Episode 19: Check The Rhyme – S4

August 06, 2024



An action packed-episode? Imparted in rhyme? Is that even possible? Find out in time!

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1: Opening Regards

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, and all in between

To the latest installment of the Civ Battle Royale, as seen

Right here! Very befuddling indeed

We got wars, pain and joy, all wrapped in one creed!

So enough dilly-dallying, it is time to see these AI’s in their culling!

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2: Fan Maps

The map of the day, shows the state of cylinder

With brand new colours, thanks Sonicfan55, you fine drawer!

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3: Pacific Pals

Another OC, imparted upon us

Pacific Pals by Orange, a fine place to cuss

Its a hilarious comic, tickles your funny bone

As she adds another OC onto her tome

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4: Filthy Acts For A Reasonable Price

The names of those who gave Coiot money

Are honoured here, thanks honeys!

Coiot: I’ll do anything for a dime

And so he did, and now he’s doing fine

Welcome musslememory and the rest

For your contributions, we are truly blessed

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5: Mystery Meat

Why we decided Mongolia

Shall fall 7 ranks?

Thats the mystery you shall decipher

And no, this is not a prank!

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6: The Anarchy

Alright pals, let the history and the misery start

Anarchy in China, cos Daji just ain’t smart

Invasions by the people laughing down from Japan

Haven’t the space to make a dent in peoples plans

But 50 turns of anarchy is sure to end a run

Now Shang fell and is just a rabbit, waiting for the gun

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7: Entropy

We move to the land, where entropy reigns

As Florida and the Osage fling troops past a mountain range

And Seneca, like the stoic, stands still ever unhappily

Their war the Faroes never went anywhere, you see

All their limited endeavors, never to succeed

And never do they have the power to finish the deed

Instead they sit around, sowing seeds

Until one day they shall fall, like loose beads

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08: Taj

In Rakon Ratchasima, a new wonder abounds

The Taj Mahal unveiled, a white monument to a wife

Siam itself was once impressive, owning endless bounds

Of property, with growth, production and science in expanding trife

But now they hit the brick wall of stagnation

Can they escape? Who knows, but they’re asian

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09: The Yellower The Knife

The Yellowknives, regarded highly by us PRs

But perhaps no longer, as a crusade comes to start

Pueblo, Mexico, Crow, Thule, oh merry me

Almost every neighbour has coalesced to end Akaitchos life!

And though terrain seems harsh, due to impede progress

It wouldn’t be surprising for some of their cities to make egress

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10: Unexpected Battles

On the north, we see, an unexpected front

The Thule, Knives, Crow and Pueblo, all taking the brunt

Of each other, a unified battle line

But what takes my attention is one not divined

In this war, the Faroes, a monster aslumber

Seemingly forever waiting, to strike with thunder

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Dracula Dracula Dracula

End of the line thanks to Bavaria

Hahahahaha imma laugh at you

Pity you, Bathory you ain’t Dracula

2 cities, walls closing in

Dunno bout you, your case looking thin

Early bird, worm never caught, its a sin

Now getting ready to be thrown in the bin

Regensburg, left in the yellow

Militias, morale looking harrow

Better think of some peace

After a war on three fronts, your body need bleach

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12: Dooms of Dome

Within we witness the last of the Kazakhs

Their fortress of solitude, besieged by Kazan

The people there can listen to Bach

As Semey is hit by a petulant swordsman

The Kazan UU, what a delight

Attacks twice by each other, a brilliant sight

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13: To The End

Tranh Hung Dao, uncle of the immortal

Maketh his final stand

The gates are closing, the legions of Zheng

Are overflowing in their strength

“Oh hark, milord, we shall keep fighting!”“Till my dying breath I shall!”And the unkillable king, sighs and wines

For the end is near, and he’s not fine

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14: Frigid Fights

Qarqortoq abounds as bloodshed is appeased

Blood gashes through the sea

Warriors from the Yellowknives gushing through all the sides

But fear not, brave carracks, the walls will hold this tide

And reinforcements are coming out west



At a


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15: Plans of Peter

Our brave spy Ishtar, harkens some news

Thomas Peters, oh a naughty boy!Anna Nzinga, one of the few

Who rival you, and you think shes your toy?

Your state, though stronger, is out of position!

Your interests will go unserved!

You are better off making a motion

On Kanem-Bornu, but I think you’re undeterred!

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16: The Living Dead

Bac Giang is seen as our finest hero

Escapes the fall of Thang Long

Why must I live? I thought my time ticked to zero?

It appears my calculations were wrong

Regardless, a capital flips over to Zheng

And Dai Viet is left defenseless

It really, really must’ve stang

As the Vietnamese must now settle for Laos

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17: The Very Heart Of The Machine

In here, we see, the heart of the beast

The core of the dreaded Faroes

An indomitable base, of production, knowledge and yeast

To fail to understand their strength means you are pretty shallow

And with the neighbours around them? And the appearance of muskets?

Be scared. Lest the world end up in a casket.

Bora Bora and Seneca, meanwhile, make a pact

Of friendship, may it stay ever compact

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18: A Nip In The Thorn

Another sally, down the river, to Nipaluna

And parallel to that, sailors drown by Pinjarra

It is an unending fight, an endless abyss

One that the Palawa win long term, because unless you were amiss

They have the good land, higher productivity too

But of course the Noongar will not be content with being kep to a zoo!

So they struggle, and battle, and now Nipaluna is in green

Will it fall? That remains to be seen.

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19: Running Up That Hill

A unique improvement, a fort on the hill

Vijayanagars, and ooh what a thrill!

It boosts production, and reforests the tile

Whilst acting like a fort, but thats not all in its style

5% wonder boost when worked, what an excellent reward!

Maybe this can secure Vijayanagars position as Indian overlord

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20: Ice And Hammer

The icy wastes of Antarctica are shown

Dominated by Tiwanaku, thanks to the settlers they’ve thrown

This regions getting rather crowded, for how little it shows

As Bora-Bora’s settlers sail eastwards in droves

The development of their lands? It seems inevitable

Even with Omo’s fall, they seem inscrutable

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21: Obvious Losses

Ivujik, a Thule land gained by Pueblo

Is out here looking quite no bueno

Surrounded by Yellowknives, it is sure to turn yellow

The Thule make their assaults, but they’re acting a bit too mellow

No matter, its a vestigal land at best

As long as Popay can continue to threaten the rest

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22: Reclamation Day

A regal parade, for Bavaria has recaptured

The city of reigns, Regensburg, as the crowds are enraptured

Ludwig II, the fairy tale king

Rises to the podium and begins to sing

His armies are vast, his momentum, unstoppable

As Bathory sees the stake pushing through her oesophagus

She’s left with just two, and though Gyor might just flip

This spiral of failure, might just be at its tip

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23: Not Moving It

Mogadishu, in Madagascar, is not moving it

eSwatinis cities have it acting like a snit!

Their navy is dominant, cmon it should be easy!

Seize Zanzibar, and hurry, don’t be so teasy!

eSwatini has pikes, and contest on the island

But their navy’s a joke, why is yours pulling a choke?

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24: Double Time!

A crowd of Crow and Pueblo make their push

Even as the Yellowknives outmatch them out in the bush

Their knights outmatch the formers horsemen

And the mountains, well, it will prevent much movement

In the meantime, the city of Ivujik officially falls

The Yellowknives assault, does it end here? Or can they do more?

And from the north the Thule push in, but they’re like Tacko Fall

A lumbering giant, hampered, sized and all

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25: Blue Jeans and Bloody Battles

Levi Strauss, the brilliant inventor

Who claims to be the creator

Of blue denim jeans, those brilliant pants

Wasting away in Harappa, what a waste of a stint

He stands on by, selling blue jeans

To Vijayanagar soldiers, who go upstream

The Ganges, where they are moving real clean

Beating the superior Afsharids, with position within their team

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26: Open Bracket

A shot of Bornu’s core, quite strange indeed

All their units are positioned far east

But should Thomas Peters wish to proceed

With war, he should face nothing but peat

Their statistics belie mediocre numbers

But in Africa mediocre is king

And perhaps they may end the Mamluks tenure

So they may not experience more suffering

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27: Zeroes and Ones

Somehow, Than Long, has flipped once again

And now the melee units look sparse

As Koxinga’s units cross Yunnan with friends

To find Hai Phongs location is arse

Its tough to break through the mountainous city

And easier to take a capital

But Steve Jobs types out ever numerical

He has to stay focused, stay litty

He has found the code that governs life

The Lua that makes up their tithe

And maybe that can turn the tide?

Of course not

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28: Brutality

A city surrounded, the citadels brutal

The end nears for Nazarbayev

Semey is holding, but its sounding gluttal

As Kazans longswords rear their head

The icy hell of Kostanay, awaits, ever so slowly

But look at the borders neary Semey!

Kazan citadelled them, and oh dear lord

They gutted them, inside like a gourd!

I haven’t seen borders like this since the Qing

Lets hope their fate is not similar to that thing

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29: Unexpected Gains

A unexpected gain, the Selkups may make

In the Afsharid city of Elista

As they mosy down, they really might take

The city, thanks to the borders of Bukhara

Perhaps the Afsharids were weaker than thoughtPerhaps we underestimated the Selkups

But with a city in yellow? Doesn’t it feel mellow

While the Afsharid core remains blank

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30: Unnecessary War

The Osage impart upon the Yellowknives war

But perhaps they should look east for what is in store

Ah who am I kidding

Appalachia and entropy will keep these 3 missing

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31: Last Lands

In one of the few unclaimed lands in this world

We get to see the UU of Mogadishu, that was previously unheard

A Caravel replacement, that

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32: Dishonour

Oh dear, the Afsharids, what a disgrace

To give up to the Selkups, are you in this race?

Elista has fallen, and may flip many times

And the Afsharid army is tiny, like a beer lime

Sober up buddy, you’re gonna need it

Rawdog it, unless you want to keep that annoying zit

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33: Buffalo Soldiers

We see the Sierra Leone UU, the Black Loyalist

A unique musketman, and I must say its quite crisp

It racks up its spoils, in its victories

And upon return, converts into Golden Age Points and Culture, likely from its stories

A good sign for Peters, the muskets aren’t common

And he

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34: Unpronounceable

2 cities I shan’t spell, due to fall under Yellowknife spell

The galleons and horsemen bringing them to deaths knell

And the Crow land of Alexchiiahushbahee

Hasn’t a chance of recovery

Qarotoq too is in the red

But maybe the Thule force can give it some head?And the Crow might really get some revenge

From the south, their forces, coalesce for a blend

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35: Sacrifices Must Be Made

Though the gains in the start, are really, quite tart

The Yellowknives find a rude awakening

The Thule are moving in, and their carpets looking thin Winter is coming, and they haven’t the kindling

Though, those troops around Itawo Iti, are mostly weaker horsemen

The melee units march on, past the great Cascade mountains, but their positioning feels astray

Will all the kings horses really be enough?

In this very ambitious foray?

Time will tell, and that navy, please tell

It to move along and attack Ivujvik!

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36: From The Ashes

To replace the town of Oyo, comes Ichabamba

Upon the sand-strewn ashes of old

Puni can only watch on, from her isle of Machacha

Thinking of what she was told

Keep the city! She was imparted

But now all she created were flames and the departed

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37: Hungry and Broke

More people hop in against Bathory, joining the fray

Bukhara and Burgundy, though they are splayed

The Bavarians secured their old domain While the Romans stay stable today

To the east of this sorry state of a nation

Is the Latvian-Makhnovian war

The Latvians seem to have broke the purgation

Will Mariupol fall? I think not.

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38: Potosi

An army of knights approach San Luis Potosi

But any chance of taking the city is weak

You see, against cities, these people become floppy

And the ranged units around them haven’t broken the teak

Of the city walls, though Mexico must

Send units in if they want to progress

Well, progressing through Ecuador isn’t a massive must

So perhaps its better for them to egress

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39: Are You Ready?

Goguryeo decides its time

To attack Mongolia, how sublime

However, this is not the Mongols of old

Their army is ready, their cities are bold

And the Goguryeans, in their classic folly

Left their troops north in the arctic (again)

Will this war work against their sultry

Plans to dominate Asia? (Pain)

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40: Poor Defection

Marcus Lincuss Crassus

Betrayed his own nation

But now he pouts and bemoans his status

It was a poor decision

The Romans have secured Gyor

The Bavarians are coming for more

The Hungarians have little left

Woe is me, more wars, is that really all that can create the cleft?

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41: Peace In Our Time

The Ndongo-Saba War

How it ended in disappointment

A peace clear as water

And not a city changed in the denoument

At least both civs have armies

Ndongo looks fairly impressive

A bounceback, perhaps, from the harpies? Alas, Saba remains massive

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42: From West To East

Ahead we see the Singaporean core

And the artist Benito Quinquela Martin

The Asian tiger has not been a bore

And Martin reflects that with his spin

Impressionist, well known for pictures of boats

Just like the frigates Lee Kwan Yew has afloat

Though, gunpowder doesn’t seem quite common

They should change that, don’t ships have cannons?

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43: Master Choker

The Visigoths have mastered the art of the choke

It is so bad they seem like a joke

They have fumbled Asturica more than the Cleveland Browns

In spite of their stats, they’re the fool of the town

A bona fide Harry Kane, always out there failing

Without more progress, perhaps their stats will start flailing

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44: Lake Placid

Towards the Crow, I might owe a small apology

They’re attacking the Yellowknives with the whole of their apogee

Might not be enough though, they are fielding triremes

Against a 39 defense city

And though they got support, decent land units, and memes

It may not be enough to break through the tea

And, where are the Yellowknife troops? Hello? Do you want this part of your empire to go kaput?

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45: A Tale Of Two Cities

Qarioq flips, while the attack on Itawoti stalls

A stunning reversal of a downfall

The Thules main asset, their naval prowess

Is packed behind the ice, no less

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46: Wait Vijayanagara Is Doing Something?

Oh my, how can this possibly happen? Tabriz is under blockade!

Vijayanagara traditionally is no kraken

But the Afsharids posed them so, they have made

How the mighty have fallen, their troops obsolete

Better think fast or be dragged across concrete!

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47: Far From Home

“The Makhnovians are a blight, to our culture and time!”Yelled Thomas Peters to Ishtar

“Perhaps its not wise, if I may please chime?”“To export our soldiers so far?”“Nonesense! We are mighty as lions!”

“Those stupid braggarts will see!”

“We shall shake them to their very pylons!”

“Let our muskets set them all free!’

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48: Grand Theft Auto

Ishtar is given a new assignment

This particular one she shall loathe

To Florida, a mad land filled with disappointment

Run by a scammer, now she wishes she were in Hove

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49: Soviet Slumber

Latvia maketh peace with their proto-Soviet brethren

Their war hadn’t gone far

They profited mightily off the Makhnovian fallen

To reinvigorate their empire and ride the star

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50: Enclaves, Enclaves, Enclaves

Oh great pain, the Afsharids made peace

And Elista remains Selkup

They must now be fed into the belly of the beast

For letting that shit go tits up

A total enclave, surrounded by nothing but neighbours

Is that another excuse I can make to really become a hater?

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51: Mnara

The tiny isle of Mnara

Settled by Mogadishu

A quaint home island

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52: A Needle And A Disappointment

It seems the Thule have threaded the needle

To flip Qarqotoq, past the ice, but that was a little

Disappointing, in the end, for the Thule-Yellowknife war ends

Neither making many gains

Itawo Ti sent the Thule by the bends

And the Yellowknives have bigger fish to gain

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53: Song 3

The 100 Years War

Begins once again

We witness the English core

Show their hand

The Chevauche, a fun and powerful knight replacement

It is much weaker, but saps all city prod equivalent to movement

And a bit of chip damage, from Englands UA

Service from Amiens, but will that be easy a?

The armies seem a bit even, though advantage England

And the city outlay will make it hard, will they come and land?

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54: Does It Feel Cold?

Semey falls to Kazan’s soldiers

Leaving Kazakhstan to an icy hell

Will Moxhamadaxhan toil to keep them from getting older?

Only time can really tell

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55: News Travels Fast

In the southern parts of the world, is the town of Huzhou

A Zheng colony, far flung out

A new belonging, for those within the battlements

As news of peace breaks out

The Crow and Yellowknives ended war

But thats not for them to hear, we’ll return later for more

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56: Failure

The Crow peace out, ever the cowards

And that will keep them from moving forwards

Screwing the Pueblo too, for their war will now go through

The mountains and hills, and they hurt

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57: A Perilous Core

The Ikko Ikki core can be seen split in half

As Goguryeos cities cut it like a calf

Wiryeseong and Buryeo are a blight

But the Ikko Ikki can’t get them out of sight

While their stats are, in some ways, impressive

This slight against them is massive

Unignorable, even I’d say

Even if they wish it to go away

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58: This Wheel Is On Fire

The Noongar has appeared to have collected some ire

As the world dogpiles on them

Not a single neighbour amongst them

No reason to light their fire

The crickets ring silent from Nipaluna tonight

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59: 3 Cores, 3 Stories

Ahead in the image that belies

We see three good powers, Dzungars, Selkups, Kazan

A bright shot of their militarized core

With decent pops, and more in store

All three rose off the back of Kazakhstans fall

Now they scrape upwards, as to avoid heavens call

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60: Phantom War

The Zheng and Noongar make their play

Against the Wahgi, as they pray

The Zheng got the production, military, and most critically the jump,

But the Wahgi have science, location, and time to get over the hump

And the Noongar probably won’t add much, lets subtract our equations

Will Zheng make gains, bring the Philippines some liberation?

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61: Cogs In The Gears

The Romans truly were advanced

Knowledge of computers, they found, perchance

Courtesy of Ada Lovelace, a most lovely fellow

Smithing her way down through the bellows

The difference machine, a complicated abacus

Whilst Roman ships sail on, not giving a ruckus

And as she sits still, looking out on the breeze

She thinks of a world, where the gods gave all her funding with ease

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62: How Could This Happen?

In spite of the blockades, the slinging and throwing

Not a single thing in the Mogadishu-eSwatini war is changing

How could this happen? How could this be?

Cmon Mogadishu, don’t fall for entropy!

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63: We Gon Fleece You

Gucci Khan normally don’t get Gucci bags

Got em robbed blind, didn’t check his tags

Gave two on up, to the Dzungars and then to Siam

But cry no longer, cuz he showed who he am

In a little statement, straight from art of the deal

Thanh Dong fell to him, and now he know how it feel

To do the scamming, the robbing, the hustling and pummeling

Scaring the Trongs silly, an exclave to jumping in

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64: Pirate on Pirate

The first to fall to Zheng in their war against Wahgi

Is a former Bora-Boran outpost,

Set ablaze by Zheng, for their folks are unhappy

So all must burn like toast

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65: A Fort Fit For A King

The Amer fort is constructed

A spot fit for a king

The Mughal architects instructed

Their engineers to copy it for everything

In game, it clones Himeji Castle

But makes merchants, not engineers

But does Trongolodur really care about the rabble? The pride and power are what they fear

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66: Jimmy The Jovial

In here we see a Sierra Leonese musician

Jimmy Kennedy, OBE recipient

A songwriter, he was very underrated

But perhaps you know his written tunes, like this one, please may you be sated

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67: New Magic Polder

New Hollands core is sighted

A giant, but now they are blighted

Their stats, once strong, are plateauing

And their army has all gone sailing

And they don’t even have the Amazon

Deforested it all, now enemies can go on

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68: Elephants On Parade

Siam has had enough of playing games

Against the Zheng they will now tame

The lion and dragon

Fighting for heaven

But Zheng has the lead statswise

Is this decision by Rama truly wise?

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69: Singapore Sling

Apa? Singapura berantam?

Against Siam no less too?

Looks like South East Asia’s congregating

To make a elephant stew

A war in two fronts is a tough affair

But is the Zheng front truly viable? Singapore’s core is ready though

So this battle may be inscrutable

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70: The King and The Prince

Away from the battles, away from the wars

Lets look at the Faroes core once more

Compact and advanced, whilst their neighbour

England, in comparison looks like some paper

But the longbows are here, what more should I say?

While Trongisvagur turns Belfast, where you don’t want to stay

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71: Deadlock

A view for the Pueblo war shows total stalemate

The Yellowknife line combined with terrain

Has sealed Pueblo assaults to their fate

Perhaps long term their range will move the mountains?

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72: Action?

The Tehuelche, finally, some action

Attacking the Tiwanaku, Pampa Koani, but traction

May prevent them from making gains amidst the mountains

Whilst the Tiwanaku prevents the hounds

From moving into their lands

With nothing but frigates and the enemy movement plans

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73: Unholy

Kennyo of the Ikko Ikki

Spoke poor of Bavaria

Ludwig careth not

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74: Pearl Harbour?

Ishtar prophesied

That the monks shall go attack

Hawaii seems lovely

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75: London Calling

“Enough of the haikus, I wanna rock!”Ishtar shouted above

To London she shall go, which has a lovely clock

A place that she’ll love

The ice age calling

But I have no fear

Cos London is falling down

[Pretend the entirety of London Calling is below this]

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76: Maps!

Looks like we got some maps we can look over

This one is simple, shows the civs over the cover

Maybe our mappers can use this delight?

To make their maps all the more tight?

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77: ?!

I know not what this map imparts

I suppose growth rates, or happiness to start?

Western Europe, eSwatini, Kazakhstan and Dai Viet

All have some things under their hat

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78: MMM… FOOD!

Cut the sandwiches

Civs have some damn bitches

Cup up my growth like Andre the Giant skirmishes

In a world of going ups, there a few who go down

Tumble like my spiral when I lost my girl 2 months out

Saba, Rozvi, Burgundy, all taking a tumble

While Zheng, Faroes, Mongols and Afsharids, all need to be humble

Cos their places plateauing, maybe ease on the gas

Your people are starving, why not give them a pass?

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79: Swag!

We got all the civs

Making up bank, making up kids

With a few notable exceptions, squandering wealth, tumbling down big

Kazan and Afsharids are the ones doing the Florida

Whilst Tehuelche’s broke, Leman Brothers call in Flo Rida

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80: Cesare!

Enough with the spitting, we return to the 100 years war

Cesare Borgia is put in charge of Englands assault and more

We all know him, the man in The Prince

A military genius who made mistakes with his troops, then got minced

Lets hope he doesn’t bother torturing his men

But this time Englands cautious, maybe he remembers

But at some point England must enter the den

Or their future affairs will all get dismembered

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81: Enough!

Enough! Harks some of the Faroes golden knights

Enough! They yell, circuses not in sight

Enough! They ravage, through the barren lands

Enough! Shouts Trongollotur as he aims to their hands

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82: War!

Ludwig sees the war dec

From Karlannis Ulmanis

Neither hath the troops on deck For a battle, they are showing some stasis

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83: Yuanjunmiao!

The Mongols and Koreans continue their scuffle

For the most part the front hasn’t moved

Look at Yuanjianmao within the bustle though

There action and bravery are getting proved

A valiant assault, by Goguryeo men

But will that be enough to take it and bend?The Mongols to their will?

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84: The New Prophet

A new prophet of Islam has arrived

Martin Luther, a oasis he found in stride

Give praise to Allah, new writings inscribed

Something that a lot of Africa can feel and have vibed

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85: A Quiet Change

Guer Aike, a spot we all forgot

Has fallen to New Hollands antarctic glut

Wait the Dutch were at war With Tehuelche? What a bore.

Advantage 1 New Holland

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86: I Thought You Wanted To Dance…

After years of dilly dally

Trajan decides to make a sally

For Ingolstadt, with a ghost army

Cmon man, I thought you wanted to dance!

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87: Kamchadal!

A Bavarian war declaration

Gives us a chance to see the Nivkh position

They are firmly trapped, in spite of good growth stats

Mediocrity is how they shall splat

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88: Going So Soon?

We see the Khoshut gain of Thanh Dong

Come under heavy Siamese assault

It seems it may not be long

Before Rama puts it under his belt

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89: Try Harder!

The Yellowknives lay siege to the Pueblo enclave

Of Piwweltha, up in the north

They made a good start, but please have some heart

You’ll need more than that to take the locale!

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90: Bora!


[Translation: The Bora Bora are looking mighty strong within their Pacific domain. Perhaps they can convert that and cause some pain?]

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91: Epithet!

As the Zheng-Wahgi war continues to grind

And the pirate fleet wins out on the rinds

We see past the Marinaras

A golden age in our sub

Epithet progress gained!

As the Zheng attack Ero’ara

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92: Stubborn!

Thang Long may be Vietnamese after all this time

The Zheng are out here looking spent

Lampiao, Brazils Jesse James

Parties with the men in the tent

Today they beat the Zheng, using guerilla tactics

A match made in heaven I suppose, but Thang Long is gone and quite little no schlong and the Zheng have still got past it

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93: Dogpile!

Henry V sees the exposure, the lights, the camera, the action

He has decided enough, now he’s gonna hop in on the side of the winning faction

Though neither he nor Ludwig, have any troops nearby

This is yet another threat to deal with, his tension is sky high

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94: Schush!

Over in the northern reaches of VijayanagarWe see a salesman whos wares got far

Co founder of one of the biggest publishing houses in the world

In India, he shall make Vijayanagar a fortune as a lord

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95: Bang!

The pendulum falls, Thanh Dong has fallen

The Siamese annexed the land

A noble gain, from a thief who was craven

Now its time to focus on another band…

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96: A Narrow Trespass

Of fighters, the Singaporeans are coming in

Out from the south, out of sight, through Pattaya, loving sins

Jeanne D’Arc, in her noble regality

Can she break the fort or mountains? I think not without some brutality

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97: King Of The Mischeveous Midwest


Never done shit or sage

Gimme that o-pium

And lets go pyu-pyu

I made a whole song

Cos you don’t do shit

You got some good shit

Just put it to good use (please)

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98: Las Malvinas…

Eplyen falls to New Hollander assault

Their navy outpaces their army

A big, solid blow, may flip once or so

But the New Dutch just beat the Tehuelche, like Arnie

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99: High Noon

The Noongar assault, has had some effect

Not on Minj though, that ones too fat

Kombulno has taken some fire

As the Wahgi are forced to respond with hires

To their navy, and move on south

Away from where the Zheng wreak havoc and pout

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100: Kicking The Midget

Recruit Ishtar has found that

England wants to end a non-state

The Riograndese aren’t even on the map!

Cmon, leave them to their fate!

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101: Raffles Place

After the bummer in the metropole

Its time to head on south to Singapore

Maybe Lucky Chicken Rice

Can taste pretty nice

(compared to English cooking especially)

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102: Blitzkreig Bop

A shot of the Wahgi core

A lot of Palawa, and more

They are trying and splitting their hairs

Across many fronts, with Poutoru back in their lair

They’ve got the potential, they’ve got the conversion

Just need to stop losing wars, especially with their erosion

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103: Piwwelp

The Pueblo have seemed to have lost the war

Losing the enclaves, thankfully not much more

They must make sure they have whats in store

To move north and take some of the Yellowknives core

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104: Out On Fire

We end our episode on a firey sight

The Zheng have taken the Marinaras

The Wahgi are trying, their navy is there

But that won’t stop their towns from being alight

Fire in the hole, a blunder 2 kids getting sold

2 erstwhile monsters, getting in on the fold

And thats all I  have, so thank you

May your day be good, as JDT1706 says see you