldn’t trigger here since the Arapaho already have a religion. So we’ll have to keep watching for that.

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45: The Cypriot Ploy

Memphis is on the verge of toppling, Turkey has set up a nice firing line on the Levant, and I’m not sure what that Turkish unit next to the city is (I think it might be a horseman?), but they have plenty of melee units around, they just have to get past the Norman ships first.

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46: Masaka Deez Nu- Wait I Already Did That One

The Chad-Uganda war has ended pretty conclusively in Idriss Deby’s favour, having solidly locked down Masaka after taking it. It looks like Deby now plans to add insult to injury with that settler near Kampala, perhaps to make future wars that much easier.

Offscreen, the best bois (they’re still my child after all) has started warring with best (well only) Korea

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47: Lonely Desert City Seeking Petra

Angola, not just content with Central Africa, has branched out into the Sahara (god knows why) with their new city of ‘Luena. I guess there is quite a lot of salt around, but if Savimbi is trying to go for some yield porn, I’m sorry to say Jonas, but Petra has already been taken by the Best Bois™.

Oh, and Mbarara’s back to Uganda, etc. etc…

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48: They’ll be Drinking in Fez Tonight for Sure

Mali’s officially given up and made peace with Tetouan. Pirate Queen al-Hurra has come out on top in this war, sorta. She recaptured her city that she initially gave away, that’s a win right? And now she can focus on reigniting her war with the Dutch, shame their closest coastal city is the Hague though.

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49: Please Assume the Position

Tomyris takes Izhkar! Could this be a comeback? Next stop Oxus perhaps? Don’t get your hopes up, but do remain cautiously optimistic. Izhkar might well become a meat-grinder soon, but at least that will keep Permian troops distracted around Uros.

Across the mountains, in an effort to escape their problems, the Permians have sent a settler into the Mohave- I mean Gobi desert.

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50: Think of the Economic Opportunities Pharaoh!

All these settlers have got me thinking, what a Chad move it would be to settle the Red Sea, right next to Egypt’s capital.

What a Norman move it would be to settle the Suez, right next to Egypt’s capital.

What an Egyptian move it would be to settle anything, even right next to your capital, you’re so small Akhenaten, please.

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51: A Painted Desert

Massagetae can take Izhkar all they want, no worries, Azykay’s got Izhma now, and it’s got blackjack, and hookers! (what is it with all these IZ_ city names anyhow?).

With even more civs, like Afghanistan, slowly inching their way into the Gobi, the desert’s looking nice and colourful right about now. Enjoy the border gore while it lasts, cause soon this will all belong to its rightful owners…


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52: From Ankara With Love: The Fall Of Memphis

Dateline: Memphis, AD 425

Every house has a picture of him on the mantelpiece,

Every man and their dog stops to swoon in the street when he walks by,

Everything he touches turns to gold in the eyes of his admirers,

The nation’s darling, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, has won over his peoples’ hearts well and truly, and the recent conquest of the Norman city of Memphis has only further cemented that fact.

For just last Friday, the Turkish government passed a motion into law to make it official that Atatürk was just the cutest! So beloved, so sweet and kind, perhaps a little blood thirsty but all the best leaders are.

When asked if all the praise had gone to his head, Atatürk simply responded with a series of stylish poses, culminating in blowing a kiss to a member of the press gallery who subsequently fainted.

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53: Give Me Mori!

Nobody thought it likely, but the Mori have done what was once thought impossible.

Take Tajihi-Sarugake back? No. What? No!

Settling a third city on Japan of course!

What a novel idea, settling your home region, what will they think of next?

Back East, the Ainu navy has been beaten by glorious Korea, it seems not even a navy can crack this veritable citadel of a city.

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54: A Wonder Building Engine

The Kayapo have recruited Gottlieb Daimler, inventor of the high-speed liquid petroleum-fueled engine, they must keep this invention a closely guarded secret though, imagine what havoc could be wrought on the environment if this got into the wrong hands?

Regardless, they’ve used their new found combustion engines to build Borobudur, it’s supposed to give three free missionaries, but I guess they got lost in the jungles and/or the crowds of people.

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55: Neewww-iinTown

Pretty Nose is gradually filling up Arapaho territory after the Comanche war, both with new cities like Noowóo-ííteen, and a larger army carpet, though the latter could still be much larger.

Also geez, apparently Gediminas is a dictator now, and the mad man’s declared war on Vermont!

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56: Not All is Malolost

The Philippines have never had the best of times in the CBR, even in the very first mark, they were out very early, and it looks like they might not been in for the long haul here either.

Though I get ahead of myself, Yang needs to move her armies around jungles and mountains to get to Cavite el Viejo, and make sure her navies don’t get distracted and split up. This won’t be an easy war, but it does highlight how precarious a position the Philippines finds itself in.

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57: Sri Pada Planning Pandering Pandya

Alli Rani also joins in on the war with the Philippines, though with all the distance between her and Aguinaldo, I don’t see much happening, maybe a snipe if that.

Otherwise Pandya should really snatch up Sri Lanka. You’ve got a settler there, there’s a Sri Pada, some crabs, everything you need for a good city. Come on Rani, you know you want it.

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58: Settler Snipe

Castille was running out of room on Iberia (I mean there’s still some spots I guess), but you know what? The Anglo-Dutch had a peninsula they weren’t using, so problem solved! Thus a brand-spanking new Oviedo.The Dutch and the Irish will need to quickly settle some land else they might get boxed out of their own home region.

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59: Khaling All Generals

Tuva recruits Khaled Ibn al-Walid to bolster their Permian offensive. In a previous life, he was a commander against, and then for the Prophet Muhammad, and then a commander in the Rashidun caliphate shortly after.

The Tuvan army is starting to scatter, which doesn’t bode well for any cohesive attacks on the cities. To add to that, they haven’t yet managed to damage any cities either.

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60: But Do I Really Feel the Way I Feel?

Seems like golden boy Atatürk couldn’t hold onto Memphis for very long. Between Turkey’s ranged troops on the coast, and the Normans’ (albeit dwindling) navy, this back and forth might go on for some time yet.

Incidentally, that Norman settler near the Suez has since been killed, we’ll just have to wait a bit longer for a Suez settle, fingers crossed.

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61: Pitter Pata Pata

The Zulu just be vibing currently. Set off a DoW to the Philippines, but that won’t go anywhere really. Things are just quite peaceful here on the Cape currently, so peaceful in fact, that that Botswana settler has not moved since last episode.

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62: A Great Depression Over Washington: America In A Dark Age

Dateline: New York, AD 450

Depressing sights out of the US as the nation is plunged into uncertain times. With less appetite for war of late, barracks buildings have had to lay off workers in droves, funding into Civil Service technologies has been slashed, and even some families have been forced to disband.

In the bustling town of New York for example, citizens line up for hours just to get their meagre rations of luxury copper, where once a single working woman could buy an entire coil of the stuff for only an hour's pay.

The country has been unhappy for a while now, but recently the office of FDR has announced what it calls a ‘New New Deal’. Different from the older ‘New Deal’ that underpins the very country itself (certain great people points whenever they adopt a new policy. Culture from customs houses and manufactories.), this ‘New New Deal’ is described by Roosevelt as:

“How bout I settle another city and you all pull yourself up from the bootstraps and stop your damn complaining”

The jury is still out on whether this bold economic strategy will work.

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63: A Green Land Grab at Vermont

An interesting war erupts up North as Greenland attacks Vermont. This is gonna be hard for Hans though, what with all the terrain in the way, I don’t see it going very far.

Xonouu’oo’ is also now sadly Nestorian, it was fun while it lasted.

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64: Song of Ice and Tang

On second thought, maybe Hans is going for Iceland, they certainly have a navy ready.

It will be tough though, Vermont’s recruited Taizong, second emperor of the Tang dynasty, who is a bit butthurt he didn’t get in this season and is looking to take out some aggression on some enemies.

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65: Am I Getting in Your Way?

Not content with having lost the settling contest for Patagonia, Rio de la Plata aims to become a nuisance for Chile, having settled Jujuy, an island town that now blocks any Chiléan naval access for Maipó.

Also the other way round, but I don’t think RDLP cares at this point to be honest.

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66: Maybe if I Don’t Mention it, it Won’t Flip

Big plays from Deby here as he settles Kélo right outside Kampala. Very defenceable to be sure, but that same rough terrain keeping it safe takes away a bit from its use as a staging point for future wars. Good settle regardless.

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67: Whole Lot of Settlin’ Going On

Kilwa settlers long for some banging tunes to listen to as they sail out East, and so in comes Don Arden, manager of various rock acts such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Black Sabbath, and Electric Light Orchestra. (They may or may not come up later as great musicians, I’m sure Lacs will show them off)

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68: The Trees Lay Still

Here’s the Amazon for this episode, not much going on, but it’s always good to see that nobody’s clear-felled the rainforest, yet.

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69: When I Was Walking Back Into Memphis

Golden Boy status re-affirmed, Atatürk has taken back Memphis, though really, it could fall back to the Normans, they do have some ships on the way

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70: You Don’t Need That Land

Up North, though, he’s made peace with Vsevolod. Unable to retake Adana after the initial pushes of the war, Atatürk seems content with citadelling Samandar instead. Way to kick Bulan when he’s down.

Meanwhile on the Permian-Massagetae front, the new conquest of Izhkar is under threat, Oxus is still undamaged despite its location, and surprisingly Azykay is attacking Jaxartes, go big or go home I suppose.

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71: Boxing Ming In

The Ming city of Guangzhou will soon be more cut off from the main territory, the Han and Kokand are sending more settlers to fill out the region and I doubt Ming has any open border policies. The city will fall very easily whenever Han makes a go for it.

To distract from their failings, Yongle has DOWed Qocho, who has just bin vibin’, not hurting no-one. Way to beat on the little guy.

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72: Good Mannars

Yeah Rani! Good on ya!

Pandya finally gets Sri Pada by settling Mannar. At the very least this will stop someone else from potentially forward settling her capital.

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73: Iz This All Yur Sending?

Izyur is now at half health as the Tuvans have now started to besiege the city. Permian reinforcements have made it to the front, but they are still outnumbered currently.

Donduk Kuular for his part is so confident right now, that he has settled the new city of Sug-aksy, absolutely positive that it won’t come under fire. We’ll see if that hubris stands or not.

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74: I guess it Didn’t Work

To help with their naval warfare, Guiscard has hired John Hawkins, and sure that could be John Hawkins the English naval commander, privateer and slaver… OR it could be John Hawkins (fireworks) the champion Australian rower, winner of 3rd and 1st place for a lightweight four in two Penrith Cups, and Bronze (Bronze!) medalist for a lightweight eight in the 1977 World Rowing Championships

And like really, who’s more likely?

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75: And There Was Much Rejoicing: The Opening Of The Chichen Itza

Dateline: Kandahar, AD 500

Ahmad Shah Durrani himself, dressed as he often is in his military attire, climbs the many steps of the soon to be opened Chichen Itza. Flanked by right hand men and women, sword in hand, Durrani slashes the ceremonial red ticker-tape to the cheer of the gathered masses watching on below, officially opening the temple for all.

Although the Afghan belief system is a closely guarded secret from foreigners such as myself, from what I could gather, the temple is dedicated to some form of local war god, possibly one that was incarnated into Durrani himself. But I have also heard mutterings of the temple being a monument dedicated to some form of poultry flatbread dish eaten in secret.

Regardless of its official purposes, the monument will be a great boon for the country, increasing national happiness (by 4) and making certain that Afghan golden ages last longer.

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76: A Fine Day in Dublin

Oh yay, a great artist, I also love those. Now let's see who Karl Bryullov is.

Ah, famous for painting the ‘Last Day of Pompeii’

Uh-huh uh-huh, well, that’s a bad omen if ever I saw one. Please Collins, please, I really want you to do well, but it’s just been disappointing and now those Brandenburg and Greenlandish settlers look menacing.

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77: Golden Dagon Pagoda

Shwedagon Paya has been built in Potsdam, the IRL Burmese Stupa is a true monument to Brandenburg’s splendour.

It gives +20% Science, +3 Science, and +2 science on religious buildings. Lutheranism does have Basilicas, but they might not count for this.

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78: A Chilly Wind Comes In

A land war will be very drawn out due to the rugged terrain, and whilst Chile does have the upper hand in naval capacity, Quito isn’t coastal so the only real target for them would be the Inca’s island colonies in the Pacific, a number of which might be freshly founding as the Inca continue to send settlers East.

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79: Stop the La Bamba!

To be quite honest, at first I thought the US declaration was just piss in the wind, but yeah, I had forgotten about the basically unguarded Caribbean party islands. If FDR were to properly mount an attack here, he could easily expand his Antillian holdings and shut down all the ‘happenin’ parties’ being held there. (Typical bloody fun police)

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80: Turtle Shell, Deploy!

Chongjin has proven time and time again to be a tough nut to crack, so the Ming have come up with a novel strat of trying to aggressively (like, very aggressively) settle Chongjin.

The Hermit Kingdom looks to live up to its name, as they are very effectively, defensively turtling, but also not really expanding outside of the peninsula. In fact the Ming may soon end up colonising right on their southern doorstep.

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81: In the Arms of the Angels

Greenland’s offensive against Vermont has backfired slightly with Holsteinsborg coming under fire from Allen’s archer fire. They’re a long way from taking the city, but it would be quite the show to see Vermont expand North, having already fluffed it well and truly by ceding Montpelier.

Down the coast, FDR completes his New New Deal by settling a new city, New Angeles, I mean Los Angeles

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82: Shocked Malian Pikachu Face


Wow, the sheer audacity of that settle by Savimbi. If that doesn’t provoke Mali to attack him, precious little would.

And looking around the Sahara, Mali really needs to do something quickly, since not only are Angola and (of all civs) Yugoslavia gradually encroaching, Chad settlers have been spotted travelling the sand dunes looking for a place to make home.

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83: A Growing Cavit-y

Oof, Cavite el Viejo doesn’t look like it will stay in Philippine hands for very long now as Olive Yang sends an impressive force to bear down on the city.

Aguinaldo doesn’t have any other cities he can flee to, only the two in this shot, so he’d need some master diplomacy to get out of this one I feel.

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84: Izyur Rank Falling Yet?

And first blood has been drawn in the battle of the giants.

Tuva captures Izyur, Azykay may well take back the city, and could conceivably end the war with all his territory back, but this sure does take the shine off of the Permians, previously 1st ranked for quite a while.

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85: That’s All There Is, There Isn’t Anymore

At least they got back Izhkar, for now, at least.

And that’s all there is folks!

Thus ends Episode 10 of the Civ Battle Royale X 3!

Thank y’all for having me, I’ve been SeroSedSerio, this has been a lovely (if slightly daunting) endeavour, hopefully I didn’t ramble on too long, I tend not to know what I’m doing most of the time. Any and all feedback is always welcome, so until next time, au revoir.