Episode 19: Blood In The Water – S3

February 22, 2023

Captain Bohemian & LunarNeedle


Some civs seem destined to fight in bitter rivalries with their neighbors for centuries. Others seem destined to conquer those unfortunate enough to start near them. Others still have the unique distinction of being able to declare war on a neighbor far away from them and still make it worth watching. Let’s see who’s who.

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1: Captain’s Log

Hello World! I’m Captain Bohemian, your resident Ireland apologist and narrator for today. In this, our nineteenth episode of CBRX Season 3, we watch as top-tier civilizations wage wars for supremacy, while others fight simply for relevancy.

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2: The Prettiest Border Gore There Ever Was

The Vihreaan Map is, as always, quite beautiful. As the empty spaces begin to fill, we get a very clean look at the world. Well, minus that clump of Yugoslavia in Africa. And the Mohave city in Central Asia. And the…you know what, nevermind.

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3: Schoolhouse Rocks!

Today, I’d like to give praise to the CBRX3 Schoolhouse series that has been happening on Reddit. E_C_H has made it their mission to bring all you fans of history and world cultures something to chew on every so often. Going in alphabetical order, they’ve most recently covered The Comanche and Iron Jacket so that we may continue to love and learn about them even after being eliminated. Keep an eye out for more soon!

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4: A Word From Our Sponsors

A huge shoutout goes to our wonderful supporters. You make this game possible, and everyone involved in this wild project is grateful for it.

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5: Greatest Nation In The Cylinder

Ah, North Korea. Number one greatest power in the cylinder! Rumor has it, glorious leader Kim Il-sung has already developed nuclear weapons and will soon be annexing all of Asia in the coming parts! Do not believe Tuvan propaganda; North Korea has ALWAYS been ranked first.

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6: South African Stalemate

We begin this part with a return to the Zulu-Botswana war which is progressing just about as rapidly as a turtle headed uphill. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Serowe is at half health–I don’t foresee a capture any time soon.

I spy two settlers creeping around in Angolan lands. There’s not much prime real estate left in this corner of the world, but I’m sure they’ll be put to good use soon.

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7: Windradyne In The Sails

In Oceania, we see a much hotter naval war between Maori and Wiradjuri. Windradyne is on the offensive, having recently evicted Maori from Australia and seeking to continue the fight on Potatau’s home turf. The Wiradjuri navy just north looks like it could quickly sweep up a few cities, but that Incan navy just across the horizon looks a little too intimidating for them to leave their posts just yet.

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08: The Okay Ming

The Ming, no longer deserving of being called “Great”, are still reeling following the loss of Nanjing last part. Even after wrestling a peace deal out of thin air, Yongle knows his troubles are far from over.

On the other side of Ming is the Mori, who have carpeted up quite nicely all things considered. If they ever want to break out of Japan and make a power play for the mainland, the Ming would be a decent avenue.

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09: An Olive Branch Of Diplomacy

To the south, Olive Yang sighs a similar sigh of relief after managing to secure a peace deal of her own with Suharto. It’ll give her an opportunity to hopefully rebuild a navy and potentially focus on finally erasing Cambodia from the map.

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10: Rocking Gibraltar

Thanks to the inconveniently-placed borders and ships of The Normans, the Tetouan capital is blocked off from receiving any reinforcements from the Mediterranean Sea. Mali seems like it’s finally got a real chance at taking this capital and ending this North African rivalry once and for all.

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11: A Poppy For The Knowing Ones

Across the cylinder, there exists an idiom: “to ship poppies to Kokang”; the phrase describes a gesture that would be utterly pointless to attempt. However, one merchant on the island of Waitomo took this expression to heart when his business rivals told him to do so as a joke. This merchant was no fool, though–he recognized that the Antarctic colonies of Man Ton Par and Tar Shan lacked the ability to grow their own poppies, and thus realized that there was profit to be made.

In real life, Timothy Dexter was an American businessman who would go down in history for performing similar business endeavors that seemed foolish at first glance but held great potential…as well as generally being incredibly eccentric.

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12: Get Real

Inside Jaxartes, Adolphe Friedrich Erdmann von Menzel perfects his painting style and technique to depict life in Massagetae as realistically as possible. His new painting “Falcon Attacking a Pigeon'' is actually a metaphor for the Permian siege on his home, as the power disparity between the two empires paints a gloomy picture of its own.

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13: The Turner Of The Tides

Ted Turner, real-life founder of TNT, TBS, and CNN (among other achievements) finds himself at the front line of the newly-declared war between the Normans and Chad. He’s likely helping to fund the war effort while also ensuring his networks have the best coverage of the conflict. Like it or not, violence equals views, and there’s money to be made from wars.

Jokes aside, this war was not a good call for the Normans. They have enough land units to defend Benevento and maybe enough to push into Aouzou, but it will no doubt be a flip fest at best. At worst, however, they stand to be forced into flipping their coastal holdings.

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14: Just Splashing Around

America and Greenland continue their naval skirmishes off the coast of Montpelier while Ethan Allen tries his best to take notes and learn how to build and use a navy effectively. The various soldiers of Vermont go out on the coast for some swimming lessons, but are reminded not to go too far away and get caught in the crossfire of the war going on around them.

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15: The Great Awakening

Gediminas finally remembers that he’s in a battle royale and decides to shift the weight of his army eastward into Vladimir. Normally this is the part where I’d worry that they were dividing up their military too much by actively laying siege to at least four cities in this shot, but honestly I’d be surprised if Vladimir leaves this war with more than half of its current cities. Expect to see Rostov drop by the end of the part.

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16: Duck Hunt

The Göktürks snag Dzawadi as they clear the Bering Strait of every duck they can find. Both of the remaining Kwak cities have taken damage, and are liable to fall soon. Tsaxis shouldn’t be much of a problem, but Kalugwis might take a bit more work to finish the job. Considering Kwak’s Hamatsa Dancers outnumber any actual land force by 11 to 3 here, it’s safe to say that there won’t be any flipping going on here.

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17: Pacific Power Play

Last slide showed the declaration of war between Wiradjuri and The Inca, and here we see the beginning of what will undoubtedly be a war that shapes the future of Oceania. Pisac looks like it might be in trouble, but it’s tough to say which way this war will go. Inca suffers from low production in all those Polynesian islands, so it might be difficult for them to quickly deploy units to the front if they are lost.

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18: The Nelson Of Down Under

Meanwhile, Timor-Leste continues to work towards solidifying its Australian holdings in the former Yolngu lands. The Wiradjuri army isn’t exactly the most intimidating at the moment, so it’s likely that these cities will be staying red and yellow for now.

Off the coast, Tōgō Heihachirō plots an offensive from the sea to claim the entire Australian continent for Wiradjuri. In real life, he was one of the greatest naval officers in Japanese history. Perhaps on the cylinder he can establish a similar legacy, but “Marshal-Admiral Marquis of Wagga Wagga” doesn’t quite roll off the tongue.

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19: Land Of Ire

Ireland’s got better ships now, so that means they’ll be back on even footing with Castille and taking Oviedo for themselves again in no time. Heck, I bet this will finally be the drive they need to clean up the rest of the Emerald Isles and establish themselves as the powerhouse I know they can be! Michael Collins is probably plotting an invasion of the Anglo-Dutch, Castille, Brandenburg, and Greenland at the same time right now……What’s that? Denial? I’m not in denial. You’re in denial! Éirinn go Brách!

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20: Eastward March

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think having multiple cities surrounded by enemy units without any hope of reinforcement is a good look. Vladimir looks increasingly in danger while Lithuania has never looked better. Honestly, Vsevolod’s best shot at staying alive might actually be to swipe at Perm.

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21: Mohave Might

Here we see the naval strength of the Mohave patrolling the western coast, juxtaposed by the Hawaiian outpost of Guiyang looking incredibly vulnerable. Come on, Irataba; if you won’t take the fight to Arapaho, at least get to work on tying up that loose end!

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22: Ducking Out

The Göktürks have acquired a taste for duck, and they’re hungry for more. Sadly for them, there’s only one duck left to roast, and his name is Willie Seaweed. With nowhere left to turn, it seems his goose is truly cooked.

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23: Scraping The Barrel

A smattering of settlers search for new lands to claim, but what little there is to go around is quickly being snatched up. Bandar Lampung, the newest Indonesian colony, is barely habitable as it stands–but at least it’s far away from any potential conflict. Even should war with Bengal break out it would most likely not change hands, nor would Goraghat and Sylhet.

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24: The Greater Perm

A wave of Perm’s Batyrs, a UU replacement for knights, rushes to Jaxartes in the hopes to decapitate the Massagetae. To the east, former CBR-contender Ranjit Singh leads the incoming defensive force. Unfortunately for him, this isn’t the same Perm he once knew.

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25: Ooh, Burn!

Turns out Windradyne is a merciful god, but a demanding one nevertheless. He swipes Te Tokanganui in the Maori peace deal, a city which saw no conflict nearby whatsoever, and is now burning it to the ground. That’s gotta sting for the Maori. It’s also a sign that the Wiradjuri are dealing with some unhappiness problems, which won’t bode well if they intend to take and hold on to any of the cities that Timor-Leste and the Inca currently own in his neighborhood.

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26: Zul-oof

Yikes. That Kilwa navy could deal some serious damage to the Zulu unless they shape up soon. Right now, Cetshwayo seems more interested in sending workers to guard the coastline.

Is it just me, or does Botswana actually have a bigger military than the Zulu here? Not that either side is doing much better here, of course. Still, I can’t help but notice that the borders of Ulundi are technically “the front line” now…

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27: Rump vs. Rump

Francisco Morazon, tired of being treated like Central America isn’t capable of being a regional power (it isn’t) decides to declare war on the only foe within reach that wouldn’t immediately flatten them: the Seminole. For Micanopy, this is both the most exciting and most scary thing to happen in recent memory.

Perhaps Cuscowilla will finally fall, and Central America will finally claim some relevance in this game. Maybe the Seminole will break free from its Florida prison and prove its own relevance again. Personally, I don’t see either side making any major gains or losses in this war, despite the Seminole clearly being outgunned and outmatched. They’ll be a tough nut to crack by sea.

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28: Not-So Well Done Duck

Bumin Qaghan means business. He smells blood, and it smells like duck. Won’t be long until he’s got that roast he’s been craving.

Willie Seaweed is out of places to fly to. Even his last general has given up hope. All that’s left to do in this situation is dance the blues away with the rest of the Hamatsa Dancers.

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29: Solomon Islands Skirmish

The Wiradjuri-Incan war continues, and it’s clear that the former is on the defensive here. Maynggu Ganai and Mayinggu Marragu have both already taken damage, but Tupac seems to be going for the time-dishonored strategy of attacking multiple cities at the same time. We’ll have to wait and see if any cities change hands in this region.

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30: Ser-OW!

Forget what I said and the start of this part; Serowe is now in prime flipping position. I’d wager Botswana will end with this city, barring any well-timed peace agreements, but hey–I was wrong earlier too. That backdoor fleet will help the Zulu hold on for a bit, but it’s not going to be enough to hold on forever…

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31: When Life Gives You Citroen

André Citroën, renowned French industrialist and founder of the automaker company that bears his name, finds himself in the Mohave exclave of Avi Mota. Unfortunately for him, there are no roads between cities here that could benefit from any automobiles…not to mention they haven’t been invented yet. He’s heard that there’s a settler nearby scouting out land to settle another Mohave city, but they haven’t found enough land that hasn’t already been taken.

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32: Melting Siberia

The Lithuanian horde continues putting the heat on Vladimir, and the cracks are becoming more apparent by the minute. Rostov and Ryazan are close to falling, and Yaroslavl has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting any reinforcements from the Vladimir core.

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33: Sandy Split

A brief glance at Yugoslavia’s Saharan holdings reveal they’re doing just about as well as one would expect two cities in the middle of the Sahara to do. A stiff breeze from any of the immediate neighbors could do irreversible damage and give someone else a leg up in the ever-changing war for African dominance.

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34: Murder Most Fowl

With one final, resounding quack, Willie Seaweed exits the game in 53rd place. Bumin Qaghan celebrates by hosting a large dinner banquet with duck as the main course.

The Kwakwaka'wakw were nothing short of hilarious, as far as civs go. Despite finishing early, I don’t doubt for a moment that their legacy will continue in the minds of us all. The constant copying-and-pasting of their cool and lengthy name, the funny dancers appearing all over the cylinder, and the overabundance of duck jokes will continue to live on in our hearts. F.

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35: Late To The Party

The citizens of Chad hear of a wonderful duck banquet being held halfway across the cylinder and begin craving duck themselves. Idriss Deby decides to go out on a hunt for ducks to bring back home, blissfully unaware that the Göktürks have already eaten them all.

Despite this, the people of Chad continue to flex in the general direction of other African civs, hoping they’ll be too intimidated by their large muscles to compete with them. For as long as Egypt still stands, they’re not convincing anyone.

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36: Oh, Fugger

Jakob Fugger, of the illustrious Fugger family of merchants, looks from his home in Bau into the thick trees knowing that the Kayapo lands exist on the other side. He recalls that Bau used to be a Kayapo city and notes that the population level still hasn’t fully recovered to what it was under the rule of Raoni. He sighs as he travels to work, hoping that The Muisca can pull itself out of the recent production slump it’s been in as of late.

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37: Red And Yellow Fort

Timor-Leste completes the Red Fort in the city of Ainaro, providing it and all cities in the empire with some nice defensive bonuses. This is a crucial wonder to grab in a battle royale, as it helps when playing defensively and can buy you a turn in a flip fest to hold ground easier. Hopefully, this will be especially useful in Timor’s Australian holdings.

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38: Turning Around

Ted Turner, realizing that the front line of a war is NOT a good place to be long-term, pulls back and heads for the sea. Unfortunately for the Normans, it seems the rest of their army came to the same conclusion. Aren’t they supposed to be at war with Chad right now? Did their flexing really intimidate them that much?

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39: The Entire Boat Movie Script

According to all known laws of Civilization, a boat should not be able to fly. Its sails are too small to get its fat little hull out of the water. The boat, of course, flies anyway because Suharto doesn't care what Sid Meier thinks is impossible.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but a lot of random civs have been declaring war on Tomyris recently. Perhaps they’re the new Kilwa in that regard—which is funny, because I’m pretty sure Kilwa is one of the other random civs that declared a war on her.

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40: Calm Jungle

Lü Wencheng begins preparing his latest composition, “Autumn Moon Over Calm Jungle”, from the megacity of Kremoro. As per usual, the jungles here are indeed calm…perhaps a bit too calm. If Kayapo decided to actually take its tech lead and convert it into military strength, there’d be a lot more discussion about who deserves to be called the best civ of South America.

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41: Dvin Intervention

From outside the Turkish citadel sitting uncomfortably close to the city of Melfi, a rather buff general flexes his calf muscles in front of Norman and Yugoslav soldiers. Much like the people of Chad, Leonidas recognizes the power of intimidation and physical exercise, vowing to train all Turkish soldiers to never skip leg day.

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42: Duck Lake

Francis Poulenc finishes composing the music for a ballet featuring an exiled Hamatsa Dancer living near Hokusave. Unfortunately, the webbed feet make any sort of complex dance very difficult to perform. Still, Poulenc is determined to bring his artistic vision to life.

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43: The Narrator’s Barely-Disguised Bias

See? SEE? I told you all that this would happen! Ireland SWEEP–I mean…Ireland has captured Oveido from Castille once again, but it is far from safe. There’s still a flip or two in the future of this city, sadly. What remains to be seen is if Castille or Ireland will continue pushing any further than this.

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44: Privateer Willie

Two cities captured, two cities set to the torch. Meanwhile, budding animator Walt Disney begins sketching his idea for a new character to be the lead for his latest cartoon. After hearing a story about a bunch of silly dancing ducks, he decides to make his lead character a duck that works on a privateer. Now, what to name him…

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45: The City Of Brotherly Hate

War were declared! The Cree line up on the border of Philadelphia and prepare to lay siege upon it. Without open borders with the Arapaho, the city will be quite difficult for Roosevelt to reinforce.

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46: Chile Reception

Gelawdewos, a 16th-century Emperor of Ethiopia in our timeline, looks out over the Chilean army from on top of a hill, admiring the potential all around him. The easiest avenue for expansion lies in Rio De La Plata to the northeast, but all those crossbows won’t exactly be taking any cities by themselves any time soon.

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47: Massa-gotcha

The Permian army takes a quick detour to Aral on their way to the Massagetae capital, and it looks like this will remain safely in their hands for now. Their opposition is quickly thinning around Jaxartes and Oxus, but so too are the standing army in the Permian homelands thinning quickly. A stab in the back could prove fatal.

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48: Dwelling In The Appalachian  Mountains

Huang Gongwang looks out over the coast of Florida, painting the landscape with dry brush strokes and light ink washes, blissfully unaware that Micanopy just declared war on America. While America is currently distracted with a different war with a larger neighbor, and this would be an opportunity for most other civs to snipe a city or two, The Seminole is also fighting a losing battle on two fronts now. But hey, at least they made peace with The Mohave!

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49: A Surprising Lack Of Border Gore

A brief look at the religion map shows us a much cleaner map of the world, with most regions filled and most borders solidified.

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50: Ovie-dopes

As expected, Oviedo flips back to Castille and Ireland is back on the backfoot. It may still flip back and forth, but until Ireland gears up a bit more, it’s likely to stay orange instead of green for the time being.

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51: Sneezing Pandya

A glimpse at the Pandya empire shows that their unsightly Afghan tumor continues to grow unimpeded in the middle of their core territory. Instead of dealing with it, Alli Rani would rather declare war on Perm and prove she’s not afraid to assert her dominance. Fortunately for her, the bear she just poked is separated from her by said Afghan menace, so it’s likely a meaningless gesture.

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52: Stuck In The Center With You

Looks like trouble is brewing in Central America as The Muisca and The Inca declare a joint war! This is bad, bad news for ol’ Franky Morazon. Picking on little old Seminole wasn’t a very good look, I suppose.

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53: Crackdown

Jaxartes is holding on for now, but Oxus is really feeling the pressure as Perm continues to push. It seems that Aral flipped, but it was a pyrrhic victory at best considering how quickly it all happened.Lavrentiy Beria, Marshal of the Soviet Union in another world, begins hunting down possible spies and Permian sympathizers in Jaxartes with the help of a secret police force under his command. He will not tolerate anything less than the best…but he’ll deal with what he’s got instead.

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54: Timor Trouble

The Timorese cities in Australia hold strong, but not without opposition. The Wiradjuri continue to siege Yirrkala to little avail, but Galiwinku is close to falling. Every turn counts in this war if Timor wants to maintain these holdings.

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55: Vlad Company

The front line between Lithuania and Vladimir seems to have straightened out a bit–right outside of Vladimir’s capital. The Lithuanian army seems to be split across the border line again, aiming for three cities at once instead of focusing on one at a time.

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56: Green Peace

Greenland and America shake hands after Holsteinborg is handed over to Roosevelt. Frustrated he wasn’t able to do more with this war, he sets the city ablaze in frustration. Maybe that Vermont settler will be able to squeeze into the void it leaves behind?

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57: Lean Green War Machine

Michael Collins, having missed the memo about America and Greenland making peace, decides to declare war on both of them at the same time. In any case, this is a great opportunity for him to clean up the Emerald Isles a bit. The wall of Brandenburg cities actually provides a nice defensive buffer for Ireland to deal with the isolated cities of Baltimore and Christianshåb without too much interference from the west. However, they might want to make peace with Castille now before they bite off more than they can chew.

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58: The Han Dynasty Diet

For as large as the Han Empire is, they’re looking pretty skinny in the middle. I was expecting a bit more of a standing army for a regional power. The wars with Perm and Wiradjuri they just declared don’t really mean anything right now, but it makes Wu sound even more cool and important.

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59: All Eyes On Eire

Ireland stays winning by retaking Oviedo, and it seems like they might be able to hold it this time…maybe after another flip or two, of course. They really should be focusing more on cleaning the home islands instead of this one city in Brittany, though. As long as the Anglo-Dutch and Brandenburg stay out of this war, they might just make it out of these wars in marginally better shape than when they entered it.

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60: Desperate Settles

Thank goodness each civ has their own little icon, because I almost thought Tar Shan and Tar Shwe Htan were Chilean by their colors. These two Kokang cities are a long way from home, and not in the best of positions…but hey, cities are cities. Gotta take them where you can.

Speaking of, it looks like there’s a race between The Inca and The Mohave for that small patch of land off to the west.

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61: Another Step East

Now THIS is a juicy war declaration: Lithuania has decided to keep pushing east, beyond Vladimir and right into Perm! The border they share is barren for now, but in time I could very easily see these cities changing hands a few times. The rough terrain may slow things down, but I’d wager those mountains will be the dividing line between these two empires if this war goes on for long.

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62: Wet Horses

Speaking of Lithuania and Vladimir, it seems Yaroslavl is still hanging on. Turns out using nothing but knights to attack a city isn’t a very effective strategy, especially when half of them are stuck in the water.

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63: Power Poking

In the continuing trend of leaders declaring wars against major powers that are just out of reach, Pandya initiates a war with Wiradjuri. If only they could declare war on a closer neighbor, like the paper tiger Bengal to the northeast.

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64: Blood Oranges

Another irrelevant war declaration, this time from The Ainu to Central America. I know it’s not like they’re close enough or big enough to pose a threat, but I almost feel bad for Morazon. He’s got enough fronts to deal with right now.

More interestingly, we can see America putting the squeeze on the last holdout of the Seminole. If they squeeze hard enough, maybe they’ll get orange juice?

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65: Does The Midwest Count As “Central America”?

It seems that The Cree have also joined in on the Central American dogpile of war declarations, more as a gesture of solidarity with other nations than for any real intent to conquer them. Poundmaker is more focused on his war with America. Philadelphia is still at full health, but I don’t foresee it staying that way for long.

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66: Lautaro’s Revenge

The Inca strikes twice at Wiradjuri, setting two island cities ablaze in their warpath. This is not a good look for any Australian civ…or any civ at all. It reminds me a bit of what Kulin did to Mapuche last mark, except in reverse.

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67: Siberian Stalemate

A few Batyrs venture into enemy territory and find it surprisingly barren. Despite this being a war between two of the largest powers on the cylinder, there’s very little to say about it right now.

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68: CBRX Season 2 Episode 2

Gabe Newell, a pioneering man named after the city of Gaborone, is rumored to be developing some sort of “steam engine”, but no one’s really sure what that is just yet. Despite his brilliant mind, he is accused of being a Zulu sympathizer for suggesting that there are two too many cities in Botswana’s empire. Don’t be so hard on him, guys; it’s just that he can’t count to three.

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69: Not-Quite-Knights

A brief spotlight is placed here on a Norman Equites unit, their UU knight replacement which gains combat strength on foreign continents and starts with extra XP for every horse in the empire. This one, unfortunately, is about to find out the hard way that crossing the mountains to reach Am Timan is not a viable option.

Meanwhile, Mali continues to whittle down Tétouan with the help of its unique knight replacement, the Ton-Tigi, which can attack indirectly with range and lacks the normal city attack penalty that comes with knights.

Due to a bit of rough scheduling, I’m afraid I’m going to have to tag out and hand over the rest of this part to LunarNeedle. Thank you for joining me today in this tumultuous part. I can’t wait to see how it ends!

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70: The Melting Iron of Progress

LunarNeedle cutin, ayyyy.Azykay strikes hard while the iron is hot with an impressive army buildup. Get your units east NOW Tomyris, or you may find a Permian megacity where your former capital once stood. Also, Kayapo makes a cool building and pings everyone. Most people leave the message on read. Devastating.

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71: Scenic Views w/ Neb

Other than our trust Babylon investigator, showcasing a rather beautiful close screenshot of Kremoro, the Kayapo capital.Reminder, it is always morally correct to ping everyone in a server if you got a nice crib.

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72: I did some basic research. Cherish me.

Fun fact: The Seminole war began in 1817 in OTL. Good news for fellow Floridians is that they seem to not understand catapults, else this would be over… but let’s be honest, even if peace were declared the expansion avenues for the Seminole are nil. There’s no Everglade in this universe…

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73: Insurrectionary Revolutionaries

Splitting off from the crew, two soldiers stand on the edge between three nations and draw a tea. Perhaps, living life as a sell sword has its perks, but as the knights close in on the encampment, a chill goes down their spine.They were set up to fall. And unless they act now, it’ll be too late… Unless… Hey? How’s Kokang in this time of year?

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74: I… may have made a bad purchase…

Beautiful shot of the arctic core of… *checks notes* …Gokturks? Wait… is that out of date? Oh… I thought they were Cree, not Gokturks. Oh.So going all-in on the CBR stock game with Cree was -not- a good idea. Got it. Alright, lessons learned. Keep taking names Gokturks!

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75: The Weight Of Success

The Wiradjuri have genuine QTs and it hurts to admit this, but this defense is weak as heck. A thin armada remains damage north of Wagga Wagga on the left side of the screen, but on the right side…Oh lord. Inca might completely relocate their industrial center to Australia at this rate. Oh lawd.

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76: The Benefits of Barely Caring

Two surprisingly equal armies square off. With only two tiles to be able to attack, Central America might be able to actually win this trade and with a topheavy navy push on a one-tile might actually be able to capture both northern coastal cities. Although I think the amount of unit damage might flip the tide of battle. I think.Regardless, these two low-tier powers have a lot of interesting movement potential. All Carribean major power defenses are stripped from the nearby war with the Seminole. America is overstretched and there’s midtier powers everywhere. If ever there was a zero to hero story. It’d happen here and now.

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77: Nice

With global warming in OTL (our timeline), I’ve been wondering about the split of the gigantic landmass once the time comes. Silly us, relying on human diplomacy. In reality, it’s all owned by Kokang and Inca. Much easier to understand!

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78: Don’t forget me!

Yes, Yemen. I’ll acknowledge you exist too. Jeez, such a hog.

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79: Oooh!

As a tester of CBR S3 and runner of S2P2, you have no idea how happy I am to see something here instead of tribes, haha. A lot of nice based governments here. Having more peasant’s than kings is always a good day for me. The REAL kings/queens or monarchs are the chads who are reading this. Even you Doc Ido. Stay humble.

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80: Ahhh!

I admit, that’s a new government. Going full United Kingdom move I see. Might as well considering how ageless all the leaders in the cylinder tend to be.

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81: Oh lawd!

TOMYRIS THE RESTORER, CAPTAIN OF THE PEOPLE AND PASHA OF THE MASSAGETAE.I don’t know. That name just begged to be repeated…and it might not be around long… So yeah!

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82: OH LAWD!

Ethan Allen needs to hire better marketers. The Good is such a 1600s name. I scoff at you peaceful sir!

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83: Huh…

This is cool! No words, just really cool to see. I don’t think I’ve seen that flag aside from Communist nations late game as detailed above some time ago - I saw all of these nations are eternal tribes. So glad to see that bug being exclusive to my copy.

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84: A Song of Ice and Ire

Troops attempt to assault the Icelandic city, moving units in, but until the naval power is sundered or heavy siege units move in, I doubt this’ll ever change. Maybe Michael Collins is farming EXP, I dunno.

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85: And the mappers clapped.

Yaroslavi I always mispronounce as Yugoslavi even if it makes no sense. I mean, I like the name but… *ahem*The map is prettier now, and for that we are all grateful.

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86: *record scratch*

The benefit of being an episode or two late is seeing this and damn. Who called the Inquisition? Seems like their last major city too… This city is as good as Mali, unless the bungle to end all bungles occurs which… Well, I’ll see it when I see it.

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87: I don’t like art.

This artist named Camille Pissarro spawned in a very unfriendly place. Like Luxembourg of Asia, from all sides are some very expansion focused nations with no slim pickings nearby… unless you could the one tile between Cavite El Viej o and Bandung, which I don’t!

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The Mohave have built Porcelain Tower, a favorite of mine from the single player days. A free scientist and more science from being peaceful with research agreement. No human player would ever sign off on this, and trading with AI is banned in MP, so this item was left open in most games I played. Oh, and it might help them build up their military as science does directly translate to battle power provided you got the coin. Thankfully, Mohave is rich right now, so lets hope they begin spamming those notifications out yesterday so they can have a chance as the continent begins to get unified.

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89: Oof

Jaxartes gets captured by the Permians, Asir, their new capital, lookin’ pretty pathetic and the remaining defending army gathers around Arys. I’m sorry Tomyris, this just ain’t your game.

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90: Map Cleaners R Us.

The best part about the barren north early on is there’s no value in defending these cities up until Future Era rockets these cities into population scales past OTL Toyko.

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91: Oh lol.

Okay, I admit I wasn’t expecting this to be so one-sided. It’s not a matter of when, it’s a matter by who. Also, the Crossbow wall is absolutely devastating. There’s not going to be an army, or nation left soon. Prepare your Fs lads.

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92: A bow, gentlemen?

Thought I’d dumb my ending bit here in case Bohemian doesn’t do one. The game is heating up hard, with many empires blobbing up and defeating those who have no chance. Seminole getting closed is, Massagetae being pinched in, Mali lording over Tetouan and weak borders being challenged. I think we’re at the point where the games final few are being ascended to potential game conclusion. I’ve been loving the camera work from Lacs in my stead, and I’m proud of -you- all for sticking around. Take care lads, for the cylinder turns weekly. See you next time! Ciao~! -Lunar