Episode 25: Great People, Great Titles, Great Heartache – S4

September 25, 2024

Bulletproof Cookie


Strained and worn out are the ropes of yesteryear, that a force larger than they have ever tested may finally snap them apart.

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1: We’re Live, Pal!

An exciting new episode of the fourth season of the Civ Battle Royale is brought to you by a narrator who goes by the name of Bulletproof_Cookie (who may or may not actually be bulletproof or a baked snack). This week will be witness to the end of the nineteenth century as the weapons used to gain literal ground and resources will soon become even deadlier than before. We have over one hundred images to read through, so let us proceed.

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2: The Latest And Most Reliable Of World Maps

If you need a refresher on the current state of the cylinder, look no further than the weekly maps provided by cartographer Sonicfan0511. Those blobs of color will only grow bigger (or smaller, or scrubbed off the face of the earth) over time.

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3: Almost Halfway Through The Tech tree

The differences in the number of technologies is becoming noticeably clear as daylight the more advanced the game becomes. As we can see in the CBRX S4 Info Sheet, the Wahgi are currently technologically superior to all other players. They recently discovered Archeology and are now researching Biology.

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4: We Don’t Drink Tea, Only Ko-Fi

It takes a lot of time and effort to run these massive AI games as well as to capture screenshots, write narrations and host the albums. So shout out to all those who help to financially support the cause. Even a small contribution helps out.

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5: Free Falling

The Power Rankers continue to rank Goguryeo first, with the biggest drop in the rankings going to Mongolia who fell 11 spots. We shall find out how much farther the Mongols will fall soon enough.

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6: Ojjo Oh No

And we immediately commence this week's episode in the south american continent, as Moreno Warlord is excited to take advantage of the ongoing war between Tiwanaku and New Holland by launching an offensive in the north of Tiwanaku territory, with soldiers traversing through the frontline mines to begin an attack on the city of Ojjo, with Lukurmata another likely target for Ecuadorian expansion. With his troops largely eastward, lawspeaker Huyustus will have to find a suitable solution to fighting these two fronts.

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7: Who On Earth Plants a Citadel On A Wheat Resource?

An important episode for Sorghaghtani as we could see the collapse of the Mongolian empire, and given the precarious positions that Old Sarai and Xiaotun are facing, the capital of Karakorum is at risk of being bombarded, if not outright conquered. A Selkup horse brigade also threatens Mongolia up northwest. And of course, things could get even worse should the Dzungars or Goguryeo get involved.

It's also an important episode for Daji as she hopes after the humbling she received not too long ago that expanding into Mongolia could start a new age of prosperity for her dynasty. You even call it... a renaissance? (Get it? Because there's an era in Civ 5 called the renaissance?)

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08: Liberation Can Wait, I Guess

After carefully considering his options in regards to the invasion of the Ecuadorian army, Huyustus comes to terms with the loss of Pajchiri and makes peace with Johan Maurits. This diplomatic move will free up those units in the east to regroup in the current war in the northwest.

Oh, and the Babylonian sub is in a Golden Age after enjoying countless slaughters and snuffing of cultures right and center.

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09: Singapore Singalore

As the coasts of Tamontaka continue to be disturbed by the embarked Singaporean fleet led by Keumalahayati, the arts are of great interest in the heart of Lee Kuan Yew's archipelago, with Abraham Niclas Edelcrantz's poetry being of particular significance within Singapore's eponymous capital.

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10: It’s Ota

We shift our attention to East Asia where Koxinga calls an end to the war against Kennyo, and (I assume) takes Oyama Gobo in the treaty. Ikko Ikki definitely will struggle to keep the somewhat isolated Nagashima in a future war with either Zheng or Goguryeo.

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11: Pogera Poggers

For those with the sub worried about the state of Chaunghua, do not worry. It remains a proud Zheng island resort! Hurrah!

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12: I Misspelled Hsia as Hisa And Only Realized I Got The Spelling Wrong As I Was Reviewing Everything

As the Visgoths peace out with two civs in irrelevant wars, Mongolia's war with the Selkups continues to feel as relevant as they could. Having already lost Hovd and Almarikh, Hsia begins to lose health and the arctic settlement of Sanchu is also being advanced on. While this is all going on, a Mongolian swordsman decides to go skinny dipping in the lake.

A Dzungar chariot archer eavesdrops on the unit unnoticed...

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13: This Would Never Happen To New Sarai, Would It?

Further down south (not too down south, we're still focused on Mongolia), Xiaotun is reunited with the Shang Dynasty, and a pikeman claims the city of Old Sarai. These cities are prone to being flipped back, but Shang has enough muscle to force through and retain the two cities.

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14: Guys, I Think MacGregor’s Boned

We set eyes on North America for the first time this episode, where Florida is under attack from vessels of all sizes. The capital Fernandina is garrisoned by several composite bowmen that are under the tough task of striking down the wave of ships blockading its coast.

Gregor MacGregor will also be hoping that a strategically placed citadel on the coast will help wither the armada of ships that Agueybana has sent  in his bid to conquer the southeastern territory of America.

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15: “The North Will Soon Be Ours, May As Well Begin Planning On The South!”

Babylonian recruit Ishtar reports back from his intel mission from Dettah to bring news that Chancellor Akaticho has been busy with his closest advisors planning a possible war against Moreno Warlord. Why Akaitcho is making plans of military expansion in South America when much of North America remains to be conquered is a mystery.

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16: “Can I Be Sent To Haagen-Dazs Instead?”

After giving his report, Ishtar was sent to his next mission in Mount Hagen so he can update us on diplomatic matters within the Wahgi capital.

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17: Anti-Mongol Opera

The Italian composer Jacopo Peri arrives in Latacunga, where his opera performance on Mongolia is viewed by Moreno, who was so moved by the words used that it convinced him to support the Mongolian coalition.

Meanwhile, Ecuadorian knights fail to make any sufficient progress in Tiwanakan provinces.

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18: Again With The Citadel’ed Wheat

Dictator Sorghaghtani is unamused by this lack of support and Mongolia flips both Old Sarai and Xiaotun baby blue. Mongolian generals for whatever reason do not move south with reinforcements, and both cities are poised to flip back.

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19: How Many Knights Are In This Screenshot? (I’m Not Counting To Find The Answer)

The Khosuts and Vijayanagara are engaged in battle between Mohenjo-Daro and Chandragiri, where one of two adjacent citadels has been pillaged by an invading pikeman. A Khosut trebuchet is also bombarding Mehrgarh. Krishnadevaraya will be counting on his unique crossbowman replacement (the Kaijeeta) to make the difference in this conflict.

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20: I Misspelled Ismail as Osmail Apparently Before I Fixed It, Oops

Onto Africa to check up on Sierra Leone's invasion of the Alaouites and Thomas Peters is making much more of an effort than last episode to capture Marrakech. Trebuchets are also making their way to commence laying siege on Ismail ibn Sharif's other remaining city Meknes.

There is also a bit of a blockade happening as Faroe Galleons surround the Visigoth island of Reccopolis, with Trondor sending reinforcements to help wrest control of the battle.

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21: Go Back To Australia!

Yagan is given the bad news that Tamontaka has fallen to Singapore, though there are enough frigates and embarked units nearby to perhaps flip it back should Yagan act hastily. Singapore also appears to be a turn or two away from regaining control over Sentosa, too.

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22: Backward Babylonians Still Haven’t Research Masonry, Tch, Tch…

Singapore isn't the only civilization Noongar is currently locking horns with, as they and Palawa continue to battle for dominance over Australia. Cuirassiers march towards Nipaluna, the only remaining inland settlement.

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23: Seriously, Why Not Take The Coastal Cities, Bol’im?

The Tehuelche peace out with Wahgi to spare them from the horde of enemy frigates that would've killed any chance of taking back Cona Niyeu from Palawa.

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24: “What’s An Admiral?”

The Mexican-Puebloan war sees a number of Puebloan caravels blockading Valladolid. That Mexican admiral better sail along the coastline of Guadalajara to boost the Mexican navy's morale (same goes to that Puebloan admiral stationed next to Santa Fe)! Up north, units are attempting to maneuver themselves into a formation efficient enough to recapture the former puebloan city of Walatowa.

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25: I’ll Ask Shang About The Winter Pachyderms

Hey guys, wanna see some snow elephants? (Check left of the Zhengzhou city-center)

We cannot see the entirety of the city's health as part of it is off-screen, but it seems as if Sanchu's going through the bone zone right now.

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26: Maybe Latvia- I Mean Later!

Karlis Ulmanis sees no reason to carry on his current war with Ludwig II and chooses now to take a break from expanding into Bavaria by making peace. Beaune has fully recovered from the English offensive though a lone garrisoned trebuchet is the only thing offering any protection as of now.

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The Fernandina composite bowmen continue to fend off the terrors from the sea, though one of them has perhaps become a little too overzealous and is now within striking distance from an occupied and garrisoned Fort San Carlos being guarded by a pikeman.

That probably would also be a good place to plant a citadel to help defend St. Augustine from land bombardments.

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28: “On Second Thought, Maybe You Can Get Out Of Australia, Too”

Sentosa returns to Singapore's influence as there continues to be a battle for Tamontaka. Lee Kuan Yew is already thinking of further military expansion and has sent naval escorts on course to Jerramungup.

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29: It Was GG, Anyway

The Tehuelche are unable to take back Cona Niyeu as Tarenorerer gets to keep the city through peace.

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30: “Get Out Of That Lake!”

Sanchu has fallen and even if that Mongolian knight flips it back the Selkups would easily reconquer it. That swordsman from earlier has been ordered to get out of the lake and fight for his country, even if they face certain death should they dare trade blows with one of those Line Infantry.

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31: Lumbermills? I Sleep. Wheat Resources? PLANT THAT GENERAL DOWN!

Gregor opts not to plant his general onto that forest tile next to the coast, presumably valuing that Lumbermill’s preservation more than his two remaining cities..

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32: What’s The Visk(‘vo)?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert, a french merchant renowned for his political actions in the development and modernizing of the French state in the 17th Century, stands on the edge of the cliffs of Qikiqtaaluk and gazes out to the freezing seas in the direction of the blockade of Visk'vo. Thule musketmen embarked with naval escorts are holding out against the firing of Nivikh cannons as they await for the coastal city's defenses to be whittled down.

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33: Should Had Waited Until After Taking Mehrgarh, Khan

The conflict between the Khosuts and Vijayanagara comes to a halt with Praetor Krishnadevaraya evaluating the current war reports and concluding that peace talks must begin before Mehrgarh comes close to falling. Gushi Khan agrees to sue for peace so his men can regroup for the next military operation.

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34: … Why?

Henry's finest knights and advisors are called upon his throne room and he wishes to deliver an order for his next offensive.

“My men...” Henry V bellowed in the throne room, “... it's time to write a new chapter in the ever bitter saga between our glorious nation and the barbaric Burgundians! Let us go forth and take to them once more!”

His advisors were deeply concerned. “But what about the war against the Visigoths, my lord?” one of them asked. “The war continues. We still have much to gain from our fight against our Iberian neighbors.”

Another advisor spoke up. “B-but my king, there are not enough soldiers currently fortified near York and Autun, and the Burgundian army outnumbers those garrisons!”

The English king did not take kindly to his disagreeing advisor, and rised up from his throne. Henry walked up the advisor, unsheathed his sword and pointed it straight at the man's jugular. “Have you gotten who I am? I am Henry the fucking fifth! I take on any battle no matter the numbers game, and you shall all be wise to never oppose my will! Now, spread the word, and never speak at me again!” The agitated monarch gestured to his own throat with the index finger of his spare hand. “... Or else!”

Without another second's pause, the knights in attendance immediately departed to spread the news. And so it came to pass that England was at war with Burgundy again.

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35: A Threeway For Reccopolis?

Speaking of the Visigoth war, an English fleet of carracks led by an admiral sail through the shores of Emerita and Barcino with an eye on the proceedings in Reccopolis, where the Faroese galleons continue to strain the defense of the small island.

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36: Does This Count As A Holy War?

The ongoing war between Kazan and Ume Sami may not see any land disputes, but one of two Ume Sami prophets was captured by the Kazan military for their attempt to further poison the populace's minds with the teachings of Noaidevuohta. This is a Vajrayana empire (pay no heed to the majority religion of the capital or Tates).

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37: Will Those 7th Century Tactics Works In The 19th Century?

The Shang army flips back Xiaotun and Böri Shad is enlisted to take back Old Sarai. Shad, for the unenlightened, led the Turks against the Sasanian empire in the seventh century.

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38: “On Third Thought, Let Us Not Conquer Australia Yet, It Is A Silly Place.”

Ultimately, there is zero attempt by Singapore to gain a foothold on the mass of land that is Australia. Instead, the two sides call it a war. This greatly displeases the Baylonian sub.

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39: That New Unique Unit Smell

The Dzungars have amassed an ever growing platoon of Ulan Zalatas for their next military campaigns. This lancer replacement has extra movement when beginning its turn on a hill (or adjacent to a mountain) and can upgrade into the Dzungars unique Cavalry unit, the Zanbur Cavalry.

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40: But I Want BloodShed!

More white peace deals that deflate my lust for virtual bloodshed. This time it's Pueblo and Mexico. Boo!

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41: Tile Owned By Mongolia (Not For Much Longer)

Apparently Sanchu got flipped off-screen by Mongolia, but not to worry. It's back on Selkup hands now.

The Mongolian skinnydipping Swordsman hides in terror within a building in Turfan.

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42: Let’s Be Ernest Here, Florida Are Screwed

With the Tainoo armada continuing its struggles to capture Fernandina, Agueybana II has enlisted the help of fleet admiral Ernest J. King, who served under the United States Navy during World War II. I guess if you need to enlist someone to conquer the US, best to choose an historical figure from the US?

Oh, and this guy is from Ohio, by the way. I only mention that because Ernie probably heard what Doc Ido had said about his state during the Seminole death slide last season from beyond the grave and has taken exemption to the audio narrator's ad-libbed comments. Ohio about to get the W over Florida, perhaps?

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43: An Impending Bavarian Revolution?

Ludwig looks to establish new generals for future conflicts, and he enlists the help of Francisco “Pancho” Villa, an important figure in the Mexican Revolution.

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44: Island Of Fire

Reccopolis falls, but Trondur i Gotu calls for it to be razed. With there being too many Visigoth ships present to keep it and with England looking for a snipe, Trondor would prefer to burn the island down, if possible.

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45: It’s Definitely Radio, Isn’t It?

The modern era has arrived as Goguryeo reached the era upon (probably) discovering Radio. The modern era is home to the first available aircraft in the game, submarines and very powerful infantry that can stomp on anything pre-industrial. You do not want to mess with President Goguryeo.

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46: What Would A Modern Film Director Do If They Were Transported Back In Time By A Century?

As the war between Tiwanaku and Ecuador chuggers on, a Great Artist becomes the talk of the town in Pariti. How American actor and director Kevin Costner is going to make movies like Dance with Wolves when it is 1882 and the moving camera is still a new thing this narrator does not know. Maybe he will film this cylinder's “The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat Station”.

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47: Man Up Or Nannup

Noongar and Palawa are still going at it, but there's little to update you on. A Palawa ship did try to attack Pinjarra, though.

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48: … But He’s Dead

So Let us pan up slightly to check on Mount Hagen, as Ishtar has uncovered who Great King Bol'im is secretly plotting against. For whatever reason, he is still plotting against Kudarat despite the Maguindanao having no more cities or military around. Perhaps Bol'im is aware of a resistance movement within his empire?

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49: Is It Really A Sneak Attack Though If The Carpet Of Enemy Units Can See You Coming, Though?

Ishtar also reveals that a Wahgi army with naval escorts had set sail for a sneak attack, but we have already seen in earlier slides who they were going for so this isn't big news. Perhaps they are still interested in Cona Niyeu despite its Palawa occupation?

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50: Sim(ing)City

Well, that last espionage mission wasn’t quite the juicy intel we were looking for, so Ishtar has departed for Siming, the Zheng capital. Hopefully, we get something more to sink our teeth into.

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51: Sadly, The Government Overview Is The Most Rome Action We Get This Episode

The recent Government Overview reports reach the Babylonian submarine, starting with the Roman State leader's title being changed to Trajan, Grand Polemarch of Rome, Strategos of The Mamluks.

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52: I’m Not Calling Him That (Nevermind, I Do)

The Empire of Pontus formally recognises their Great King's title as Mithridates the Conqueror, Captain of the People, Commander-in-Chief, Great King of Pontus.

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53: Left Fellowship Or The Ring

The Siamese government has moved to being a Progressive empire. Their controlling part is known as the Left Fellowship.

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54: Hordes And Warlords

Many of the governments at this stage of time prefer to be ruled by Warlords, seeing themselves more as a horde. Ecuador in particular see themselves as a Nomadic Horde.

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55: There Is No Expand Ndongo This Episode

Huyustus is officially known within the Tiwanaku Republic as Huyustus, Captain of the People, by the Grace of God, Lawspeaker of Tiwanaku.

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56: A Dispute Over The Roman People

And perhaps most interestingly, the Nivikh Republic recognises their leader as Ume the Humane, Emperor of the Romans, Praetor of The Nivkh. I am certain the Roman State are displeased to hear another leader proclaim themselves ruler of the Romans.

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57: You Will Regret Not Defending Your Shores

Heading back to the action, the Ecuadorian-Tiwanaku conflict remains a stalemate amid both civilizations, but a third player has entered this war. Upon being alerted that the port of Ichabamba is without any naval defense, Great King Puni declares war against Huyustus and orders the General embarked next to Machaca to seize the coastal settlement.

Palawa is also the victim of a declaration of war from both Bora-Bora and New Holland.

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58: Yep, That’s Falling

And you can now see why Puni is going after Tarenorerer! Pachacamac is swarmed by Bora-Bora boats and it shall soon join the Bora-Bora core.

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59: The Golden Gate To Marrakech

As the Sierra-Leone army struggles to find a solution to overcome Marrakech's rocky climate, Idris Alawma I will be counting on Great Engineer Joseph Strauss to bolster the production of Kanem-Bornu's manufactured goods. Strauss is best known for designing the Golden Gate Bridge.

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60: Put The Fire Out

The Faroe leader has a change of heart and opts to halt the burning down of Reccopolis. I guess Trondor is feeling a little less cranky than before.

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61: Pile On

As a possible sign of friendship between Labotsibeni Mdluli and Abu Bakr ibn Umar, the Eswanti and Modigashu join the slowly enlarging coalition against Tiwanaku and Palawa.

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62: “Non Faroes” Said The Faroes

The indecisive action Trondor has taken on Reccopolis has angered a growing number of civilians to the point where some have taken muskets and are now rebelling in the tundra hills of Torshavn.

This narrator would also love to know why Sumba's colosseum is built underwater. Are the gladiator fights in there performed in wooden ships?

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63: A Chile Return

A new Mexican Great General has risen up the ranks in the name of Bernado O. Higgins, who played a role in the peace treaty between Mexico and Mongolia. What was involved in the peace treaty remains a mystery. Also, for those of you who don't know or remember, Higgins led Chile in the Mark II edition of the Civ Battle Royale that started almost a decade ago now as of typing this slide.

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64: Danger From The South

Indeed, Bora-Bora ships do sail east to harass the Ichabamba beaches, but the action doesn't stop there. Skirmishers, Line Infantry, Field Guns and even Riflemen invade Southern Tiwanaku. The former Rio Grande city of Alegrete sees the most danger of falling in this invasion. Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of Huyustus?

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65: Two 180s Make A 360

Trondor does a 180 once more and resumes razing Reccopolis, possibly as a response to the uprising?

Those Black Loyalists need to get on with it and take Marrakech already, before the Kanem-Boru army get any ideas seeing how barren Sierra--Leone's core is as of this moment.

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66: Kennyo’s Painting A Red Bullseye On His Empire

The first adopters of the Order ideology are Ikko Ikki, which I'm sure will not result in any ideological warfare between them and the autocratic Goguryeo whatsoever, nosireebob!

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67: The Three Caballer- Um, Generals

The resistance is fleeting within the city walls of Fernandina, and with now THREE Great Generals, Gregor does not try to help the situation by planting down more citadels along the coastline. We could a capital flip very soon.

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68: They Stay Quiet, Too!

The Afsharids have had a fairly quiet episode so far, so let's give a brief spotlight to one of their unique units, the Savaran e Saltanti. This Cuirassier replacement has a lower penalty when fighting cities and is stronger in combat when flanking. The Afsharids also have a Line Infantry replacement. Maybe someday that Musketman will grow up to be a Jazayerchi!

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69: An Obvious Outcome

In news that everyone but only the most loyal of Palawa citizens could see coming, the city of Pachacamac is assimilated into the Bora-Bora core.

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70: Technologically Inferior

Congratulations to Prince Elizabeth Bathory, who not only apparently refers to themself as a prince and not a princess (I'll leave this to your own interpretation, my fellow reader), but for leading the Royal Hungarian Principality to the Renaissance Era! Good job! Other civilizations are already three eras ahead, by the way.

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71: To Be Fair, The Colors On The Icons Are Different

The Selkups are not having an easy time conquering Hsia. Relying on lancers and Skewbald Riders doesn't seem to be the more efficient method of taking down a garrisoned city. They should take some inspiration for the Dzungars who have two cannons placed within bombardment distance of Turfan.

(NOTE: Past Bulletproof_Cookie has not yet realized that the Dzungars have just declared war against the Selkups. Future Bulletproof_Cookie blames the change in icon colors on letting this slip.)

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72: Have Fun!

Noongar forces have amassed next to Nipaluna, though with a city defense of 58, I suspect Yagan is going to need a strong mid game siege unit to blow it to bits. That trebuchet in the lake is not it.

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73: Bruh.

The Visigoths are able to recapture Reccopolis though still face opposition from both the Faroes and England. Marrakech is still standing. Can we chalk this one up as a failure by Thomas Peters? Even if he still captures the city, he's wasted too much resources due to his tactical incompetence on this one. He can’t blame it all on the mountains, Waterloo is a good base for an assault from the north.

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74: If You Listen Closely, You Might even Hear Dawkins Singing The Bossa Nova

The sounds of Bossa Nova ring from the streets of Viatape thanks to the emergence of Great Musician Antonio Carlos Bohim. He was a 20th century Brazilian composer who merged Samba and Cool Jazz together to create the Bossa Nova style to worldwide acclaim.

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75: Obnoxious England Chanting Intensifies





England, having let the Faroe Islands do all of the work, swoop in and occupy Reccopolis. Can they hold it with those naval backups on their way?

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76: Don’t Say Those Words!

Old Sarai flips again, and the Shang army marches towards Karakorum. Can Mongolia at least hold onto their capital? Can it get any worse for them?

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77: So Many Mines

The Tiwanaku land forces have been pushed back into their own territory by the Ecuadorian musketmen and knights. More Bora-Bora vessels arrive at Ichabama to see to its toppling.

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78: He’s Doing The Thing!

We have an update from our spy Ishtar in Siming, who has uncovered that King Koxinga is making plans against Abu Bakr ibn Umar and the Modigashu empire.

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79: Ishtar Has A Busy Travel Schedule

Ishtar's next espionage mission will see him infiltrate Al-Ahsa for more secrets. Speaking of which, the Qarmatians had just declared war on Nivkh, which probably won't be a relevant war, but we'll see.

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Palawa loses their South American holding as a Bora-Bora galleon establishes authority over the civilians of Cona Niyeu, or at least all the ones that haven't been killed as consequence from all the recent conquerings.

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81: The Lost Lands Of Chinatown

A Great General is stationed in Bugis, awaiting a potential order by Kuan Yew to plant a citadel to regain some of the territory that Zheng had just stolen.

I absolutely love that planted citadel on that one tile island close to Chinatown. I just wanted to point it out.

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82: English Arrogance Costing Them Again

Yikes! In true English fashion, Henry V is bottling the expansion gains he made in France by having too few units protect Autun. Now the rumped Burgundy have a solid chance of retaking what was once their city. Even a few Visigoth units are eyeing the undefended property to possibly snipe from behind.

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83: They Have Bigger Problems Than Hsia, Dude

Those within the Babylonian sub grow unstable on the Selkup's prolonged siege of Hsia and are praying whatever jazzy tunes Duke Ellington can come up with motivates Vonya's men to get over the hump.

(Past Bulletproof_Cookie STILL doesn’t know about the Selku-Dzungar war.)

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84: I Don’t Like Saying The Word, But Writing About This War Without Using The Word Boring Was Hard

The Noongar army hasn’t made any attempt to actively launch an offensive on the city of Nipaluna. Yagan may have alternatively chosen to ambush Pataway first. At least there are some ranged units to bombard but again, the high city defense will make that a difficult siege.

As this is going on (and on, and on), the arts flourish in Putelina. The French painter Eduoard Manet is known for his modern life paintings.

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85: About What I Expected From Them, Honestly

Many of us have been waiting for this moment almost all game once it was clear Florida wouldn't even be a contender to conquer their own continent, but here it is. The fall of Fernandina, the original of Florida. The city will probably flip a few times before Gregor loses it for good.

I said this once last season when the Seminole died, and I’ll mention it once more because it has become applicable once more, if not ringing even more true than last time…

“What did you expect from a civ whose starting location was Florida?”

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86: Fishing Boat Con Close To Riobamba

The Tiwanaku military has been stretched thin by three battlefronts, and Huyustus' predicament is worsening by the turn. With Lukurmata, Ichabama and Alegrete all being damaged by his foes, only shrewd diplomacy may rescue the Tiwanaku people from being conquered.

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87: Order Has Been Restored… And Installed

Upon executing the troublesome rebels, Trondor is approached by a high-ranking scientist who suggests they try out this new ideology that was recently adopted in East Asia, Order. Upon being briefed further information of this new ideology and its use policies, Trondor was impressed enough to install it across his many islands.

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88: This Will Not Last

As expected, Florida had enough strength within the vicinity of their fallen capital to reclaim it. But it can still easily flip back.

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89: NOW He Realizes!

Suddenly the Selkups are at WAR with the Dzungars! I'm not sure when that declaration happened because I didn't notice a DOW icon involving both*, but HERE WE GO! The city of Al'myak is surrounded by the Dzungar army, with further troops advancing towards Kargasok, Astana, and Almaty. With most of Vonya's soldiers still fighting Mongolia, the Selkups have a major problem!

(*Slide 71, past me. But seriously, why weren’t the civ icons also updated to reflect their new color schemes? Would’ve made things easier to spot.)

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90: The Death Toll In Reccopolis This Episode Was Massive

Leovigil has had enough of the Reccopolis hijinks and sends an armada of galleasses to retake the city and to fend off the invading enemy ships.

Also, I am ready to chalk up the siege of Marrakech as a massive failure on Thomas Peters' part. I expect the power rankers to punish Sierra-Leone severely for his impotence.

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91: Silver, Mine, Plains, Hill, River

Ichabama's defenses run ever thinner with the Bora-Bora blockading the city to stop an Ecuadorian boat from finding an opening to snipe the city. A group of Tiwanaku units to the south bring much needed support to a bombarded Alegrete, but that may not be close to enough to stop Puni's onslaught.

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92: The Winter Of Their Discontent

It is not just the mainland that is under attack, as the frosty arctic holdout Wariwillca faces Puni's wrath. Not even the nearby workforce is safe from harm.

The Bora-Bora also blockade Pilitika with only a couple of ships.

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93: Prophets For Profit

Shajar al-Durr has little to do other than wait for someone to come and end her rule over the Mamluks. As she lives in her palace in Damietta, a Kanembu Great Prophet by the name of Therese of Lisieux visits her residence. Only those closest to Shajar have any knowledge of how their conversation went.

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94: This War, Man

At last, the siege of Nipaluna begins, though only a single cannon and crossbowman are stationed to make any ranged offensive. Yagan seems content with slamming a bunch of Curissairs to their deaths as the main method of attacking the city.

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95: Thule-ish Fools

A coalition slowly mounts gainst Umu as the Nivkh military around Visk'vo fend off Thule attackers. Could Honsho-Ji become the target of a counter attack?

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96: The Path Of Romanticism

We take another break to get an overview of the current governments. The Conservative party under the name of Romanticist Path of Faroe Islands are the installed government of the empire of the Faroe Islands.

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97: Behold The King, The King Of Kings

Peter Thomas has given himself the title of the King of Kings. Who does he think he is? Triple H?

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98: They’re Yellowknives, But They’re Also Green

Finally, the Democratic Republic of The Yellowknives are led by the Green party Nature and Progress Path of The Yellowknives.

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99: Order? What Order?

“YOU TOLD ME THIS WOULD BRING ORDER TO MY EMPIRE!” An enraged Trondor violently throttled the scientist who suggested the new regime, his sudden anger due to the uprisings that were occurring now in Nordragota.

“THIS BROUGHT NOTHING! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!” The royal guardsmen immediately took the scientist to be executed.

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100: This Is Even Worse Than Just Not Getting The City

To complete Thomas Peters' failed campaign this episode, the city of Marrakech does indeed fall... To their neighbor Kanem-Bornu. This leaves Ismail ibn Sharif with only Meknes to his name.

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101: Dutch Autocrats

New Holland is the next civilization to adopt an ideology, and they have chosen Autocracy.

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102: Slave Labor

The Bora-Bora navy continues to lightly harass Palawa with ships being sighted southeast of Tataway. French privateer and slave trader Robert Surcouf offers his services to Puni's oceanic empire.

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103: Should Have Planted Those Generals Down

Taino ships reclaim Fernandina and although the city can be flipped by the dwindling number of composites and pikemen, it is very unlikely that MacGregor will be able to exit this war with it secured. And that is if MacGregor even survives this war as the focus shifts to St. Augustine. With the will of the people of Florida fading out, next episode could see the casket close shut for Florida.

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104: Ah, Yes, My Favorite Wonder… (I Hate It)

Great King Bol'im adds to his world wonder collection by completing the construction of the Louvre in Banz. They receive a Great Artist and four additional Great Works of Art slots. The wonder itself will have little benefit in this battle royale relative to other wonders.

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We end this week's episode with Ishtar returning from his mission in Al-Ahsa to reveal that... King Abu Tahir al-Jannabi is plotting against us!?

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106: We Might Need To Do The Thing Again

Is the cylinder aware of our existence within the arctic ice-encircled mountains? It took the Season 1 cast a lot longer to realize our presence in Antarctica. Should we be concerned about this revelation? Or of the Wahgi and Modigashu fleets in the near distance? Much like the fates of Florida, the Alaouites, Mongolia and Tiwanaku, Only time will tell.

Until then, this has been your narrator Bulletproof_Cookie, wishing you all a happy (Hold on, let me google September 25 holidays real quick...) National Women's Health And Fitness Day! So long, for now.